DM wasn’t unbalanced in the slightest. If the threat of DM is there then destroy the mech and then your team can ult, it’s that simple.
Just seems this community wants to complain about anything that they think is ‘OP’. The funniest part is Deflect with Genji is worse than DM cause it protects him from melee as well but no one is complaining…
The Nerf is just a further attempt to weaken GOATS. If you notice every patch has nerfs to at least one of the GOATS heros.
We have had Zen, Lucio, D.Va (2ice now?), and Brig.
They don’t want to touch Rein and Zarya as they are key tank picks and decently balanced. However, I think blizz will find that they will need to completely cripple these heros outside this comp to completely make it irrelevant.
Lucio suffered pretty harshly, Brig suffered, D.Va is looking to be there with them. You know who’s next…
I can understand that to an extent. ITs hard to balance between the two. Problem with dva is she is very team reliant, even in mics its hard to get people to call out their ults.
Rein just needs a second competitor because the first-ish one wasn’t enough of a competitor, but the only versatile off-tank? Nerfs are the only option! (If we added a competitor they’d just use both!)
(And to pre-empt: Hog’s doing better than D.Va in ladder where Bunker is meta and Zarya’s doing better is in E-sports where GOATS is meta)
D.Va is still extremely strong. If you feel like she didn’t deserve the nerf you might not have a proper understanding of how you’re supposed to play her.
Just because you guys don’t like the changes doesn’t mean it’s not an attempt toward balance.
Have you guys seriously not used D.Va or seen Defense Matrix in action? The distance it covered was extraordinarily long, had a short cooldown (to accompany it’s short uptime), and could shut down a ton of ults (especially ones that could take long to buildup, such as Zarya’s).
So Ana ?
Oh wait, she’s been ignored for a year despite being the most played hero in the entire game, including “6 DPS meta” QP.
Rein has more competition than D.Va ever had. With Winston and Orisa both viable alternatives as main tank, plus Hammond.
D.Va has who ? Zarya, who so far mostly works with Rein. And ? Roadhog isn’t a tank in the slightest, he’s just riding the horse.
We have NO character competing with D.Va in her niche of mobile peel and bruise.
Saying that D.Va is OP but Rein has competition problems is being blind at best.
Meanwhile we’re nerfing D.Va, who sees less play than Roadhog on Diamond+ ladder, and is vastly beaten in the OWL by Zarya (who gets buff after buff after buff).
Clearly, there’s no logic to this nerf, just like there was no logic to the last ones.
What points in your posts ?
That Orisa doesn’t really compete with Rein ? Certainly explains how she replaced him completely in Master/GM.
That Winston doesn’t compete with him ? He does. He literally replaces him in different comps.
The fact that we have 14 DPS competing for 2 spots doesn’t mean they’re all flankers or snipers, but they still compete.
Right now, off-tanks are what we desperately need. We don’t need another main tank, we’ve had 2 already.
Maybe it’s just me, but in all the time I’ve had with my Off-Tank in scrims, I’ve never had him need to use DM on Max-Range before…
Normally he’ll react and jump on them to guarantee he eats it, then burst them down in >1.5seconds.
Maybe that’s an elo thing, I dunno.
See, my issue with this- is it’s half correct and half false.
DM was and still IS unbalanced, it’s the only defensive ability in the game that can do what it does.
Does it have weaknesses? Of course.
But it’s potential value has always been so high that, the higher you go- the more D.Va you get.
It has been this way for years, up until recently.
That being said, you totally can swap to pressure a D.Va or even break her mech to ult. But the fact of the matter is, it’s difficult because D.Va’s not alone. She’s in a group of 6. She’s not going to LET you Demech her, and DM is a massive threat on it’s own because of the sheer amount of stuff she can block.
It’s infinite for 2 seconds.