Dear balance team: Why you nerf

Try taking 5m off the range of something like Discord Orb or Nanoboost (which would be way smaller than a 25% reduction, would still leave them with enough range for 99% of the sightlines in the game) and see what happens.


And is reducing the range of matrix by 33% going to reduce the amount of things she eats by 33%? No exactly thanks :woman_shrugging:

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She’s been left in such a sad state i can’t stress this enough,

For every major patch she’s been made consistently weaker whist everything else has got stronger.

Armour/CC/DM nerfs all in the space of around 3-4 months, and that’s absolutely pathetic from blizzards part.

Reverts or buffs are needed, mains know this, and maybe the rest of the playerbase need to prepare for her actually being a threat again.

She can’t dive reliably, peel for her backline/healers, or even reliably tank damage/protect herself using DM nevermind her team.

Utter joke on blizzards part.


Every single OWL team also wants 2-2-2 rolelock, by the way. Even the ones rolling the rest of the league.

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well now you know what it’s like to use deflect as genji

maybe quit being so dramatic and recognize it’s an extremely powerful ability that has historically had way too low of a skill floor for the amount of value it can generate

deflect doesn’t even block half the sources of damage in this game anymore despite being the only double clutch skillshot in the entire game and requiring more skill to use properly than LULMATRIX ever will

you literally just hit right click and block all projectiles in a 10 yard line LOL. no directional requirement. requires no aim. has a misleading visual effect. it’s one of the most powerful abilities in the game and is stupidly easy to use.

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It doesn’t reduce the amount but it does reduce the chance of them being ate by DM cause she has to be 5 meters closer.

Lets see the recent armor and matrix nerf and the reaper buff made it so he 100% counters her. You can never 1v1 you have to leave immediately. Before the changes, it was difficult, but if you played your cards right you could win the matchup.

Post changes now hanzo can blow the entire storm arrow in between the two second cooldown.

Mccree on ptr is going to be another threat to worry about as well.

Tracer can now unload her clip in between matrix

It isnt just the nerfs but other buffs which is making her job a nightmare to do. Cutting matrix distance is another gut punch since now peeling is more difficult. 5m is the difference between your support surviving and dying.

So what do we do? Do we stay closer to the team and deal super poor damage due to lack of range?

Do we dive into the enemy team of increasingly stronger dps with an increasingly weaker meka? You literally can only use matrix once per dive and you have to time it right otherwise you lose your meka while matrix is on cooldown.

My D.Va playtime has dropped significantly because you get way more value for less effort with zarya in 9/10 of the situations. It just isnt really worth it anymore


people like you are the ones crying and getting her nerfed

I forgot to specify, that’s why 2-2-2 is never coming to ladder. I think eventually they just give in and enforce it for OWL.

Unrelated, it’s still a nerf to her tanking ability. If it “doesn’t matter” and “is not important”, there wouldn’t be a reason for them to nerf.

Name checks out.

I think you might be a tad biased towards Dva.
Also if you think her D% is useless now you’re delusional it’s still one of the most powerfull abilities in OW. Dva players have cried about this everytime she got nerfed, and everytime she was still fine.

Have y’all tried her on PTR at least ? It’s not only about the range, from what i can tell, matrix is a “cone-like”, not a rectangle. If you are standing right next to an ally (try with the shooting robots) it won’t even eat the bullets.

The game isn’t in 2D, so that 33% range translate in a bigger reduction when you realise it’s a volume. It’s a big nerf to ability to protect teammates.


Balance team? I think it’s more like Imbalanced team :smiley:

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Here is the kicker for me.
I don’t like the nerfs because i don’t believe the direction they take. She’s fine because there is nothing else in the game that can replace it, not even slightly.
Nerfing Defense Matrix does not shift the power anywhere to any other tank, so it’s still Needed to try block/counter powerful projectile abilities.

All these nerfs have done over the past few patches have made D.Va feel worse to play, shes clunky for no real reason, because the nerfs don’t actually do anything.

I’m also just tired of hearing the word “oppressive” thrown around like shes the only hero in the game that is.

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Not really.

They don’t have to be closer at all.
Gunfire, Projectile or otherwise- moves in a straight line (sorry Junk mains).

D.Va just has to aim at where the gunfire will go before it hits something, which has always been what she’s had to do.

Most people didn’t get to use D.Va’s DM at max range, and those that did knew it was unbalanced.

There’s a reason so many Zarya’s like to break LOS to Grav, like using Grav on the Floor, Wall, or ceiling.

Jeff talks about this in his interview with Stylosa, and he makes good points.

She does for certain things such as hanzo ults which are already hard to eat.

Why do you expect them to communicate? They went off the radar. No community management at all.

I was expecting a bigger nerf considering she has been meta since the beginning of the game

She wasn’t meta from release to Nov 2016.
Then not meta from Jan 2017 to May 2017.
Come on, stop overexagerrating things.

Their only community is OWL, apparently.