Dead game OMEGALUL

Playing my tank role because why not. In my plat game, with this win, I can finally get plat and achieve sweet comp points for next golden gun. Matchmaker decides to put me into a low-mid gold game with a silver tank partner to balance out the rating.

This happened around what are meant to be the 3 most populated elos of your game, and you’re unable to even find a decent game for all players involved??? Yeah… na. Have fun treating all your tank players like garbage, 40-second queues aren’t worth the mess you call a competitive mode. So I’ma just take my 4 mins on support instead.

And before you cry boosted, I got put into a plat game where my entire team was plat and I was the only gold main tank, suffice to say throwing a gold/plat border player into a plat game on one of the most important roles doesn’t go well. Instead of, ya know, A gold/plat border game


i don’t understand, why do you think you deserve platinum if you can’t effectively do your job when you’re in a platinum game with all platinum teammates? keep working on yourself and you’ll get there.

“calm down…”


Because a mid plat game is different to a gold/plat border game, just like how a mid-low gold game is different to gold/plat game, and wow, whaddya know I said literally that right in my post

but I guess if you acknowledged that you wouldn’t get to do your Hahaa funny so I guess continue contributing to the forums in your own very special way :slight_smile:

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game is so low pop i see the same names in my quickplay games


if you perceive that much difference between mid gold and high gold, or between high gold and mid platinum, you’re definitely not ready for platinum yet. keep at it, you’ll get there!

“calm down…”


Just saying, there’s probably more to the story behind the scenes.

Like, did this happen just a little bit ago recently? If so, it’s mid-day on a weekday, personally not even noon yet for me. Most people have work or school right now, so they’re obviously not going to be playing Overwatch, regardless of how lively or dead it is.


why do I continue to feed the troll, sigh

If there exists no perceivable difference between half a gosh darn elo, then all comp is, is quick play with fancy numbers at the end and that gives you points to buy shiny weapons. So, if that’s all ladder has ever been no wonder OW is hemorrhaging players and viewers across the board.

Also, nice rank shaming behind a private profile :slight_smile: it must be real fun to talk down to people when you give them nothing to talk back to you with, go back to your cave troll and come out if you ever want to give a real discussion with real advice, instead of a roundabout git gud

Morning time on a weekday in the UK, where there’s a half term meaning literally all the children get to play the game, and if you’re trying to tell me that in your largest 3 elo pools you can’t find a decent game that doesn’t drag across the entire elo, then time of day matters not, the game is dead.

This… There’s a difference but it isn’t that stark. Also, if they’re getting paired with plats as a tank, ie the role with the probable lowest queue time, then it means the game thinks they should be able to perform to that level.


Don’t know what ‘children’ you know but when I was on break from school I didn’t wake up in the ‘morning’ if I didn’t have to.

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Not necessarily. The matchmaking starts reaching farther out from the “native” SR of the anticipated match if it can’t find a suitable player for the last slot. I’ve heard stories of plat tanks ending up in GM games because they’re literally the only tanks available.

Also, there’s functionally no difference between gold and diamond, except mechanical skill gets a little better. People still int, people still throw when they think the team comp is bad, people still make :question: :question: :question: plays–the only thing that changes is the number next to the portrait.

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Maybe I’m just a weirdo then :man_shrugging: most of my friends never wake up earlier and I think they’re weird for that too. Still, the fact remains that the game had to drag players across an elo to make a game in their most populated elo, really makes you :thinking: about player numbers and activity

No it means the game thought you could perform at that level. You probably didn’t have to wait long for a match which means the game isn’t ‘stretching’ to fit your SR with a team.

If you didn’t win the match then that’s just tough breaks; the matchmaker thought you could swing a fair match and you lost, it’s not a function of low populations.

So given you essentially said you were playing relatively early in the day, ie not during peak times, and thus your getting thrown in what you feel is a mismatch is more understandable, or you got thrown in a match with minimum SR ‘stretch’ which means the game thought you had a fair chance and thus the outcome is still justified.

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Had a tank leaver earlier in QP in the middle of the first round, no backfill until the point activated in the next round. OW isn’t dying though. :roll_eyes:


I got thrown into an unfair game because the matchmaker is begging for tank players because DPS queue times are abysmal, and you don’t get more tank players by treating them like garbage to fill up a comp game. And if grabbing two players an elo apart across your most populated elo is considered “Working as Intended”… then that’s probably why you had so few players to pick from.

Tank queues aren’t short because the system is functioning well, they’re short because the queues wetting itself trying to give some players decent queue times, and screwing others over for it.

Imagine being plat player, and you have teammates who laught at someone from their team for being stuck in diamond

Now… what i was doing there was a mystery. But suprise suprise, we got rolled

If you think that’s bad imagine playing QP as your main gamemode. This is why I’ve been avoiding the tank queue (aside from Rein meta) for a while now even though I really like tanking more than the other roles. The amount of games where there’s golds mixed in with (grand)masters is just absurd and barely any of those games are even playable due to how crushing disadvantage it is to have even one more of those players on your team. When I queue DPS the games are usually quite balanced, but when I queue tank the teams are all sorts of fkd up with gold rein OTPs bringing out their Tracers and everything in between. Now I’m not blaming the players for doing that, but jesus christ if this continues for a longer time they need to seriously tweak the matchmaking. At least OW can’t die like HOTS did to this happening as you can leave games in OW where as in HOTS you were stuck in the game until the end

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That’s not how it works because tanks have pick of the litter in terms of matchmaking.

It’s a well-known fact that, on average, tank is the least populated role, while DPS is the MOST populated. Assuming that there is no difference in rank distribution, which there shouldn’t be because all the ranks are defined by a bell curve, that means that DPS will experience the most SR stretch, ie placed in matches with an average SR well above or below their own, to try and shorten their queues because that’s the match it can find. Tanks, meanwhile, will be put in whatever match happens to most closely match their MMR because the matchmaker doesn’t have to stretch as much to populate the role. I say MMR because we know from the devs there is a correcting variable that not only boosts SR gain when a player is performing significantly better than average but also places them in higher SR matches if they’re doing better over time.

By your own admission the rest of your team was mid-plat in one case, with you as the low outlier but pretty close to plat yourself, and in another case your team was low-mid gold, again with a single low outlier and you sounding like the high outlier but still in gold.

So what it sounds like is the matchmaker threw you into a harder match because it thought you had a chance, you took an L, which happens, then the game threw you in a lower-tier game to win back some SR, and you took another L. Reverse the scenario and the story is still the same; you got put in matches that were perfectly winnable and you didn’t win, there is no ‘game is dying, sky is falling’ needed to justify why you got put in these games and no reason for why you lost other than the other teams did better.

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I wholly agree with your latter statement, the difference between gold and diamond is fairly minimal, which just reinforces that both of OP’s matches were perfectly winnable for them because they were well inside the gold/plat bell curve.

As for the former, I have heard of serious SR stretching at the highest ends, but I’ve never heard of plats being put into GM comp matches. While I won’t dismiss the matter out of hand, SR stretching for tanks is going to be minimal: if rank performance is evenly distributed within a role, which to our knowledge it is, then the least popular role will most likely end up in an ‘average’ match because the matchmaker builds a match around being able to find them, while the most populated role, ie DPS, are actually sorted into matches last because it needs to liquidate whoever has been in queue the longest regardless of the SR average, within reason.