D.VA needs to be buffed

So D.VA was nerfed due to GOATS but now that GOATS is a thing of the past D.VA has just been left behind and is in need of a buff to make her viable again. As it stands she just gets killed too easily and cant hold her own like to she used it.
TBH its kinda sad


They said it before, they didn’t nerf any hero because if GOATS, they new all along about the 2-2-2 and were preparing for it.

So it was intentionally this unbalanced?


Not true, they said not all balance changes were due to goats. But every time they want to nerf a meta, they nerf D.Va. So yes, they did nerf her for goats, and they broke her.


Even if they said that I wouldn’t believe them, because of their lack honesty in the past.


And they created the absolute worst meta by doing so, how are they going to nerf this one


By nerfing D.Va obviously.


sounds legit now that I think about it. They did nerf Sombra that would have been great against Sigma/Orisa

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Watch them throw a curveball and give her another nerf


just to put us in our place: “we know what you want better than you”


I have to disagree with the OP here, dva is in a balanced state, if anything she needs micro missiles taking away.

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Easy. Echo’s special ability will be converting enemy barriers to your own or walking up and literally biting a chunk out of them.

Or like, what if Echo’s bullets tore a temporary hole in any shield they hit? that’d be pretty rad.

Edit: I also had this idea for a mid-range omnic character like way when the game launched that I posted on the character idea reddit. He had 2 pile bunkers on his arms that punctured and did extra damage to barriers. His ult was a big spinning bunker buster bullet that would stop on barriers but start to ramp up in damage until the barrier was removed at which time It’d continue to shoot forward until it hit a real wall.

The more it charged up spinning on a barrier the more damage it would do to anything else it hit.

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They nerfed D.Va for goats when she wasn’t even the lynchpin of it. It still boggles my mind. If sigma was introduced at the start of GOATS, D.Va wouldn’t be picked at all for the whole meta


lol what are you smoking

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Pretty sure that is sarcasm based on the posting history.

lolk, I was worried. some people seem to really think she’s actually op right now.

False. Josh Noh said it himself.

“not all changes over the last year were directly targeted at affecting the 3-3 GOATS meta (eg. Soldier, McCree, Junkrat buffs).”

So some changes were aimed at goats, just like Josh says further in his comment:

“The goal of the changes that actually were aimed at GOATS was not to kill it entirely but to weaken it enough, without destroying the individual heroes, that other new comps could arise to compete with it.”


Except they did it with D.Va. She is just as delicate as a flower. She gets melted no matter what you do, it doesn’t even matter if your healers are taking care fo you. She has no sustain. She’s lost her tankiness and yes those nerfs were pointed to affect goats. Clear as water.

She needs some love but I guess we just have to wait. I’m hoping for a big balance patch. Many heroes need buffs, QoL changes or tweaks.


not really, shes super hard to kill, using mobility and using cover you can survive pretty easy, ialways have gold damage/lease deaths on my team as dva

huh? super hard to kill lol what??? What game are you playing buddy? SR? Platform? many aspects can lead you to that conclusion…
Having gold dmg as dva and not dying in this meta tells me pretty much where you play…