D.VA needs to be buffed

D.Va is the least picked off tank over the past six months. Zarya dominated GOATS and hog took over for bunker. She was never snuffing anyone out. There is no justification for a hero being bad in the present because they were viable for a certain period of time in the past


First do you have stats that actually say she was the least picked because i don’t think that thats true. Zarya and Dva were both played in goats so saying that zarya dominated in goats is fine but so did dva. When hog took over in bunker as the meta evolved people figured out that dva could eat halts and was just as viable as hog was in the meta.

This statement is perfectly true im just saying that if she isn’t viable for a bit it could be explained by Blizzard wanting other heroes to be played more.

Not a single one of those metas did you get told you could only play D.Va. At no point has the tank side of the meta been this entirely one sided. At no point has it been completely impossible to play a tank, you could always play your tank on ladder if you were good enough even if it wasn’t the optimum meta, except maybe Winston being overnerfed because you could run six winstons at the beginning and it took a while to fix the nerf once that meta was banned with hero limits.

This is the situation D.Va is in. And just like that early Winston bubble nerf that ruined Winston to stop people running six of them, it’s utterly ridiculous they did nothing to fix it once the GOATS meta that inspired her latest nerfs was banned.

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Im not arguing that the nerfs shouldn’t be reverted or that dva was the only viable tank at any point just that she has been extremely viable for a long period of time and that because of that it would be understandable from blizzard’s perspective to focus on other character’s balance such as brig or lucio.

^Of course not. You don’t mean to sound like that Blizzard should not help D.Va or nor do you think that she was OP, but because she could be described as extremely usable for a long time, you think it is ok that Blizzard should pat themselves on their backs and should consider their jobs finished and move on to the next hero when they nerf D.Va—or any hero really—to a point of making her unplayable.

Some people are just understanding and find it acceptable for a workman to break something that didn’t need his kind of “fixing” and so sympathize with his desire to move on and work on to another project in need of improvement.


I find that hard to believe.

@OP - I agree. D.Va is pretty bad right now

with only 10 meters matrix

it would be fair if she had atleast 3 sec matrix

or just simply reduce the recharge to from 8 to 6 sec