Daily Hero Opinion: Reaper

I don’t think Reaper really needs to be buffed in terms of damage potential, because he has that in spades already. While armor slows him down a bit, I think it’s Defense Matrix and Zarya Bubbles that can feel most oppressive to him.

In my opinion, Reaper’s problem is that he’s too straightforward and predictable. Being able to cancel Wraith at will helped in that department, but Shadowstep is actually far worse. It’d help if Shadowstep and Wraith were merged into one, where Reaper is allowed to move vertically in wraith as if he was flying. With this he could be a very strong counter to stationary squishies like snipers or Ana on high ground or Bastion setups.

It’d also create room for another E ability to help him out. Like maybe a smoke screen that also heals him over time for a small amount, or a self buff that allows him to deal double damage to barriers and deployables so he can actually start dealing damage more quickly (would be very strong combined with death blossom).

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He isn’t nearly as bad as everyone says. He’s got some good stuff going, he’s just easily countered. Shadowstep isn’t the worst ability as people claim, but it does need to be a bit faster.

Ok I have an idea. It may or may not be op or mentioned prior, but a simple passive that let’s his gun deal double damage to armor and .5 second faster shadowstep would probably put him in more than a fine position.

Yea? Nay?

I am not good with Reaps however when I have my rare golden moments, lol, I dish out a god amount of damage and when his ult just comes in nice…~ It’s a bliss, to channel ones inner edgelord for a bit. ^^

It’s a council i believe

He still needs some slight buffs…

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Well, I love Reaper. Both his comical level of edginess and his playstyle; even if it’s become increasingly difficult and frustrating to play. But it’s so very beautiful and satisfying when you’re able to find your way behind enemies to cause havoc.

But, as others have said, he’s in desperate need of some help. Shadowstep, spread, and a possible added ability to his secondary fire would be my bet as to best help lil Ms. Edgy

Shadowstep: lower voiceline and voiceline range in which it’s heard. Lower ability cast time. And possibly change it so that you instantly teleport from where you are, but still need 1 second to load in on the back end. This way it can be used mid battle (an emergency escape option when wraith is on cooldown). Yay more utility!

Give Reaper that sexy fixed shotgun spread a la Doom boom and Torby poo. Make Reaper sexy again. Possibly even lower the spread a bit? shrugs

As for an added ability on his secondary fire: smoke nades y’all! Allow you and yourteammates to continue to see enemy outlines through smoke, they can’t see yours. Enemy turrets can’t target through smoke. Yay, even more utility! Also would add to Reaper’s bamboozle ability + synergize well with shadowstep and flanking in general


The hero is really interesting in the lore.
But underpowerd in the game, right now

i thought doom fist was the leader of talon?