Dear anyone asking for tracer nerfs

I used to think Tracer needed her fall off reverted but after the Bap buffs I think she’s fine now.

Also yeah Moira is kinda annoying sometimes but op hit literally zero headshots. That was on them lol

Yeah but… that’s console. It’s like a whole new world.

Balance isn’t based on console.

Something is gonna be top tier, might as well be Tracer.
Because otherwise it’s just gonna be snipers.

And Tracer does a good job at countering overly defensive comps, like DoubleBarrier.


Oh you know… nerf tracer’s range back and then nerf the other hitscans.

We need more verity in the top not always hitscans.


This is a really under the roof opinion. Just because you can’t kill a support leaving spawn doesn’t mean your character should be free from nerfs.

That hides her critbox if you’re shooting her from behind actually.
It’s something a lot of Tracer players do by habbit. Same goes for us Ana players when we’re trying to fall back.

Seeing how a McCree was rotating towards the Tracer’s flank and he was out of blinks, it probably was the best thing to do.

This sounds like you want your favorite hero to be overpowered, not actual balance. Tracer needs a nerf because she is unbalanced, simple as that and no, there is no need for a single character to be the most dominant that is literally the definition of unbalance.


I can’t aim very well, still i do very well on Tracer.
And in my opinion she is OP.

  1. Using a video of you using no damage abilities, against a healer designed to counter your existence, who also used 2 abilities to save themself – is painting a false image. A Mercy, Zenyatta, or Ana would be dead if your aim in that clip was consistent for the fight.
  2. “Shut up lol” isn’t an argument.

I mean, yeah she’s skillful – but I’d argue we don’t complain about her because Widow and pocketed Ashe just need to vibe to win a fight. Burst will always have less counterplay, that’s why Burst is S Tier.

Also like, I’ve not actually seen anyone complain about Tracer’s damage. Her falloff and ult need adjustments so she’s more of a flanker and less of a Tank-Farming Simulator imo, but that’s also because I can’t do anything to a Tracer of equal skill (or slightly lower) simply because of the kit advantage she has against Main Tanks barring Orisa.

balance change. Period. This goes for everyone, honestly.
Luckily for you I’m actually a High Masters Tank who has gone up against GM DPS before I ever even made it into GM myself. It isn’t fun.


I don’t even really play Tracer. But I’m pretty invested in the concept that Overwatch shouldn’t have highly Defence focused compositions as it’s top meta.

And Tracer is uniquely suited to jumping into overwhelming odds, getting a quick kill, then getting out alive.

She’s also the only Dive hero that’s a meaningful threat to Tanks.


So we’re just gonna gloss over her goats power creep buff that heavily reduced her counter play by making her able to engage outside the ranges of stuns more?

I don’t think Tracers particularly problematic but I’m generally in favor of reverting power creep considering how bad shields are and the power of hitscans making people feel forced to use them no matter how weak blizzard makes them.

also want nerfs to Ashe, widow, Ana, soldier 76, and McCree as well just to make the DPS roster balance less skewed towards hitscans.



But the gap could stand to be much, much smaller that it is right now. Instead of Tracer being picked like 4 times more that the entire bottom 5 heroes combined.

Which is nice to say, but they aren’t ever going to nerf snipers enough to not instakill.

And Tracer being top tier actually creates more variety because of that.

Especially since with Dive being an option, there are multiple secondary map specific metas. Instead of one giant meta that works on all maps.

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How about we consider that after we’re certain DoubleBarrier isn’t going to be the meta at BlizCon and OWL season 4.

As is, DoubleBarrier is could potentially become fullblown meta any day now, but it’s not there right now.
And a Tracer nerf would be plenty to tip that into fullblown DoubleBarrier meta.

This topic is about Tracer, DS is a whole entire can of worms that has little incidence on the british rat, but ironically Tracer-based balance does have a lot of influence on why DS keeps coming back.

DoubleBarrier hinges entirely on it’s vulnerability to close range attacks, that can make a quick pickoff, and survive afterwords, and turn the fight into a 5v6.

Tracer is uniquely suited at doing that.

In addition to being the only Dive hero that’s a threat to Tanks.

So as a guy who probably put over 200+ hours into researching what makes DoubleBarrier tick over the last year, I can assure you, Tracer has a lot to do with DoubleBarrier.

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Not… really. Not only its reductive but also it fails to acknowledge how we had entire heroes that could circumvent and punish barrier spam that werent just Tracer that Blizz elected to nerf into the ground for… being picked into their metas.

The idea that Tracer is magically the only hero that somehow is holding back The ‘‘Evil and Perverse’’ Double Barrier Meta and that its a natural, inherent thing of the game is silly and ahistorical in the first place.

How about we actually balance Tracer, hitscans and snipers, which allows Mei, Junkrat, Sym, Doomfist and other heroes that punish or circumvent DS to not be complete throwpicks before deciding that Tracer is somehow this holy cow that is saving the game from The ‘‘Evil And Perverse’’ Double Barrier meta.


If you think that any single barrier comp is going to win a “Which team runs out of barriers first” fight against DoubleBarrier, you’re either not thinking it through, or not being honest.

I dont care about Fat DPS.

As I was saying,

  • 2 DPS
  • Orisa Primary
  • Sigma Primary
  • Baptiste Primary
  • Zen Primary

Is an absolute hailfire of ranged poke damage. In addition to having mathematically dominant raw barrier HP and a Matrix like ability with Grasp.
So idea that a Junkrat or Symmetra can counter that while hiding behind a single Rein barrier is…Not reflective of reality.

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