The mechanics are good cause they were developed for long time.
Heroes are drab looking cause they shifted from neon prime sci-fi look to 1940 .
These won’t be final version it seems, they will see improvements over time
The mechanics are good cause they were developed for long time.
Heroes are drab looking cause they shifted from neon prime sci-fi look to 1940 .
These won’t be final version it seems, they will see improvements over time
Maybe? The mechanics looks interesting-ish but also not like anything especially new. Most of the abilities look like something Valve has done before or something another game has done before.
The gameplay itself seems to have not a lot going on a lot of the time?
I get that it’s not an arena-style shooter like Overwatch or TF2 but it seems like there’s less going on than a standard MOBA, even.
As for this:
“Boring” isn’t a design choice. They can shift the setting to the 1940s and still be interesting. If they haven’t done that (or at least haven’t done it yet) then it’s a valid viewpoint.
Making the same mistakes OW did - 1-shot sniper, invisible hero, and so on. Nice to see nobody learns from the most disliked abilities of a previous game and tries to improve on it by removing generally despised and unhealthy mechanics.
Why are they in 3rd person?
Why do they keep using this camera angle, I hate it.
Stamina management and CC stunlock hell.
Im sure people are going to love this. /s
Tbf, more than one character looks ok aestheticwise.
Marvel does have recognizable IPs though, so people will probably play just for them.
It might not be your thing, but it will be successful, and make Blizzard think about how to compete, rather than be complacent as top dog.
So, you and other Overwatch players benefit just from Rivals existence, which is a good thing.
Probably not. Most of the people in TF2 are in it because the movement and gameplay is good. In fact, the movement is so skill-based, that it would be impossible for a modern shooter to release without extreme backlash from investors… If the game does not feel like TF2, they will most likely go back.
I’ve been playing TF2 since 2014, was a trader, sold all my unusuals, strange, gentleman mendal, etc.
There are a LOT of Steam-TF2 accounts that just idle, cuz that’s still a thing. Apart from the bots and cheator bots problems Valve just don’t care enough.
Game not having real content for literally years is another factor. and the lastest seal update was a joke, FreakFortress is better than the “official” Saxton Hale mode (that also was available for years).
Idk, watching some videos, it seems all characters have mobility with that zip-line, similar to the hook in TF2, and that was a really fun tool.
Deadlock in particular looks very very slow (both in movement and TTK) considering the original leaker said it was a “fast paced ADHD shooter” and compared it to OW and Valorant
Yep. But sadly, I’m pretty sure stuff like rocket jumping can never come back without being a shadow of what it used to be. It’s just too confusing for average gamers these days.
I mean Kelvin making icesteps is cool.
Like every ability in games nowadays I can show in timesplitters 2 or halo 2 doesn’t mean they are not good or a new take on them
The gameplay is borderline chaotic how are you seeing nothing happening.
I didn’t say 1940 was boring but the change is new hence nothing is finished yet to converting, remember these are leaks not actual trailers.
i loved super monday night combat, too bad it died out as fast as it did.
I only like Vindicta. I guess she is just a Widowmaker rip off. That’s tragic.
Depends. You mean aesthetic wise? Her cooldowns (abilities) are quite different. Widow has hook while Vin has flight. Also it seems she cannot oneshot unlike widow.
Im fine with Haze, Abrams (Atlas w/e), Seven and Paradox. But those abilities look very meh. Also pretty much every hero has some sort of a CC or a stunlock. Im not a fan of that at all.
I like steampunk themes but the game just looks like something majority will enjoy for a month, and then they will go back to games they came from.
Just aesthetically, and I guess the overall role of sniper. I honestly do not care. I vaguely skipped through the video. This game is not real competition. Sorry for anyone that is excited for it. I am genuinely happy for you and hope it is fun and everything you hoped for. I am not going to bother.
Not that I have a choice. Valve and shooter plus MOBA equals PC only. But this time, I am not sweating it. I would rather just play a real shooter or a real MOBA. The hybrids have all been relatively questionable and dry up faster than… Nevermind.
Bruh Deadlock looks like just first person version of Dota 2, Dead game on arrival. LMAO. They should worry about updating TF2 instead of making more trash no one asked for.
Has an overpowered oneshot sniper character who’s shots PIERCE and who seemingly has Reaper’s wraith form as an ability.
No, I will be staying far far away from this, thank you.
I mean all you have to do is press crouch after jumping and shoot a little bit away from your feet in the opposite direcotion, Idk how an aeverage gamer can’t do that unless they are a gaming journalist.
The valorant competitor is cs2