D.Va should not be so immune to boops

D.Va and Orisa taking reduced knockback while shooting is a confirmed bug they have put off fixing for a long time.


It’s down from 90-100% which was OWWC. Rally nerf is being pushed, and more nerfs are surely to come.

Then lets tone it down.

Actually all the character should be like her. CC is pain.

Dva is not immune to boop.

But we should make it a feature for all tanks that they are more resistant to being boop spammed off bridges by 4 second cooldown abilities from wallriding dj’s. =)

Places like ilios well and lighthouse, lijiang tower and eichenwalde bridge are already too much of lucio’s playground.


Dva is not immune to boop.

Using her primary fire gives her drastically reduced knockback, meaning, she is effectively boop immune because the distance that she will travel will almost never end up booping her.

And the fact that she already has boosters to offset the boop even if it happens.

So no, tanks shouldn’t be immune to it. Especially not D.Va who already has a counterplay ability.

I can’t believe no-one mentioned it yet.

DVA should not be immune to boops in the first place.

It’s a bug.

It just never got fixed and I’m certain they forgot about it seeing how this is a post from nearly a year old.


Let’s start by nerfing Earthshatter.

Agreed. Why does it go through the payload?

It’s funny because Reinhardt’s kit mostly has CC.

  • Knockback from hammer swings.
  • Displacement from Charge.
  • AOE stun from ultimate.

A lot of ultimates can, even AOE ultimates like Mei’s blizzard.

While I agree she shouldnt be “immune” to CC, D.va shouldn’t be your boop focus unless she has just used her boosters anyhow, or if you’re trying to force her to waste boosters for some reason (IE her not being able to eatan an ult in time)

But Earthshatter travels like a projectile, Mei’s ult makes sense, you can’t take cover from it. You can take cover from Earthshatter, it’s kind weird that the payload isn’t cover, I don’t mean “lore wise”, I know there’s a space below the cart, but it makes Shatter too harder to evade in payload maps.

I would remove at the drop of a hat. They’re very small anyway.


tanks have been the same since dive meta and they weren’t op then

they didn’t get buffed then, so why blame tanks for the op synergy of Lucio and brig

She pretty easy to get with Orisa if you wait out her boosters.

D.Vas ult gets blocked by the payload though


I think cc is fine. Cc heroes have plenty of weaknesses.

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But it’s not Lucio or brig. If you run dive with Lucio and brig… It is very risky.

It’s stacking tanks and supports altogether.

Still not 100% immune to boop. =)

You can also complain to blizzard about not fixing bugs in bug reports section if you want reduced knockback to go away when firing guns. But I somehow doubt it’s on a list of bugs they want to fix in a hurry, it’s more like a feature now than a bug.

Only lucio one tricks would honestly complain about not being able to boop 2 characters completely when they fire their guns out of the 29.

I thought they changed this with one of the older patches. I guess I was wrong. I will edit my post.

It depends of the payload, whether payload is floating high enough or if it’s on a slope that allows line of sight below the payload. Like the infamous christmas kings row sled that has room below it.

CC is not fine. The amount of CC added is out of wazoo, Overwatch got CC-creeped, even after DF and Bash changes, still too much.