Dear Fake Mercy Mains

It’s just annoying that people think that by playing mercy they have a ticket to pro league. So that ends up with matches being filled with people who one trick this character who comes off as an easy person to play.

I fail to see how any of this leads to not knowing how to play the character and being a fake Mercy main


Thats assuming thats their reason though? For the longest time I only felt comfortable playing Tracer and Dva. If someone instalocked Tracer and I had to play someone else, and I complained the whole time would that make me a fake Tracer main?
Mercy is a popular hero because she loved. These players playing her doesn’t mean theyre doing it just to have an easy time you know?
I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just trying to show options you know?


I guess so, but I feel like as I read the forums that is a bit of the mentality that I watch.

Ah well your talking to a Mercy Main right now and can say I do not appreciate being called a fake Mercy Main yes I may do stupid stuff from time to time but I know how to play Mercy well enough! To heal a team and to provide what is needed! But ah well it’s just my opinion or is it? :thinking:

There was Moira/Ana/Brig (you), Rein, Torb, Mei, Zarya, and Widow. That adds to 6. Now who was Mercy? Someone must have switched off at some point.

If you play mercy because you want to help your team, and not because you want an easy ticket to masters, that’s a valid reason to play mercy, but I’ve seen more and more people treat her like an easy way to beeline to a higher rank.

Even if I play her in comp i can’t climb and I’ve been a Mercy Main since I 1st started playing the game back in August of 2017 so I think I’m fine we’re not all fake! If that’s what you call easy climb Mercys :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah the last one switched off for some odd reason, but at that point it was futile to even try.

That sucks, but you can’t win all of your games. Let’s hope that you don’t face that similar type of experience in your following games.

pretty sure only real mercy mains do that

Other players are used to be reactionary and actually do more on mercy, that’s why only mercymains complain how bad she is, when she’s not.

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retweet if you’re a fake mercy main :ok_hand: :joy:

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Toxic Genjo main its not all about you get over yourself!

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You press crouch and GA at the same time, then space when you het near the target


What is a fake Mercy main?

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the game had already started.

Gatekeeping makes you look pretentious, just saying.

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Imagine fighting over mercy :joy:


I did it once. Though we don’t exactly fight, we’re being pretty civil about it (I gave her up since I can play as another support or dps).

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But isn’t that how people treat Mercy Players? That they only have to hold M1, GA when in danger and Rez only when the fight is over (Formerly, “Hide when you have your Ult (Mass Rez times)” )