DBL sniper is unfun, unfair, and has little counter play

After the beta they nerfed a bunch of dps for having less shields in the game.
Except widow was buffed because there was less shields in the game using some reverse logic.

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Get good at killing mercy instead of whining about her.

See if the game was 6v6 then one shots and snipers would be a nonissue because you’d have 2 tanks, but that concept seems broken and ridiculous right everyone? Instead, we should just advocate for the full removal of basically everything that deals damage, heals, mitigates damage, prevents death, or brings people back, hero abilities, ults, passives, roles, and the ability to switch and the hero models themselves! We’ll all just be gray cubes that T pose and do nothing.

See how absurd it sounds when people demand these things on a daily basis around here. It’s truly no wonder sometimes as to why they definitely won’t post here other than the occasional patch notes lol. Y’all can’t go .1 seconds without demanding something to just be straight up deleted.

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As long as team is that small, one shots will be a problem.

Yea and the solution is right in front of everyone’s eyes but suddenly none of us can see, supposedly 5v5 is the end all be all!

Well, people didn’t like things standing in the way of their rampage, so now everyone gets what they deserve.


Hanzo is proectile. He has to lead shots which is tough. Move unpredictably to not die.

Widow on the other hand is hitscan and broken in this game.

“USE COVER!” he says as if the majority of the maps in this map pool doesn’t have very large open sightlines with minimal cover and even less flanking opportunities, as well as multiple possible sniper perches, with no way of knowing which perch the snipers are hanging out on this time until the first shot is fired - which is probably going straight into someone’s head for an instant kill.


Or he just spams arrows across the map, and someone eventually will walk into them.


dont forget they can run widow junkrat. Now you are not safe in cover too

Didn’t they almost completely remove his ability to bounce grenades around corners?

That goes for all heroes though. So… not really relevant tbh.

Its still possile to conc people out and to sue the arcs, but boucnes are still doable

Hanzo doesn’t need to be nerfed

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Well, is this counter and new playatyle fun? idk about you but i didn’t download overwatch to sit behind cover and do nothing, and is it really that effective? Widow doesn’t just fall over and die when you enter cover so what do you after you hide behind cover


Hanzo needs a max clip size of like, 4 arrows before a 3-4 second reload animation.

The fact that he can just sit there spamming over and over until he eventually lands a random lucky headshot is ridiculous. That’s not healthy gameplay at all, and that’s even less skill expression than mercy needs to exhibit


Let’s take it a step further. After 4 arrows he needs to physically fletch out another 4 arrows and add them to his quiver.

He can throw his bow at people for some quick damage in a pinch.

What’s that noise? Bells you say? Sorry, those must be my clown shoes.

that sounds perfect to me

Some basic tips for dealing with snipers and long ranged fire;

  1. Barrier tanks work wonders here: Rein, Winston, Sigma are great choices.
  2. Dive Tanks or high-mobility Tanks are another great choice: Winston, D.va, Wrecking Ball, and even Doomfist can be useful in shutting down sniper-fire.
  3. If you’re not a Tank, there’s a few choices for the Damage-role, including; Genji, Tracer, Mei, Sombra and Reaper. Symmetra is a more nuanced pick, but can work here, too.
  4. For Supports; Kiriko, Lucio, and Ana are good picks here.
  • Typically avoid high-traffic areas and chokes with long sight lines. Look for alternative passages and sneak up on snipers to eliminate them quickly.
  • Don’t try to get involved in a sniper-duel with snipers; you’ll usually lose. If you’re Genji, you need to really predict Deflect well to eliminate a sniper like Widow or Hanzo.
  • Moving in tandem with your Tank holding or utilizing their barrier is generally the best idea to avoid sniper fire. Keep in mind that some Tanks cannot fight back while using their barrier, so you need to cover them from other forces.
  • If you’re Winston or D.va; directly approaching and confronting snipers is usually the best approach; your cooldowns are shorter than theirs and you’ll be able to chase them down and shut them up.
  • Combination killing works really well. Partner up with your co-Damage, or a Support and move-in to take out a sniper.
  • For more nuanced picks, Zarya’s barrier usage is great at baiting and delaying snipers. Baptiste pre-dropping Immortality Field also works well in preventing deaths. Kiriko’s Protection Suzu is less effective, but can still work. Junkrat’s Concussion mines have great range and can knock a sniper off their perch, but be aware than Junkrat has a hard time with snipers.
  • Junker Queen isn’t an effective choice, but she can pull snipers off their perches with Jagged Edge.

That’s unlikely to happen as long as Rip-tire, Charge, Pulse Bomb, Blizzard, Deadeye, Self-Destruct, Meteor Strike, Accretion, Zenyatta’s Alternative Fire, Genji’s one-shot combo, Lucio’s one-shot combo, Wrecking Ball’s Piledriver combo, Call Mech, Earthshatter melee, Nanoboost Death Blossom, Nanoboost Barrage, and Ana’s Sleep combo still exist. And there’s also so many more.

It’s really a question of how much risk you want to play with as Widow; you can find your angles anywhere, but you’re going to play more risk here. Whereas the safest spots for Widowmaker, end up blindsiding her to back passages and allow the team a lot of coverage.

Argument falls apart when Widowmaker bull’s-eye’s the Mercy trying to revive a player.

No, they didn’t. Tank heavy comps were inevitable because of how powerful they were.

Not really an issue, but more of the fact that many FPSes don’t really tell or explain to you why you got sniped. Overwatch doesn’t do this very well, either.


Hanzo’s max clip size is one. He reloads after every shot, exactly like Sigma.

That’s called suppressive-fire.

Well, unlike Widowmaker, Hanzo doesn’t get a sniper call, or warning, and Hanzo’s arrows don’t have strong visual trails. His ult is the loudest in the game, though…



Use your brain. Or take your hard-earned loss.