Dear DPS mains, give me your best shot

Bigger damage, less heals. Healing should be a secondary thing, meaning its something you should be doing but not all the time. Overwatch is an fps at the end of the day, who actually enjoys shooting their allies? Its not natural and its boring. Support is fun when you can yes heal your team but also get your own kills and use supportive abilities to make good plays. This is why heroes like zen, moira, lucio, bap, kiriko and now ana with her recent damage buff is now really fun to play. I feel supports shouldn’t be heal bots ( sorry mercy mains) and I think people should stop relying so much on healers. this way supports have breathing room and have the skill to outplay their flankers. I don’t think its fair for example when a tracer can just walk up to any support and just one clip them. Its not fair when a reaper can walk up to any support and get a free kill without giving them anything to defend themselves with. Anyone that truly plays support knows exactly how powerless they feel when facing a widow maker that never misses shots.

I want to also mention supports for the most part are in a really good spot, they all deal a decent amount of damage and have some really good healing however the healing can sometimes be a little too much. I would balance the game around low heals like zen or baptiste or even moira where they can get team wipes all on their own if they play the heroes correctly. For the most part, the game is currently centered around one shots and blizzard needs to do something about it, sojourn and widow are the perfect example of what needs to be nerfed. Hitscan one shots are just BS

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Moira is the go-to pick because lower ranked Supports are not skilled enough to play heroes like Kiriko, Baptiste and Ana under any kind of pressure from the enemy team. The moment they’re forced to do anything other than pump heals into their teammates from a safe distance they crumble.

Mercy is in the conversation, but Zenyatta was one of the best heroes in the game prior to Kiriko being added to ranked.

It’s not a troll, it’s just something you don’t want to hear but need to be told.

If you could not fight a Genji as any Support other than Moira, that is your own fault.

The best Genji players in the world weren’t forcing good support players onto Moira, so it’s very clearly your own lack of skill that made you feel the need to pick Moira to deal with it.

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So I started the thread…

It won’t work, Genji’s double jump is why he can survive out in the open when most heros die from bad placements.

I mean, what can you say… at least they were being honest.

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This. I just mute people who spam “I need healing!” as soon as they take 1 damage. You’re not doing to die being grazed across map by a 76 bullet doing like 5 damage.

Honestly, Widow and Reaper I don’t have much of an issue with as a support, I have an issue with Tracer more than anyone at the moment. 4 escape options on low cds, one healing her, and the ability to melt from a decent distance.

But you said Moira isn’t good enough to be a go-to pick. Pick a lane.




“BUT BUT T500! T500! THE BEST! GMS! insert fanboy noise here that has no bearing on the current conversation

I love when trolls get called out for being trolls, only to be like “BUT IT’S TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTH” when they get sat down for it.


Real ****, I wish this game could be balanced differently for Unranked-Plat and Diamond-T500.

There’s a saying in high rank that goes something like this, “If you could not punish someone for a ‘bad play’, was it really a bad play?”

I think it applies even more so at low ranks where people refer to every movement ability as a “get out of jail free card” and act as if any aggressive angle or flank is ‘overextending’ or ‘bad positioning’

She isn’t. She is only the go-to pick for people not good enough to play any of heroes better than her.

Only if you aren’t capable of playing Kiriko, Baptiste or Ana should Moira even be a consideration, but even, in my opinion you’re wasting time by picking Moira as the suboptimal shortcut instead of improving at Kiriko or Baptiste.

How is it fanboying? I’m giving you the perspective from the rank I play the game at.

People also need to remember health packs exist for a reason. Muting yourself from the chat will get you far, I went from plat to masters yesterday. Obviously making good plays as zen and bap but mostly keeping myself level headed by muting everyone helps more than people realize. A ton of people feel communication is what wins games and they aren’t wrong but that only applies to actual team stacks. You cant expect a bunch of strangers to suddenly play like pros every single game, thats literally impossible. Using the ping system and staying alive is what truly wins games.

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Are you really going to try to die on the “ok, so they can’t hit him, and it lets him do this, but it isn’t strong in low ranks” hill?

Literally I pointed out WHY he is so strong in low ranks.

I just make a thread so people would show you their feelings on it.

They DIRECTLY showed that double jump is why he is strong in low ranks, and how it works.

This is why he can’t be buffed for high ranked play. Because he is really strong in low ranks.

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Lol, you’re delusional and just wanting to throw shade at anyone who understands countering. If I go Moira, it’s not because I can’t play who I want into Genji/Sombra/Tracer, it’s because it’s EASIER to play it into them and survive to do my role better.

