I was going to write out this long response on how “we have to get with the times.” How when we were young, we responded to the older generation in pretty much the same way. How we glorified our era and belittled theirs. However, whenever my history students give me this response, I want to just fail them. So, instead I’ll thank you for the laugh
ahahaha hohohohi ohihihihihhi so funny, you made my day, such a clever retort. Wonderful°
Coming from the person that lambasts hog and Genji. Yet you have the audacity to act like you aren’t a low elo player. #banthismofo
If only people would listen, would the words I say become music. But instead, it turns out to be ghostly noise and whispers people hear instead. Trust me, I’ve made my attempts over and over again. The brave ones like moi, me, have spoken, but it’s left in the dust or just has people saying in the end of the chat “Oh, we should only listen to higher people instead of the Fools like you.” If only you guys actually SAW my gameplay, would you believe that I’m not the fool. I try to be a voice for all, lower ranks, higher ranks, etc. I speak for all people. To benefit every1. It’s just a huge disappointment that my words are believed to be irrelevant to some, when it’s not true.
Basically, it’s hard for people in the lower ranks to speak their mind because of what the other people do with the information that’s outputted. Yeah, some in the lower ranks sound like they deserve to be down there. But not every1 is like that. Some information should be heard, regardless of ranks. Ranks and Stats never tell you the truth of true Skill. I’m repeating my special line below.
If only people would Listen, Would the Words I say become Music. But instead, It turns out to be Ghostly Noise and Whispers people Hear instead.
Thanks for your time,
The D.va, Brigitte, Tracer, Orisa, Mercy and Widowmaker main at your service,
no, the game was never balanced to 90%, it was always for OWL.
all balances were made aiming at OWL, until the implementation of 2-2-2
double shield goats etc etc has always been aimed at OWL
which state of balance is perfect for you? It may not be the same for me
since this was said by a small part of the minority, that even among the “Gm’s” this is not a concession.
they just released a few videos saying that, it doesn’t mean it’s true.
this is a joke?
jeff said the game was made to be accessible and easy, there is no difficulty in OW
there are several games on the current market that are more difficult than OW
but okay, you can keep worshiping gods of lies
youre not an oppressed minority bro youre just bad at a video game
Balance isn’t a matter of opinion. Look at quake. That’s an example of a perfectly balanced shooter. Everybody has access to the same weapons and the same mobility. Chess is perfectly balanced. This level of balance is not possible with hero shooters but a logical indicator of good balance in a hero based game is when all heroes are viable. We have never been closer to that than the patch just before +25 health brig buff. Your opinion isn’t going to change that fact.
Loool if it’s so accessible and easy then why aren’t you gm? You’re probably struggling to get out of silver and calling the game ez lol
You’re all missing the point, and your hivemind only proves that point further by showering each other in “likes”.
The issue isn’t low-elo players having opinions.
It’s this.
^^^ And this goes both ways.
But the difference is that higher elo players are given priority for balance because we know more of what we’re doing than lower elo players.
And higher elo games are difficult. You couldn’t throw a Bronze into GM and expect them to know what they’re doing or have the mechanics needed for it.
That isn’t the Bronze’s fault.
But if Bronze #1
goes to panic about it publicly, they should be ridiculed for not thinking.
Whereas if Bronze #2
says “In MY elo X is a problem. I think it could be solved with Y.” They are thinking and it is not a problem.
If Bronze #3
says “Wow I’m nowhere near as high as Y player. But if I work on actively practicing and getting higher, maybe I’ll understand more”. Then that player differs from the other lower-elo players who complain mindlessly.
Bronzes 2 and 3 are not a problem.
Bronze 1 is.
But all are free to express their opinion and voice, we just can’t say that the posts of Bronze 2 and Bronze 3 are anything near what Bronze 1 is saying.
Bronze 1 SHOULD be corrected.
Dude you literally had a gm in creative discord moronically say a hero balanced for t500 alone is fine and every one should git gud like t500 by watching his 10 min guides, dumb morons are there in every rank, when you are dumb and bronze you are ridiculed rightfully, but when you are dumb and t500 you are not ridiculed but listened to like the raging man baby streamers.
