Dear DPS mains, give me your best shot

Yeah, he is still only vastly the highest picked DPS in low and mid ranks.

Remember, Blizzard is going to be targeting this area.

Because people can’t hit him. Thus Torb and his turrets, and Sym…

Which is due to popularity.

Just look at Ana, Reinhardt, Zarya & Mercy being the most popular heroes for the majority of ranks in OW1, regardless of their effectiveness.

Like hell it is.

It is funny how heroes which don’t have effective counters being run in most games are popular?

He is highly picked in low ranks because they can’t hit as easily, and he can hit them easily.

Thus Sym having her turrets buffed… do you think that was for high ranked play?
Do you think Mercy bullets were for high ranked play?

It is because Blizzard has a problem in low ranks with flankers being uncontested.

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Genji has always been popular, even during GOATS meta with the most broken iteration of Brigitte running around, he was the most played DPS in Gold.

Pharah is another example of a hero that bad players have always struggled with but has very rarely been a balance issue.

And MORE so in OW2. Because lack of second tank and CC meant bad flanks were not punished.

It has been a HUGE buff to him, in the low and mid ranks.

They nerfed him to stop him breaking the game down there, because he was. He is still VERY strong there.

Which is why he is still very highly picked.

It is why he didn’t get buffed in the last set of patches, because Blizzard can not afford to do so.

Again look at the balance changes.

bullets for Mercy, Sym turrets stronger, this is trying to make him more manageable down there, because they don’t want to nerf him further, but will have to if they can’t find another way to slow him down.

If you have a choice between a hero being balanced for high ranks, and breaking low ranked play, they will nerf out the hero now.

I am honestly expecting him to be nerfed more, down to Sombra levels.

High ranked play isn’t the same as low ranked play, the problem heroes are different.

OG Brig wasn’t a problem for low ranked play. She wasn’t heavily played there, because the heroes she was designed to counter were not being played there in the same way. She was a hell of a problem for higher ranks though.

So, “Genji isn’t a problem for high ranks” isn’t an argument which will get traction. He is likely the biggest problem low / mid ranked supports face.

And it means that Torb, etc, going to be untouched. Or maybe made stronger (at least for the turret)

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This statement is an oxymoron to me, because where I play, Sombra is a far more viable hero than Genji because she actually has a defined niche which she can excel in. There’s actual reason to pick Sombra in select situations, where the only reason to ever pick Genji is really wanting the play the hero as opposed to him actually being the best choice.

Personally, I would like to put a 0.75 second cooldown on double jump and then buff Genji for high ranked play.

But the Genji mains would rather have their hero be garbage than stop him being a low ranks stomping hero. They want to be able to spam double jump, and willing to burn the rest of his kit to keep it, BECAUSE it is so strong in low ranks, and so many of them are there.

So he will remain bad in high ranked play, because they literally can’t afford him to be stronger than he is in low / mid ranks.

I have YET to see one person agree with another one 100%.

Good thread…


Because people are different ranks and the game plays differently.


Putting a cooldown on double jump would genuinely make him more problematic for players with bad aim.

If Genji players are forced onto the ground where they can AD spam with Overwatch’s instant movement acceleration, they’ll naturally become even harder targets to hit.

Him spamming double jump should be a blessing for players who struggle to aim because it’s the most predictable movement pattern in the entire game.

Doesn’t work that way. Low ranks can’t hit him BECAUSE he has double jump.

Only in higher ranks.

Same thing with Pharah, they have trouble hitting her, even though she doesn’t move THAT much, but it is in 2d rather than 1d space.

But watch how much the Genji players fight against the double jump nerfs, and which ranks they are. It is VERY telling.

Not being able to spam double jump wouldn’t effect high ranked Genji play, because as you say, it makes him easier to hit there.

Low ranked Genjis will scream and scream and scream if you even try to suggest it.

You should give it a go sometime. You will learn REAL fast what parts of their kit they actually care about.

They will suggest blade and deflect nerfs, changes to how stars fan, etc. Anything to stop this change.

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I disagree…

gotta… gotta keep the theme going…

But yes everyone will say what their solution is but it wont match another’s own personal experience.

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Some supports just do way too much dmg and can actually kill you i.e Moira, Ana etc.

I would like it to be more traditional.

If this is the case why is something like Mercy’s superjump defended religiously on these forums when that’s a form of vertical movement that is far less predictable and genuinely difficult to hit in some situations?

Hitting a double jumping Genji or a hovering Pharah is trivial, why has superjump sometimes been portrayed as the near certain death hitscan magnet by Mercy players?

That’s not the case even in games with the best aimers in Overwatch.

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Because what else has she got? she isn’t going to be killing you while she does it.

Because some of them are higher ranks. Most low ranked Mercy players can’t super jump (even now…)

And it IS a strong ability, you won’t see me trying to die on the hill that it isn’t.

But again.

Open up a new thread, and try to make the suggestion about cooldown on double jump. You will get to see just how much they will fight, and you know it isn’t good at high ranks.

It is low ranked Genji players fighting with everything they have to keep their crutch, because they KNOW it is their crutch.

With that simple change you could buff him for high ranked play, because you will have solved the low ranked issue with him.

But they DO NOT WANT this.

I’ve just opened a thread. You can watch it if you like.

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I like this tbh.

My take to increase TTK is to give each support 225 HP and it will make DPS flanking less likely to kill fast and give the other team more time to retreat and help them. Also it makes it so you got time to survive, get another CD to survive/attack more and if DPS do get you then it’s a worthy kill that required a bit of effort to pull off.


As a DPS main, can you please make Zen float over grounded items. Please and thank you, role saved.


You don’t know anything about supports. We are already impactful yes, but we don’t want to have to play SPECIFIC heroes because someone was picking over tuned heroes before nerfs.

I’m sure it was fun for Genji and Sombra mains to have fun back then, but it was not fun to be FORCED onto Moira to deal with how over tuned they were.

We want our role to be fun, not just impactful, but fun. DPS want their role to be fun, same with tanks, so why can’t supports want it to be fun too?

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The only thing forcing Supports to pick certain heroes right now is Kiriko being so overtuned that you cannot justify picking anything over her in 90% of situations.

I don’t see how you think you needed to play Moira against Genji/Sombra before they were nerfed when Moira was the single worst Support in the game on that patch.

If you felt like you had to pick Moira, that’s not because of Genji or Sombra, that’s because of your own lack of skill.

Wrong. In lower ranks with Genji and Tracer still being solid picks, Moira is the go-to pick to deal with them. Don’t think only about higher rank match ups please.

Lol? Okay you can’t be serious. Mercy and Zen say hi.

And there’s the weird troll you’re known for trying whenever someone says something you don’t like.

Lol, never change dude.

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