I like the buffs mentioned in this thread: The survivability buffs Sym needs (not 250hp)
Particular the improved shield hp regen and decrease of her head hitbox. These two buffs would hardly be powercreep and could make playing her just a little bit more reliable.
And reverting the TP change, that would be the best buff in my opinion, haha.
I do think her primary fire has been the weakest part in her kit and wished they would try out averaging the damage ramp up into 2 stages instead of 3, to increase her minimal damage, but decrease her maximum damage, which should hopefully also make balancing it easier.
Only when Hanzo and Widow also get thrown into the “they are meant to be bad” stash, haha.
But seriously, Sym has potential with some interesting strategies due to her teleporter, and if the turrets make balancing her hard… remove them and give her shield gen or a different deployable or heck, change them to healing turrets or slow-only.
Whether you wan’t to admit it or not Sym’s to easy to use to justify a buff, make her more “aim elitist” and maybe she would be fine in low ELO, not just mindlessly destroy bronze n silvers cause she farmed a shield for 2 seconds and put some turrets on a wall.
For every 150 damage Symmetra does to an enemy Barrier with her Primary Fire she gains 10 additional shield hp(maxes out at 75/275hp) keeps Shield hp until death then she resets back to 200hp.
It would reward her with more hp rather than just giving her 250hp which I think would be nice.
Teleporter cooldown becomes 8 seconds when Symmetra destroys it herself.
Sentry Turret cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.
Ult change is understandable, her current ult is pretty meh. But dear god don’t bring the auto-aim microwave back. That was awful. You end up in an exciting 1v1 duel where you’re trying to put in work, meanwhile your opponent isn’t even looking at you, unable to even keep you in their screen, and still deals their full damage.