Dear Fake Mercy Mains

Please learn how to properly play Mercy. Your sole purpose isn’t to just hold m1, guardian angel when afraid, or revive when everybody else is dead. Don’t be a lazy comp and actually try to get involved with your team. Be the second pair of eyes that tracks cooldowns and ult charge, not someone who expects everyone else to do your work for them if you simply click on them.
sorry i needed to vent because i just got into a game with 4 mercy one tricks (once one took mercy they all started to fight in tc). you can probably tell what happened there.


This would have been an easy like, but you are acting way to pretentious


why don’t you pick mercy and show them how to play her


because they instalocked it :confused:


I’m sorry, I’m just a bit tilted over losing a chunk of elo.

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Seems to be an unnecessarily rude way to get a point across.


stick a post-it note in your monitor with an arrow pointing up to mercy’s placeholder so you can put your mouse cursor when match is loading and instalock her :woman_shrugging:

And you dont have to insult a bunch of people because of it, I can understand being tilted but if you want to give advice present it in a positive manner, like you actually want someone to improve, insulting people for half of it doesn’t help either of you, it just makes them less likely to take the advice


i’m just irked that people see mercy as an easy way to climb when she clearly takes more effort.

If you don’t know how to superjump on command then don’t even talk to me, we can’t be Mercy friends


ctrl space shift 4characters

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This is not how to give proper advice. If anything you’ll end up annoying others and they’ll turn tone deaf.

Remember, just because someone isn’t using a hero the way you want them to doesn’t make them lazy fake mains.


A new faction arises

Now we have

Mercy cult vs Mercy haters vs Fake mercies


Damn. 4 though? Tell us how it all went down, in detail.

i play brig/moira/ana and we happened to have a rein so i was like ok ill go ana. And then, i join vc and I come to hear 4 mercy mains (checked their profiles) bickering over someone who instalocked mercy. so then one gets on torb (attack rialto btw) one gets on Mei (not a bad pick but there are better). The other dude joins and he just picks zarya to pair with rein, and the final mercy main decides to go widow. We couldn’t even make it past first point because they were bickering about how many hours they had. They also complained about their lack of hours on the heroes that they were “forced” to play. yeah. big fat loss.

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What does any of that have to do with playing Mercy properly? That just sounds like being angry at the people themselves.

I think it would be kinda magical to see that… Someone instalocking a main healer and proceeding to fight over it.

Silver lining: I’d take that loss just to be stunned that it happened.

someone asked for the story, and i told them.

Again the story has nothing to do with playing Mercy improperly.
Give us the deets on the people playing her wrong. I need that gossip :joy::joy:

So you got the unlucky lottery of getting a bunch of healer mains

But just because they were Mercy mains and forced to pick other roles, suddenly they’re fake Mercy mains?
