Dear lower rank players

Never, and I mean NEVER be afraid to speak your mind. Just because you’re in a lower bracket does not mean your opinion doesn’t matter. Your voice matters just as much as the guys a rank above you. Don’t let the elitists high ranked people pull you down. if you want changes you let the world know. DON’T BE AFRAID. SPEAK YOUR MIND.

Much love


at least someone is bold enough to speak out against the blatant hierarchy


we need to spread the word


Well, if you say so

inhales- [Deleted]


Speak your mind, just don’t tag your opinions as facts.


Yes, it is absolutely important that everyone is heard.

Just remember that every opinion is simply that. An opinion.


nerf roadhog!!!

something all lower rank players agree with :laughing:


I dont want to hate on lower rank players, they are the reason the game is still alive (My favorite game). But I do think its better to always keep in mind where opinions are coming from. A bronze player willl have entirely different problems than a silver and a silver may have different issues with the game than a gold.

But as the OP already pointed out. It’s always great to hear different perspectives of the game. Always make sure you are heard :smiley:


Good one dude

As a lowly gold I agree, but lots of other low ranks I see on the forums are just complaining about stuff that doesn’t need to be fixed, like zarya

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Buff Moir-
(If I complete the sentence I will get attacked by everyone)


I’m mid silver/low gold (i think? i haven’t been on comp in a while) and I don’t agree entirely. His hook is scary, but other than that, hog is fine


Depends on the context. Bad players should refrain from balance complaints and concentrate on getting better at the game. But any player can and should make suggestions on QoL changes, new features, new heroes, maps, modes, social tools, cosmetics, matchmaker, the UI etc.

Truth be told, lower rank players (silver to gold) are like 55-60% of the total playerbase and so they are the majority. Also, anyone can have a good suggestion about the game. Just because someone is lower rank does not mean that they have to shot down. Who knows, the person who is bronze now may be GM soon. Never count anyone out.


I am low and high rank at the same time. What do I do?

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Fix your positioning or get a Zen on your team and stop crying about roadhog

There are some truth in there too. Whether they like it or not.

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hello guys im a silver widow main

i believe that widwomaker should get 250 hp and 200 body shot damage because she is very bad on this rank

my brother is a bronze player and he wants a mccree aim assist on pc


Its about time many realised that rank doesn’t discredit someones argument. An argument should be addressed on its merit.

After all, if you’re definitely right it shouldn’t be difficult to explain and get others to understand.

Any time anyone resorts to what is essentially “I’m higher ranked shut up” it just screams that they aren’t actually that confident in the validity of their own argument.


Wait because I’m silver my opinion matters


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