“bad A has higher ambiguous stats than bad B”… yes comparing bad with a bad standard somehow shows one is fine
like I can do the same too:
“this week in GM sombra has 0.42% better pickrate higher than bastion (0% pickrate), 1.03% higher winrate than bastion (50% wr because it’s default with 0 records), sombra is completely fine”…
and yes they are ambiguous stats because old sym had even higher pickrate and winrate but she was objectively determined to be not fine, empirically contradicting your logic of “higher pickrate and higher winrate than sombra => their kit is fine”.
Even TP revert and +50hp would do it. The beam damage fix made her do 40% more damage than before. Maybe like a bonus damage for level 1, so it would be at least 80/120/180. Now it is 60/120/180, for example 0 charge zarya does already 95dmg/s and zarya has 15m beam compared to symmetra 12m
As much I would love to believe your words. I am certain she isn’t fine. I see too many Symmetra threads compared to other heroes on a daily basis which means many players don’t consider her truly fine. Even with the positive speech you said just now she’s fine in other modes. She’s not being used often outside of Steveo and a few others spectrum who plays her at a high rank.
You say the game needs to focus more on other things meaning another 6 months to a year or 2 of wait again all because a simple hp buff makes her a power creep? Come on man you know that’s a bad look on the product as whole.
We’ve been suggesting for years and none of it came to fruition. They don’t like her
You using arcade as a proof of one hero’s balance/being OP automatically made your opinion wrong.
There are heros that are OP and
Oppressive in arcade specially in DM etc. But are they balance in Comp? No! some Of them even underperform and a troll pick.
And last thing
If a hero balance is determined by “he/she is good in the right hands” then they should have not rework her twice because stevo made her work in every map using symm1.0
That does not mean she is fine just coz one player made her work.
If we are going to base hero balance by this logic then we shouldn’t expect any more hero balance patch coz apparently every one trick can make their hero work!
Remove her turrets and give her an actual DPS kit with a little utility. Something like that, maybe. But, they’ve already stated they won’t provide much in terms of buffs for turret heroes due to balancing problems. She’s not really a good design for an FPS. It’s the same story for a few different heroes like that. OW2’s PVE will provide a better atmosphere for them.
I think she is rather good as is… personally… she is good at melting barriers and is a particularly good counter to Sigma
the major problem with her if any is that you kinda need to be really good at comunicating to really get the most value out of her as she can enable some very potent team strategies…
Aracade seems like a decent place for her coz its usually the only mode where there is no “blame the symm mentality” its a fun mode where people play whatevs thats why some think she is strong or OP in arcade.
I lived through it, but if it happens again, I will leave because I know how bad that one was, These forum people think they got everyone stumped and are 30000 IQ no, no, no one is, on these forums
what was so bad about it. I thought sym 2.0 taught new people good lessons on hero weaknesses and counterpicking
Personally the shield gen was the biggest offender it needed a nerf to duration to stop it from snowballing. But other than that everything else had enough drawbacks to justify it
Just because I might learn some thing out of it doesnt exlclude it from being bad. A good number of people I know hate symetra because of how brainded she was and is. She is offered reward for just looking at a shield, she was annoying and just slowed down the game. She melted the shoot out of my team…not very fun, not very fair. I dont want to live in yet another meta (after mei reaper) where the best character is one that takes 0 skill. Symetra in design is cool, but like bastion, to be meta is annoying
one good thing about 2.0 she did have a fairly large skill gap between bad syms and good ones because of photon barrier. That ability could block ults with enough gamesense and skill.
But the real best thing was how she was viable but not meta. She had a high win percentage because her niche was very good on certain maps. But her situational nature made sure she never over centralized the meta game. This made sym a good character to have as a secondary Which many people did even in gm.
I just liked sym 2.0 because all of her advantages were counter balanced with disadvantages.
The problem I have with 3.0 is that she is only really strong in bronze and she becomes significantly weaker in high ranks. We are just left with a hero that’s not really viable anymore
Unpopular opinion Sym does not need any buffs, she’s a one button wonder who does not need to be meta. Stick to QP if you want to play her, these recommended buffs are way too much. They nerfed her for a reason and she should stay that way.
Oooor, how about we actually buff the overnerfed Symmetra 3.0 as she deserves and not revert her to the much more inferior design - wise Symmetra 2.0??