Daily reminder of the current state of Sombra

doesn’t calling someone’s post pile of garbage offensive?
You don’t understand, you can’t call something illogical if you have no valid counter argument. And if your counter argument is that emp is boring, that’s just like someone saying I don’t want to cure my disease because it’s boring to get a shot.


Just salty that junk does not dominate anymore and people do not care about him.

Just another toxic player who been demolished by sombra to many time.

it is bad English because English not my first language

No, that makes no sense at all. I merely mentioned that I had seen complaints about it. The point was always that EMP/Hack is oppressive. A cloud is orange if it’s orange. Not even remotely comparable.

No. Using your lame example, that’s like saying that the devs get to decide whether the cloud is orange or not even though the cloud isn’t.

You’re not scoring any points so just get over it. Won’t respond to any future garbo.

Take your toxicity elsewhere. I don’t main Junk, I used to. I really dig your heavy use of unironic illogicality, you keep making stupid assumptions all the time and you go on as if it every assumption was correct. You’re special.

I feel the decision to not even mention Sombra in the latest patch shows an incredible disconnect with the community as of late.

Especially after they promised to look after her.

Even if they think Sombra is fine they should just say so. Then we can start the conversation from there. Why leave us in the void?

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I am special and I’m just saying no one wants to hear you complain that sombra doesn’t need change when she’s is the worst hero in the game.

Your reasoning is it’s unfun? They balance on that?because last time I checked they balanced on statistics (which shows sombra sucks) so yes they do need to look at her.

I’ll take my toxicity elsewhere when’s you take yours elsewhere. Your attacking sombra for no reason other than you’ve had a bad time (I know this because your only reason why she doesn’t need need help is becasue emp and hack are unfun to play against)

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They really must do something about her. For most heroes, we have been getting info about what they think the hero is at. Sombra still haven’t got any comment. It’s really sad. For me, all i just wish for is them saying that they will be working on her bugs.

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Just one word:

Please leave this thread if you’re just going to stubbornly post your personal opinion about a hero you don’t even play. The rest of us that actually understand Sombra are trying to get through to the devs and you’re just purposely derailing this because your Junkrat doesn’t like getting hacked.

Your hero had a chance to be tweaked and worked on, now let us have ours.