I don’t disagree. I admit for a while now the higher up players have had most of the decision infulence. But then they make something low skill op like launch brig and you have seen what happens.
Tbh i think overwatch would literally do better if they copied paladins, i haven’t heard as many balancing complaints over there. We all know these comapanies copy each other, we won’t judge. Mostly
And how did Reaper get within 4m radius of you with his loud footsteps? Why were you isolated from your team? Why did you not ping him? Etc…
And let’s see:
Baptiste: immortality field, jump away, deal hitscan damage from range
Kiriko: suzu, hit kunai headshots or teleport away
Mercy: fly away
Lucio: boop and speed away
Ana: Stalll with sleep dart and force retreat with anti-heal
Moira: fade away
Zen: is a glass cannon and will likely die. Can still discord and deal high damage.
That’s a problem how? Haven’t people been complaining enough they are living rent free this meta? and if they become too weak they can get adjustments and then those mains can stop complaining about being gutted which is unlikely because everyone loved Tracer and Reaper in OW1.
Tanks were fine in ow1 people has to stop yelling this. I found matches as a tank in 2 minutes, the shortest queue has always been supp and they had It easier anyway
I’ll be real with you owldude, my support and my girlfriends support were higher than both our dps ranks. She got like 3920 max sr as mercy but she is about diamond dps, where as im like worse healer than tank or dps but was able to win masters games with him.
Once you don’t need to secure picks i find it easier to play, i rely on my team more but thats the game anyway.
And fyi a good gm tracer isnt going to let you be 20m away if they are good. She isn’t doing her job.
Highly unlikely. They hated Mei slow so much it got completely removed. and that was “soft CC” with it that went to hard CC. You can’t remove all CC from the game because just that right amount corrects out the design errors to make the game fun.
However, CC was also the reason we lost both it and the two tanks.
Not to mention
Nullfying a single tank with CC would be MORE oppressive than when two tanks existed since CC was mostly for keeping them in line.
It’s tricky…
I just want a loud, obnoxious, impossible-to-miss alert that flashes on DPS’ screen when their supports are being attacked. Literally zero buffs, just make the team aware they need to peel, and supports would be 10X better to play.