Damage Characters ACTUAL Primary/Secondary Damage Revealed

To start off we’re doing this in alphabetical order for every damage based hero in the game entirely for PRIMARY FIRE, Ability Damage cannot be calculated due to do the absurd amount of variables unless oriented around the characters primary fire (eg. Storm Arrow).

:warning:Here are some rules/discrepancies :warning:
1. Ability damage is NOT calculated
2. Ultimate Damage is NOT calculated
3. All Stats provided are from Season 10 of Overwatch and are cross-rank averages
4. Stats provided are from the Website Overbuff
5. A Characters Actual Primary/Secondary DPS does not change their utility and/or their capabilities in the game and is not/are not proper indicators of their usefulness to the team or in general - do not use my math to validate your hatred of a Hero Pick.

:fire:Damage Hero’s TRUE Primary Fire [With Exception] DPS :fire:

  • Bastion: 90 [Cannot Deal Critical Hit Damage in Sentry]
  • Doomfist: 55.4 [Critical Hit % Not Tracked]
  • Genji: 27.55
  • Hanzo: 44.33 [Storm Arrow Damage: 82.97]
  • Junkrat: 67 * (Number of Targets Effected)
  • Mccree: 67.34 [Fan The Hammer: 121]
  • Mei: 14.4 [Icicle Damage: 34.37]
  • Pharah: 72 * (Number of Targets Effected)
  • Reaper: 81.65
  • Soldier 76: 75.15
  • Sombra: 61.01
  • Symmetra: [Weapon Hit Accuracy not Tracked]
  • Torbjorn: 27.67 [Shotgun Mode: 74]
  • Tracer: 93.06
  • WidowMaker: 61.6

Math Equation Used

(Primary/Secondary DPS - % of shots Missed) = Outcome X - (Critical Hit%)= Outcome Y + Outcome Z(2)= Actual P/S DPS

Outcome Z = Outcome X - Outcome Y

Basically anytime someone fires their weapon for 1s this is the damage you can expect to do at an average level of play.

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You need to normalize for reload time and magazine size, otherwise the comparison is absolutely useless with Tracer having more DPS than Bastion.

These are quite literally factors that I cannot account for, these are theoretical average damage variables at a characters most effective range.

Also yes the average Tracer can theoretically do more damage than the average bastion mostly due to hit accuracy and tracers ability to get Critical Hits.

While in practice these numbers are not accurate these are theoretical and nothing more.

Yes a big factor I can already see in some of the higher DPS numbers is range. Like Sombra and Tracer.

So this is based on the average damage said hero does, only with their primary, over some time?

Yep, every second of firing this is the actual DPS a character can expect to produce accounting for Critical Hit %, Accuracy, and Ability Damage.

This is not accurate but it is kinda nifty to see how these numbers actually line up with average match statistics

I can’t account for a lot of things simply because of how little data is actually tracked for example Reload Time and the average number of reloads in a match

Where do you find the average damage only on primary, and average match length, for each hero?
(on overbuff)