D.VA needs to be buffed

I think they’ve resorted to reverse psychology…


How is D.Va hard to kill? She melts the second the enemy team starts to push. Since she got no real shield she can’t defend herself nor her team members.

She needs buffs, right now I just hate having her in my team because she is nothing but an ult battery to the enemy team and takes forever to heal because she just constantly is on critical health due to her lack of a shield but still insanely big hitbox.
Lately I see many Moiras 1v1 D.Vas because they start to realize that this character is no threat at all, they just stand there and slowly destroy her while not even taking real damage. Heck, even as Mercy I can often easily take on a D.Va.

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Yeah if it is 222 using dva to counter pharah means you cant use Zarya or Sigma or Roadhog
I personally think Sigma shouldn’t be in that list however, Dva has to be looked

no thanks she always been meta until recently, just wait for blizz to make a decision

A-, got me slightly mad until I saw your name but you still only got 1 angry reply.

Good troll.

Until recently? More like half a year ago.

High time for dva to become back to a viable char so winston can be dragged out of the mud and we can dive this doubleshield comp once again.


Yeah, you had some highly ranked players trying to deflect blame from brig on dva. They called witch on Dva, and Dva got burnt on the stake with Brig, except Brig was the real witch, and has staved off the fires, managing to be playable despite the rework and nerfs, while Dva, a mere mortal is turned to ashes.

Exactly. I was telling myself this yesterday. I said to myself, “why do I feel like I live longer in Baby Dva form or with any other hero way longer than I do in mech?” Obviously like you said, her massive hitbox, massive critbox, matrix which has been nerfed many times over, and her armor nerf long ago have finally taken their toll, and now she’s super easy to kill.

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I always thought Zarya was the center piece to GOATs. She was the primary damage dealer and brought the graviton which was the fight winner. D’va was just a third tank they used for bomb and to try to eat gravs. Not sure why they’d nerf D’va to help deal with GOATs.


By now it’s fair to not believe most statements that devs put out.


Devs don´t know neither, they just heard Dva eats too much gravs from some Zarya-mains from OWL…


Orisa and sigma needs nerfed, if dva is still bad then we can discuss a buff.

If you nerf Orisa/Sigma without nerfing Zarya, she’ll create the entire new meta and it’ll be just as curb stomp as this one. Although it would be a lot more fast paced.

zarya was already nerfed, and i rather have a rein zarya meta then a double shield bunker meta. If what you say comes true then they can just further tune down zarya.

Zarya was tweaked. She will get nerfed further than this when they nerf Orisa. I’m only speculating. But, if you look at the raw damage she puts out, it’s more DPS than almost every DPS character in the game. Damage heroes are literally borderline obsolete with tanks shelling out what they do now with their big health pools and survivability resources. It’s how GOATs became a thing. Until they address the tank problem in the game, DPS will continue to play sustain heroes and just outlast/CC you all game.

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When you look at how the game has been historically Dva has been the character that has been viable for the most amount of time thus it is probably a good thing that she isn’t super viable so that other off tanks can be. but who knows whats gonna happen

The healthiest metas were ones where D.Va was not trash. At no point has D.Va being viable ever deleted as many tanks off the roster as the current meta has. Making D.Va not even an option is the worst tank balance we’ve ever had in this game. Never, ever, ever before has it been so one-sided a meta on the tank category.


Im sorry but that was pretty much every meta in which dva was strong with few exceptions like grav dragons but she was still played then to try and eat the ults. from what i remember every meta that started to develop without Dva eventually evolved to include dva. Would you consider goats to be a health meta Dva was in it. and if you do what besides double shield is an unhealthy meta that Dva wasn’t in.

Please stop asking for buffs, we need more nerfs.

Just don’t buff her ult; she wouldn’t like that.