Dear Blizzard, this is why I'm going to stop playing OW

  1. You ban accounts on a free-to-play game. So you are essentially doing nothing. You should be banning the IP address because all band people just make a new account and play again.
  2. You decided to throw console people together with PC players. You could have allowed this to be an opt-in choice, instead of making it the default choice. So all console players became disadvantaged.
  3. You took away aim assist from console players when playing against PC players. Now that this game is dying because of all these poor choices, I can’t hit anything as Widow anymore because all that’s left are PC players or ximmers and my shots just don’t connect anymore, anyhow.
  4. You don’t balance heros anymore. Each hero used to have a unique kit that was used to counter other heroes. Now you’ve just made some heroes OP and given every ability to every hero. That’s why there’s a Moira and Sombra in every game.
  5. You’ve balanced this game for the top level players but you forgotten that the vast majority of your customers are in the middle of the road.
  6. Bye Blizzard. I’ve played your games for 20 years. I met my husband playing your games. I cannot tell you how much sadness I have that corporate greed has ruined your company.

Its 2025 not 1995, IP ban is pointless


Yeah it’s unfortunate. f2p just kinda has this effect. They could do better though. IP bans won’t do much, but it would maybe annoy the bad actors a little bit more. They could also limit phone numbers to accounts. You can reuse phone numbers funnily.

  1. Can be changed. People have learned since then.
  2. Play ranked, that’s what PC players do to avoid the same headache.
  1. Just not correct. But I get the frustration. (it’s the teamwork letting you down)
  2. I never made it to masters, and I’ve been pretty happy with the shakeups.
  3. Have fun out there. You’ve got enough years you should know how. (And you should know that corporate greed is common place in today’s gaming industry)

I really hope you don’t reply with something like “my husband plays on PC and I play on console”


For console players, how does MR play? Is it better or worse than OW? Many MR heroes are melee. I have a feeling MR is more console-friendly.

Ask Buddha. They be a console enjoyer.


I’m pretty sure there is no cross play on ranked between PC and console. For QP console only matches vs PC players if they are in a group with PC players.

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Functionally impossible to ban a specific person from playing a free game. Even the theorized tech that claims it can do this likely is vaporware looking to soak up series a funding to get bought up by private equity that is scooping up anything labeled “AI”

Wholesome that you met your husband through a blizzard product, just unfortunate that the care and quality of the blizzard catalogue isn’t there anymore.

Its like that wonderful place where you met someone for the first time and every dish was impeccable. 20 years later, the owners sold the name and the people in the kitchen have only been there for a year.

There is no feedback or complaint that will register to them; except for 1 - money.

Don’t spend money, and they’re compelled to respond because at the end of the day, its their job on the line, not ours. Corporations don’t “read” feedback. They only know how to count money.

It would be possible for Blizzard to put serial numbers of computer hardware / or a specific fingerprint of multiple devices on a blocklist. This option definitely exists and is not that difficult to implement, but at the moment it would be pointless because it requires a coherent strategy.

Blizzard has no shortage of resources or experts to make this happen. I believe that they are not interested in excluding potential customers from the game, regardless of whether they are cheaters or not.

It is probably quite beneficial for the statistics if these people create new accounts with new e-mail addresses. I bet more than 20% of all Battlenet users are duplicate accounts.

Console players only match with PC players when they are in a group with a PC player, no? Same goes for 3. If you want aim assist, just don’t group with PC players.

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You are right. They are completely wrong on multiple points.

The serial number is called a MAC address. I personally use a MAC spoofer on my PC, but for other reasons.

The MAC spoofer I use is free. I have tested it myself and it works 100% of the time.

It can’t be done.

Before you go down the road of calling me a cheater, I have 1000 hours on Reinhardt. If I was cheating, I’m doing it the absolute wrong way.

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You need to be in a group with a pc player to play against of players…how do people still not get this

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No that’s not what I am talking about.

You could create a composite fingerprint of disks, cpu, motherboard, mac and software keys and configurations, calculate a score and decide if it’s a unique computer on a blocklist.
Beyond that, they could also read unique device information from the TPM.
On Windows you can use the TBS API.

As I said, it’s useless unless Blizzard pursues a more complete strategy.

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The quality of players is currently low, especially supports. The game has 11 support heroes, but most only choose Moira, that says a lot.
And many average to bad players took advantage of that moment when Sombra was a little broken to move up in rank.
I currently no longer play Overwatch for these reasons, I just follow the news to find out about changes that attract me back to the game. I’ve been finishing several RPGs and done some BO6 matches.

What if TPM is disabled?

Hitboxes can get wonky but I think that’s everyone. It plays great on console though.

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No gaming for you! :rofl:

Support for Windows 10 will end in October

You can bypass the requirement for W11, pay for extended support on 10, or just be like my girlfriend and use the system for years on an outdated OS anyways.

Microsoft’s hardware requirements for Windows 11 are reasonable. Given the complexity of attacks on companies and the amount of data that is stolen every year.
It is the only way to adequately protect users. I could explain exactly what I mean by that, but I don’t want to take this thread any further off topic.