D.Va needs a rework

Barriers are a thing.

Let’s gut a perfectly balanced hero, guys!


I can assure you it was a sarcasm.

Tell that to Lucio 1.0.

Lucio, the same hero who was the most picked support before the Mercy rework, got massive buffs because Mercy was that OP.

The support class was powercreeped by Mercy, and the Off Tanks don’t need to do that too.

That won’t fix the fact that D.Va remains unequivocally better than Zarya.

Not to mention a Roadhog buff probably wouldn’t change anything considering DM counters Hook better than Projected Barrier.

Not in practice, where her Boosters actually do matter.

Only if you’re so ignorant that you ignore D.Va’s Primary Ability.

It blocks the followup.

Zarya bubbles don’t really block this consistently.

This does nothing if the Discorded Target does not take damage.

Mei’s ult is very easy to eat due to its cast time.

Projected Barrier does not protect from melee knockbacks.

And yet, DM is still far better because niche abilities are not anywhere near as dangerous as the consistent threats that D.Va can deal with.

How about this time we actually get rid of her must-pick status.

D.Va is statistically the best Off-Tank in Platinum and below.

It wasn’t, that person is just that ridiculous.

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The only thing that makes DVA viable is her DM - its very strong if used correctly…imagine a DVA without DM - her pick rate would be the worst of all tanks easily.

She is a dive tank, almost like a less mobile Hammond except she has DM instead of adaptive shield and missiles instead of pile driver

At this point you cannot rework DVA unless you want to completely kill her as a dive tank and turn her into something else…but then what type of tank would she be that isnt already been filled by another tank?

Can we also do the same with Rein, WM/Hanzo? That’d be nice. :roll_eyes:

Not a fan of reworking D.Va again, and I doubt Blizzard would bother touching her anytime soon, either.


For WM and Hanzo they were always must-pick even back when they were really not so I doubt Blizzard can do anything about that.

Overwatch esports are a bad joke forced by Blizzard, who cares?

Overbuff reports Zarya as better then D.Va for plat, and below D.Va by less than 1% (0.05% winrate) across all ranks

This is a witch hunt plain and simple.


Versatile !=op.
Also sadly I would actually want Zarya on my team rather than a Dva, she melts enemies on objective and her up easily teamwipes.

Discord does matter because dm is LITERALLY 2 seconds. Discord stays as long as Zen is alive and at least peeks out from cover every few seconds.

This a coordination issue

Matrix itself is broken when you have near perfect coordination. It should probably go back to being a cooldown ability

Matrix eats most things, at the hands of a pro it can shut down too many things.

I will not budge on travel time. It was an illogical caveat to an already-limited barrier.

I forget the exact number value it was prior to the buff. Wasn’t it above 10 seconds?

One second is fine. There is no issue with D.Va flickering her DM anymore and just tapping the right mouse button drains a very good chunk of matrix.

Sometimes. Her and Zarya absolutely compete.

Most of these aren’t D.Va’s fault though; they revolve around the balance of her primary counters. There are team comps that I have to switch to Zarya from D.Va. For sure. And I do consider myself a fairly decent D.Va player.

Also, D.Va cannot DM poke. She can’t afford it. She’s very vulnerable to it if her main tank is busy elsewhere (or if she doesn’t have one, but let’s be real). D.Va has plenty vulnerabilities.

They have already :^)

But D.Va isn’t “super OP” at all and twoish of fourish (ish for Hammond) off-tanks are underpowered. It does make sense for most of the non-Zarya off tanks to change them instead because they need changes.

I count we’re on D.Va 6.5! :smiley:

Lucio had been directly and indirectly nerfed for months.

Good thing we’re used to it!

I’d vomit uncontrollably all over Blizzard campus honestly. It was crap.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but she’s always been meta since season 3, hasn’t she?

She’s always been this versatile. I’m kind of tired of seeing her in the meta. She’s the hero that is meta in every tier, unfortunately. But I also don’t trust Blizzard with reworks and I don’t want her nerfed harshly. I can’t think of a good outcome for this.

Further inspection shows that D.Va gets better stats in lower tier ranks, but drops off the radar the higher the ranking goes.(exception of GM rank) OWWC is a statistical outlier

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She briefly fell out during the armor nerf and again during gravstrike. She is now occasionally subbed out for the other off tanks and even Sombra in GOATS

But she isn’t OP.

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It’s either that or make it have counters and buff her somewhere else

It… Does have counters lol

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not much

There is a reason why it lasts so short but again that’s why it’s broken in the hands of a pro

That actually belongs to Reinhardt and Ana. Better nerf those too!

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Reinhardt is not a must pick. He barely outclasses Winston in GM and he loses out easily to Winston in pro play.

Widowmaker is not a must-pick. She is picked less than Genji in GM and less than Sombra in pro play.

Hanzo is not even close to a must-pick. He is picked less than Doomfist in GM and less than Pharah in pro play.

D.Va has a higher winrate than Zarya in Platinum and the pickrate difference is much, much smaller.

The only ranks where Zarya beats out D.Va are the ranks where people are good enough to use her but not good enough to use D.Va.

Tell taht to Lucio 1.0.

I’m sorry, but your personal preferences have literally nothing to do with this.

So is Zarya bubble.

You can avoid Zenyatta’s LoS. It isn’t all on him.

No it was not. It actually gave DM consistent counterplay because there was a consistent place it couldn’t be used.

It was 10 seconds.

No it isn’t. Zarya’s bubble has an 8 second cooldown. A 1 second cooldown means that there isn’t a consistent window to avoid DM.

2 seconds could work imo.

No they don’t. Even if you think that Zarya is better (she is only better in mid-high level ranks) that is because of her other advantages.

The peel competition isn’t even close.

If an indirect nerf means “breaking Mercy”, fine.

The Boop ammo buff and wallride buff made up for the removal of mouse wheel wallriding and the ultimate change (which was universal).

GM, OWWC and Plat and below (winrate difference is higher than pickrate difference there) is more than literally only Diamond and Masters.

With this logic of perfect play I guess we should just plain delete Tracer, Genji, Doom, and Widow then for doing too much playing perfectly.