She was made into a tp bot. But that’s not what people wanted.
Also whether you hate her or not. Watching Sym in owl is insanely fun as there are so many strats with her. And she’s an all in type of hero as well.
She needs buffs. Just the right buffs that reward skill.
shes just fine where she is
If you think this, you are very bad at the game.
How so? She’s just a gimmicky wildcard that sucks against common sense. She dies to everything.
People freak out when you pick her. How is that fine?
Or how about we stop buffing heroes and start toning the others that need it? Sym is situational and either works or doesn’t. Same goes with many other dps. Just because you cant play her all the time doesnt mean she needs buffs.
As soon sym is usable, alarms go off in blizz HQ and they need to press the emergency nerf buttons.
Its just common knowledge at this point.
Gods and devils forbid sym to be able to 1v1 anything without having 3 turrets up and max charge beam in the ideal scenario for her where the sun moon and stars align like some freekin anime weebo fight scene.
true, she has a good design, I just have had an annoying experience with her
dude sombra can be brutal when she gets the drop on anything not a tank, she also has a kit that lets her do that and get away safely, Sym doesn’t and her teleporter isn’t meant for hit and runs like that.
I was referring to her team-dependence not her survivability. With no communication and team efforts there is literally no reason to pick sombra.
same can be said about healers, bastion, torbjorn, flank tanks, any dps that has no self heal and can’t one shot
Symm is my 3rd most dps character and I want her to get a survivability (or any tbh) buff, but I still don’t agree she’s the most team dependent with sombra in game. Symm is so weak right now but can be a good solo carry if buffs are implemented. And I’m not sure why you’ve given those particular team dependent examples. When referring to dependence we mean that a character needs to have a group work with them to get a lot of value compared to the value you get from solo play. Torbjorn does not give an example of this (tho i do think he is a little too situational right now), bastion can definitely be described as team dependent and as for support I see where you’re coming from but the only two character I really see any true dependence from is Ana. Every other support can get some value by being solo, but Ana is so vulnerable and has a completely dependent ult that I’d agree with you. Remember this is on about group work and a characters reliance on a coordinated team to get value.
I am getting the feel they have a shiieeeeld generator…
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I miss having my whole team die because they got overconfident and pushed too far out of the point, only to have them all use my TP to get back because I’m a clever girl, and have the enemy sweep in thinking that they own the place only to actually have us pop out all over again!
Has anyone else really noticed how stale the game has gotten now that we have no mas rez and no TP from spawn? The literal timing of engagements is now so predictable because if someone is dead you know they’re staying that way and they have to spawn and then walk back, and you can predict about how long that will take for whatever hero they’re playing. Or at least I can, anyway.
Now, whenever Mercy pulls off a res, it’s always with a group engagement, it’s never like, a big deal. It’s never ‘oh that rez really swung the course of the fight in a definite way’ because rezzing just one person rarely makes that much difference. I mean it might tip the scales if you’re talking a 4v5, but it’s not like you can rez one person and get 4 kills, so if you’re looking at say a 3v5 then taking the time to rez someone basically guarantees those 2 you had are going to die in the mean time, it takes so long to rez someone now, by the time the one you rezzed is up you’ll be looking at a 2v5, you and the poor soul you rezzed to get slaughtered!
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I strongly prefered 2.0 and frankly hate Symm as she is. I miss her old tele n shield gen. I miss her ability to pierce barriers. I miss six turrets and deployable barrier.
If anything, Mercy and Sombra are more team reliant than Symmetra, but I do agree that she is heavily reliant. Shes a dps who needs a shield most of all dps, rather than being able to survive on her own. Shes like the Zen/Brig of dps
I get gold damage with her every game. Not sure what the problem is.
Charge up on shields, put your turrets in the right spot, charge a full right-click into a beam, plan your escape with your TP, spam full orbs into high traffic areas.
I guess she takes intelligence to use.
Symmetra needs buffs, but not damage buffs. She already does quite a lot even after her dps nerf. The only thing is her TP; I get why its useful, but thats just a step back from dps leaning her more towards support, it should be more engaging. I ask for the cooldown to be halved when destroyed by Sym like Torbs turret. Before then, you would have a TP up and running and ready to be used again within 3 seconds. Ive seen comments on a 4th turret, but it is pointless and will only bring up more controversy because of slowing effect. Her Ult should last 15 secs than 12, I dont understand why that part was nerfed.
Remove the distance break from her TP and make it summon deeper into ledges. Having it place on the extreme edge of a ledge is silly.
you’ve proven that for us, at least.
Sym is fine and no more power creep.
These people aren’t maining her properly if they think she needs buffs. Stop whining DAILY and try bettering your stats with her. They’re also not seeing the bigger picture of power creep and where dev resources should be allocated.