Now that you mention it, that must be it. I never found him tooo obnoxious before the shield change. It really upped his “I’ll do something ridiculous and escape without repercussions-ness”
A booping CC-monster who knocks you around like dominoes whose only counter is CC. Fabulous.
Hammond has more counters than Mei or Sombra. Brigette is decent against him, along with Orisa. If he tries to run away with half health, just halt him back to his original spot.
When hes spinning around a column and you boop him he gets the same momentum going the other way which is lame. Also hes practically unboopable on maps with pits due to his infinite hook. Lets just face it someone put a hamster in charge at blizzard for the last year and a half.
Sym is one of the biggest counters to ball. all ur turrets slow his momentum immediatly. Not 3 turrets not 2. 1 is enough to disable WBs fireball mode. Sym charges level 2-3 beam so fast so when WB decideds to go for the support on ur back u could leave 1 turret next to ur support and then beam him to death.
Sym / Mei and Sombra are the 3 worst DPS heros that counter WB immensly.
I’m always confused by these threads. Like, he’s annoying, alright cool. What next? Gonna start a petition to get Jeff to rework him? Doubt they’ll listen to some random person on the forums.
The number of people who pop in here with their smart@$$ comments about “hurr durr sorry you can’t one trick sym” is a nice indication of how bad the community can be.
A) I’m not a onetrick and I understand basic concepts of the game far better than the detractors (based on ya’lls profiles)
B) My qualm is with having to use a very specific small subset of CC characters to counter a CC character, not “reeeee my Sym gets countered reee”
… I’m probably expecting too much reading comprehension though. Plebs are probably foaming at the mouth checking my profile, seeing my most played is Symmetra, and getting visceral pleasure from insulting a “sYm oNe tRiCk”
Says the plat hammond onetrick on his main account. I assure you I’m probably a lot better on the majority of the roster than you by a mile. Stay cute though.
There’s not even a point to this thread. So WB is annoying. Now what? Gonna hope that Kaplan magically reworks him or are you just looking for validation?