Dear anyone asking for tracer nerfs
shut up lol

90% of the playerbase cant aim that well and it still doesnt get a kill through 70HPS of healing, and in ranks where people CAN aim this well, no one complains about her because people actually respect the skill she takes to play

Stop using stats you dont understand from a rank you dont play in to push an unnecessary nerf to the hardest hero in the game.

K BYE :slight_smile:


I have no clue why we’re putting “aim” against tracer when she moves like a mosquito

Oh but she’s hacked NVM



I don’t think she needs a nerf rn, but if she becomes problematic revert the fall off.


I ask for Tracer nerfs but not because she’s op, just because I’d reduce all game’s dps and healer strenghts and buff tanks. I want all heroes to get power creep buffs revert.


the game is factually different now than it was before because of new heroes and their mechanics, raw number changes wont fix powercreep, so some characters need to have increased values just to be able to keep up

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Crosshairs pointed at the ground the whole time.



Yeah, your precious little Tracer ain’t the only character in the game that takes skill. As a Genji main, I have zero empathy for your completely busted character.


Sorry, but the support mains are gonna hunt down every dps until all of them are completely useless. It was only a matter of time till they came for tracer


His aim was fine. Pretty much two entire clips aimed center mass, he had his crosshair on the ground for a split second between each clip but he corrected and was fine.

In no way is Tracer busted. Just because Genji happens to be garbage doesn’t mean you get to whine about anything better than him being busted.


You did nothing remarkable in that clip.

If you were doing hs or were like nano boosted you’d actually have a point.
But all you did was hold down lmb into effectively a Mercy pocket and expect to get a kill which is something a majority of the roster can’t do.


Was that supposed to be a good clip or something? :thinking: Can you stop using empirical evidence and opinions as basis to balance changes? Everyone knows doing that is nuclear waste levels of toxicity for the game and hence it just makes anyone advocating for them look very cringe


isnt that 85 hps cause the orb is 65 plus her grasp is 20


Revert her falloff back to 10m. That is all high rank players are asking for.


She’s plastered all over T500 list. Go take a look.


Yeah I want it reverted as well but tracer and echo are the only flex DPS picks atm. Nerf them and projectile players would have to play hitscan.

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Dear anyone asking for Tracer nerfs,

You’re perfectly justified in asking for them.

K BYE :slight_smile:


Before anyone starts to agrue she is op lemme explain why not. I personally main Genji but i also play Tracer. When i picked up tracer there is such a learning curve different from any other hero. The smallest mistakes are exploited. Mess up your blinks your dead unless the enemy team are potatos. You have one escape thats truly can save you but it can be predicted easily like no joke. When you think a tracer will recall count to three and look at her last postion and its easy. Also if you even have a little bit of mechanical skill you can flash her them head shot or just play torb.


I respect the opinion but i dont agree

Tracer is literally just Widowmaker but close-range. She has an infinite skill ceiling. Her issue is that the devs have been balancing a character that should not be balanced around. Balancing a glass cannon can either make them worthless or powercreep them into being overpowered. We’re witnessing the latter. Blizz needs to pick a different hero to balance around.


She got the fall off buff to make her usable in double shield/ to combat the amount of healing supports could churn out at the time. That fall off buff let’s her comfortably avoid 90% of the CC that naturally countered her back in the day.
Both have been nerfed considerably so what gives? Why hasn’t the fall off buff been reverted, or at the very least reduced?

And with Zen being meta right now, she’s practically Reaper with 3x the mobility and range.


Not on Console. Baptiste takes her spot in RQ (as being plastered all over). And in OQ, there’s only one person who has her in their podium, and even then, she’s the least played.

Then again, I guess it doesn’t affect much because we Console plebeians are never taken into account anyways.

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