Is it wise to continuously add more and more dmg into the game when dps queue times are skyrocketing? Is there some kinda correlation there maybe? Like we want less people on dps and more on tank/support so the strategy is to make dps do even more dmg? I know this also coincides with all the healing in the game that can stack now but what the devs are doing seems to be the worst way to go about solving the games main issue for the last couple years. What’s worse is that they don’t seem to think that dmg creep even exists! I hope OW2 PvE is something special because PvP balance makes zero sense and Idk if that is what people will come back for.
ever stop to think that maybe they are buffing damage to stupid levels in order to herd tanks and supports over to overwatch 2 - then they can chane pvp to follow more traditional fps models without loosing a sizable portion of their player base?
Well you posed a question, now lets think about it for a second:
- Do you really think that This “damage creep” is the reason why queues are so high? If so … do you really think that queues were fine for DPS lets say … 3 months ago?
- Sure increasing the overall DPS damage won’t help (not that it happened) but … what’s the other option really?
If you stop to think about it, the only way you get DPS off queues to play tank and support is with rewards. What would be the best reward for them? Clearly loot boxes or shorter queues on Tank/Support don’t matter so … how about PRIORITY queues on DPS ?
I can guarantee you that even if they release 5 Tanks and 6 Supports straight out the gate, the queues would be great for 2 weeks max and back to square one. The damage the DPS do is not a factor, or at least not a relevant one but rewards are.
Yes because I need more incentives for DPS Moiras to be in my games
u know OW2 is just a story mode? it’s still OW1 in terns of PvP if I buy OW2 and you are on OW1 i can still play in the same games as you.
Not really. See:
TLDR: And yes, it can be done mate, and yes, thresholds can be adjusted to avoid those type of players (DPS healers and feeder tanks).
The reason the dps q times have gotten so long is they keep buffing all the dps and nerfing the tanks and supports. If they kept buffing tanks and supports whilst nerfing dps to the point where their is no longer any wow factor or identity for the character the problem would be reversed.
The reason this game was so popular in the first place was it attrated people who would not normally play a fps game - so the issue in’t that their aren’t people who want to play tanks and supports - the real issue is tanks and supports don’t want to play characters that have been watered down to identity less husks that are punching bags now that the time to kill has been buffed to insane proportions.
Which sounds better:
a) Waiting 20 minutes to find a DPS match, which ends up as a 10 minute loss
b) Playing 2 support games, with 20 minutes total playtime, plus 3 minute queue time, for the same exact 10 minute loss.
If you are not even going to read the entire reply, don’t bother posting pal. You are literally responding like the last part doesn’t go against everything you just said.
And another dude that doesn’t read apparently.
Which part of “thresholds can be adjusted” and “its optional” (on the thread) didn’t you get?
No matter what threshold it is put at, there is always going to be a problem with the system.
1 win on tank/support?
Same amount of potential for support/tank losses, DPS Soft throwers and when the DPS game eventually happens you get the same chance of having a bad DPS game as you would with a 10 minute queue. This has the most potential to be a good idea, but it is still easily abusable.
1 game of tank/support?
DPS throwers galore
2 wins on tank/support?
See my post above.
Not have the system in?
Best option, and it still sucks.
All options suck. You just have to choose the best one.
I do know that, but they want to compete with other traditional fps games where their aren’t tanks and supports and abilities who basically slow the game down and by nature counter or prevent damage.
They can strip power from tanks and supports, making it easier for dps to get those fun kills but we get what we have now the tanks and supports become punching bags and loose there identity’s and wow factor. The next step is those payers start leaving the game and blizzard doesn’t want that either so they made a sandbox for those players to play (as they said ai doesn’t complain if you mass res your team).
Sure they can still play tanks an support in the pvp side but my guess is balancing is only going to get worse for tanks and supports eventually driving them to pay blizzard for overwatch 2 just so that they can play their role like it was meant to be played. They are hoping to phase out tanks and supports from the main game by making it a hostile environment and providing greener grass in the pve side.
Amd it was only reason i got the game in the first place. Traditional fps are boring to me. This is really annoying idea they doing so to make support and tanks leave, tho i see your logic, it just means for me blizzard or activision never going to get any more my money on games
Amazing surface level take mate, no offence.
Also if a problem exists, doing nothing solves nothing so yeah, having options is ALWAYS good. Specially when they are helping towards solving the issue and are optional, like the one I posted.
No they don’t dude.
Where are you getting this 1:1 ratio from? Threshold adjustment goes both ways, like 1 win in Tank could grant 5 DPS tickets (rank locked) and 2 support wins 3-4 tickets …
THAT is what I meant with “thresholds can be adjusted” and yeah, that would 100% work, because at some point, you would literally have to be a masochist to keep pounding DPS queues only, when people around just have easier time by winning in other roles.
Proper rewards DO work.
Since there is another thread for that discussion, this ends here.
You know what I have a better solution.
6 DPS. 0 Tanks. 0 Supports.
Your idea was terrible btw. System is still abusable.