Daily thread of Please fix Sombra, bug list inside!

Honestly? Kudos for coming back a Sombra bug thread 22 days later to be transparent on your efforts. Like, that’s actually really cool of you guys to do that. Thanks for taking the time to find this thread and post about the efforts. :heart:


As far as I can tell, they’re better than they used to be but there are still numerous issues with it breaking on things it shouldn’t break on (i.e. the side of Reinhardt’s shield that doesn’t even block hack’s LoS, posts, etc.)

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I experienced 2.1 earlier today

LOS bugs are still in game
This is an updated list of these bugs. A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #89 by Xaron-1831


They’re less frequent, but when it rains it pours.

Were they all tested in the current patch?

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Not all of them, but the bugs are still there.

Finally the bugs are being adressed! Only took 5 months.

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Thanks for an amazing response, Tom! Exactly what we’re looking for.

I was wondering whether Sombra “trailing” behind her Translocator is intended, or a bug. Right now, if you Translocate to a beacon that is flying through the air, you don’t end up where the beacon is; you see it disappear about a meter in front of you after you teleport. My best guess is that activating the ability takes you to where the beacon was when you pressed the button, but in the short time it takes you to teleport, the beacon continues to move.

Is this intended, or a bug? If it’s intended, is there any intention to clean up the visuals so there isn’t this misconception?

I’m still having problems where my hack is interrupted by small objects/poles. I’ll try to capture some footage of this.


Fitzy actually did this in a recent stream. He was trying to hack the Mercy but the reticle shifted to the Winston that got in his way and hacked the monkey instead.


Curious exactly what the LoS conditions are now. It’s been pretty good so far but i haven’t been playing her enough recently to do tests on how it works (Finished FarCry5 and TombRaider, now going through Doom :stuck_out_tongue:) .

Usually i throw as soon as the place i want to go comes into view as i turn the corner and it ends up bouncing. Yesterday i was exploring the maps with the new Sombra and noticed the translocator wasn’t bouncing anymore but i wasn’t sure.


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does it really resolve it though? i mean ya, if you notice that its placed in a spot where it shouldn’t be, you’re now able to destroy it. However, maybe its just me and i just need to learn not to do this habit sometimes we need to jump into the fray as quickly as possible and throw the translocator somewhere not really looking at where its landing (because it takes a while to actually land), do sombra things and then translocate off the map. It still doesnt feel like its supposed to happen but it does.

DUDE! i honestly thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me! Ive been seeing it since she was buffed in PTR… There is no hanzo or widow and yet sometimes you can see her across the map in her pink silhouette. i was going to address this but again i thought it was just me since i never saw anyone else mention it. If thats the case its not just in FFA its in QP too and if THATS the case then certainly in Comp.

Two years. She’s has bugs since the day she came out that never got resolved.


Well there are already new ones:

Have you seen the reports of massive frame rate drops when hacking during a team fight? Seems more prevalent around Hammond and his minefield.

Occurs mostly on console but I’ve seen people say they’ve had the issue on PC too.


Yes, it’s hideous. As with all of Sombras bugs, it doesn’t happen every time.

Frame rate drops big style on hack - for me it’s seemed worse on larger targets (more likely to happen on a D.Va than a Mercy, for example).

In case it helps identify the cause; it was introduced with the Hammond patch.

Xbox One here.


Is it intended that speed boost abilities automatically break Hack, regardless of tracking?

Thank you so much for letting us know you are working on these bugs! This is the best news ever!

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