Despite much saner heads like chro calling out how dumb it is.
Being dumb and ridiculous is not rank dependent.
Bronze 1 is corrected more than enough, but who will correct T500 1.
yes it is, we are not in a good state of balance, there are heroes that are not touched and you know that, so it does not bother the upper class
it was jeff himself who said so …
Even the hitboxes of the shots are improved to hit more easily, hanzo for example.
I’m a casual in OW, if I were to invest time in an e-sport it wouldn’t be ow.
cite a difficult mechanic in this game?
have you ever played a mmorpg?
any moba?
there are several difficult games OW is not one of them
Since when have low rank players been afraid to speak their mind
Because of people like you shaming them
yes just what matters and that 1 or 2 streamers that agree with each other, if the community agrees on something, we are hive.
Balance isn’t a matter of opinion.
You need to make up your mind.
Is balance not an opinion, then quoting Seagull and other dps streamers is not relevant.
If statistics on GM is important, then that means Brig was average with a buff.
Same goes for almost everyone, irrespective of rank, i daresay. =)
+1 because it is a fact that the majority of players who are of a certain rank know more of what they are doing and what needs to be done, to varying degrees.
To my fellow Bronzers and other ranks who consist of the majority of the playerbase, Coming as a Bronzer, i agree totally with Isenfer.
I think that in order for players to better understand the game, they should play a lot of QPC (I have been playing close to 100 hours on it because wait time is almost non-existent at any time of the day and to get my 9 wins for loot boxes) because of the extremely loose MMR there. I have played with and against players who are as high as Diamond on a frequent basis and occasionally a Master/GM or two.
Almost everyone i play with and against on QPC are Silver to Platinum Borders which means that they had been playing the game for a very long time and are experienced players.
So if one thinks that a certain character is OP or whatever, it is good to play that character in QPC and see how it goes. Characters which are problematic or considered as OP are easily taken down or confirmed to be such in this game mode because of the flexible MMR.
In addition, guys, this low ranks vs high ranks thing has to stop.
2 years back, i asked the same question
… and honestly, the feedback has remained the same - Speak your mind but always remember to keep things in perspective.
you speak as if gm / top 500 is the same level as OWL.
if gm players knew as much about the game as they think they do, we wouldn’t have coaches on OWL teams, that is, not even OWL players know so much about the game.
Inflated ego only
Good I’m glad we agree.
Because I literally said that exact thing.
Like… I literally said it and you just, skipped right over it to push an agenda.
yes just what matters and that 1 or 2 streamers that agree with each other, if the community agrees on something, we are hive.
If the community feels under attack for being low-elo, yes that is a hivemind mindset. Because its a large group of “You and I are similar so anything against you is also against me” when I disproved that with the Bronze #1, #2, and #3 example.
Interesting that you included “It’s this” and then nothing after it.
So if one thinks that a certain character is OP or whatever, it is good to play that character in QPC and see how it goes. Characters which are problematic or considered as OP are easily taken down or confirmed to be such in this game mode because of the flexible MMR.
What can be seen as OP or overtuned or undertuned is heavily dependent on player perspective and it varies per person. That’s why we can’t attack each other going “Low elos know nothing high elo best” and “High elo is wrong and biased and only streamers, low elo knows best because there’s more of us”.
We have to think logically.
lol just wait for the “Abusive chat” penalty…
Finally some positivity around here for once. I am beginning to understand why lead devs don’t post as much here. I wish they would though.
If the community feels under attack for being low-elo,
it is not an attack and it is notorious that this type of argument is recurring, this is boring, if my profile is private how can you know if I am a GM or TOP 500?
and if i am a streamer, would that change anything?
I’ve seen topics here, “the forum should be limited to high-elo players”
yesterday there was even something along these lines here.
I myself have disagreed with the creator of this topic several times, definitely the forum is not a beehive.