Her Defense matrix is getting gutted to the point that its highly useless. Keep in mind that recently she got hit hard by the armor nerfs, and her d matrix got hit with a .5 second CD between uses.
I honestly don’t understand why a hero with a 50% win rate is getting such a hard nerf.
She’s been asking for nerfs since day one.
I'm sorry.
Because she’s on both teams, and so maintains that 50% win rate?
You mean ana is on both teams, not dva.
Can’t wait for ana’s resurgence to 15% pickrate because nobody will play dive nor dva anymore.
This is one of those nerfs where literally nobody would have noticed if you didn’t tell people. I had no idea D.Va’s matrix was so long in the first place. I’m never going “hey now i’m 14 meters away I can just stop here since it’s 15 meters long!”
Because the company doesn’t want to balance the game.
Remember, Esports is what they focus on now because it grants money and exposure to the public. Esports only does well if the games stay “exciting” (I don’t know how fun it can be to watch people play a game, but you do you, I guess), and the only way to do that is diversify the games. How that is done is by changing which characters are viable - otherwise the players would always pick the most useful characters, but that becomes boring if it’s the same team of characters game after game after game.
So what happens when a character becomes too popular? Nerf it. Then the character won’t be played as often, and is replaced by a different character to change the flow of the Esports experience.
That’s my theory.
And this is why 2-2-2 is never coming.
DM literally deletes ults, and can be turned on and off.
That alone hardly makes it useless. It’s still so much better than OG D.Va
But honestly I can hardly take your posts seriously anymore, most of them are just spam about hating x thing at this point.
I think you have dva confused with orisa
lol no, I dont.
DVa has been one of the most consistently meta hero’s in the game, for longer than if we think about it, anyone.
Am I wrong?
Zen, and Lucio, would be the only ones close to challenging her.
i mean there’s not much competing with her(DVA) at the off tank position. Hog provides relatively no tanking for his team aside from body blocking and being an ult battery for the enemy team, and Zarya only really has synergy with rein.
I feel like DVA was in a pretty good/balanced spot. The past change to D-matrix allowed for other characters to have windows of opportunity to outplay D-matrix fairly easily. Reducing D-matrix further makes the game feel even more like “press Q to win” more than it already has as characters can more freely use their ults without the threat of counter play.
Imo the DEV team needs to add more viable tank characters to see any changes in pick rate. The lack of off-tank options imo is what has made DVA so prevalent in many past metas, not that she is broken or not balanced. Also currently in the owl DVA is often the character swapped out first to run variations of goats with a sombra, mei, doom fist etc.
She’s ninth in gm with and 15th in winrate. She’s not near as meta as you are making her out to be
Yeah, those -33% reductions are basically unnoticeable.
Now 5% pickrate means “on both team”. lol
It’s not 33% on damage or health or anything as important Nice attempt to use math genius
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Dva is a tank and they’re nerfing an ability to tank. I’d say that’s as important as health or damage
nerfs D.Vas armor twice making it really hard to dive in and do her job of punishing out of place heroes and contesting the high ground
nerfs damage on missiles and boop so it takes D.Va more time to do her job and exposes her to more fire from the enemy team
nerfs matrix so now you effectively get one use during your dive and if you dont time it right you get demeched
makes it so you literally have to have very high game sense to provide value for her
Blizzard: “Thats not good enough. Lets make it hard for her to peel for her team too”
She REALLY needs a crit box reduction or 300/300. It’s like you’re flying in with a wet paper bag around you now. It’s the main reason why I don’t play D.va anymore.
I’ve been on board with the critbox reduction for ages. It probably won’t be as consequential to her balance as the new DM nerf… And I don’t even think that one’s that impactful
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