Why should I have to sweat and play harder to get value out of my hero, when the person against me has such an over tuned kit that they don’t have to try as hard? I’m going to level the playing field there, sorry, get over it.

Come off like Moira gives you PTSD or something lol

I main Kiriko and Ana and I’m Master 4. So… Yikes to you.

Which is obviously Silver.

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100% this. If they don’t want to repeat what happened with Brig, then they need to buff Supports so they last longer vs flankers.


Picking Moira over Kiriko in a real lobby is basically asking to lose, it doesn’t matter if the enemy team was running the ‘overtuned’ Sombra+Genji, if you swap to a suboptimal hero because you are not capable of picking the correct one, you are not some genius that has solved the game and understands the hero matchups, you are just bad.

This type of swap doesn’t give you a more favorable matchup, it handicaps your entire team by forgoing the best Support in the entire game because you are not good enough to play it under pressure.

Go on.

Then why are your takes so bad that you come off with zero knowledge of the game and seem boosted? Explain that. I can’t take you serious when you have NO idea how the BASE game is working at the RANK you are at.

It SCREAMS boosted, sorry, and if you don’t like that, and how everyone can see that it screams it, that’s on you, and you should work on your people skills.

Tell that to me playing Moira all the way into Master, still playing her to handle Tracer and Genji and still maintaining a 57% win rate on her? (Which is higher than my Kiriko at 54% and Ana at 52%). I’m sorry that you don’t feel someone “beneath” you can do better than you with a hero in close ranks to yours, but it’s reality.

Let go of that non-sense ego and maybe you can actually be taken serious.

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Increasing TTK is a good approach but also risky. There’s many ways to mitigate damage and if tweaked a bit then you get stalemates of nothing dying.

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Yep, which is why I am also “lower healing” at the same time. So you can’t get that stalemate.

Can’t lower healing without lowering damage, they go hand in hand.

Tbh all damage and healing numbers need average values where supports can mitigate damage, but not flat outheal it, and same with DPS that can’t just flat out out DPS every bit of healing. It’s hard to actually balance without number crunching across the board.

Yep, it is why I am saying at the same time.

You don’t have to kill everyone, just push them away so they can’t make progress or scare them off. I would rather have the enemy support run away knowing they could survive by turning back and deciding not to fight rather than fighting for their life putting me at risk and staying cause they are now a rat stuck in a corner and will bite the air near me.

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How are you going to say this when you’ve just said you’re M4?

I’m also assuming you’ve recently had a spike in SR due to OW2 inflating alot of players, but even giving you the benefit of the doubt, you still don’t play the game at a high level.

Anyone can play any hero to any rank, it doesn’t mean it’s a good pick or doesn’t put your team at a disadvantage.

There was a Bastion player in DPS Top 10 and a Reinhardt player in Tank Top 10 just yesterday, that doesn’t make those heroes good picks.

This is especially true for Support, because eventually knowing how to play Kiriko against a Tracer is going to be far more important and valuable than the benefits you get by picking Moira against her.

I think every Tracer player would be beyond happy to force the enemy Kiriko onto Moira by pestering her enough, that is one of the best outcomes you could ask for, it handicaps the entire team for the rest of the game.

Sorry I don’t get boosted, because I solo queue. Nice try.

And you couldn’t either. -300 SR by the end of the season, I guess somewhere down the line you couldn’t hang onto T500, and now are screaming about being GM. Congrats, you have an ego, we already knew it.

Back track!

Yet there are people who CAN make them work there, must not be you though :frowning:

You mean lead and double tap? Not hard, I just am not going to sit there and have to try 2-3x harder than the person I’m playing against, because their kit is over loaded. I will choose the easier route and still help my team enough to win. Sorry you don’t like that, and think only meta exists, but that’s how you just kill your own arguments. Move on, you’re only making yourself look extremely silly.

Metaslaves at it’s finest. Lmao.

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Soloqueueing doesn’t change the fact that a massive amount of players are reaching ranks they never even came close to in OW1, without the improvement to match.

I picked one of dozens of seasons I could have shown as an example because it happens to be the only OW1 season still viewable on this account.

Crazy thought, something you clearly haven’t considered, but the game isn’t played in a 1v1 vacuum.

When a hero is as impactful as Kiriko, the enemy team not having it is a massive disadvantage.

It’s more detrimental to not have a Kiriko than not having a Sojourn, and I shouldn’t need to tell you just how broken Sojourn was and is.

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