D.Va needs a rework

It’s the mobility. It always has been. Old DM was not OP, it blocked less damage than the other tanks. It felt bad in a way they didn’t, but it was not OP. That’s why she got Micro Missiles to compensate it’s shorter duration, because a straight nerf would’ve been inappropriate.

The way the maps are built, and the long trips from spawn, and how being down even one player snowballs is so dire, is what is giving these mobile heroes such insanity.

Mobility is why Lucio was OP. Why Reinhardt is far superior to Orisa, and why Winston is superior to Reinhardt despite having a worse barrier and the worst damage in the game. It’s why any dps that beats Tracer and Genji has to be way overtuned. It’s why Widow went from a solid pick to being the main decider of games for an entire season. It’s why Hanzo dropped so drastically after a one second cooldown on his mobility. It’s why Doomfist feels so oppressive.

It’s mobility.


Only at the source, which can be avoided by the ult user, like amking sure she’s out of Meka in zaryas case or activating from behind a wall in hanzos case.


The design and balance of the pre-rework + pre min range buff was the best D.Va ever got to.

Pharah has a top 12 winrate from Bronze to Platinum.


Grav, dragon, blizzard, pulsebomb etc, and it doesn’t completely negate the ult it makes the enemy a huge target

It does but it’s not something happening in every match. I mean if your ult get eaten the fault’s more on your side rather than D.Va considering how short the up-time of DM currently is.


In most occasions that is not possible to just hide behind a wall or destroy the meka

Tracers can put it on dvas back, not like they are lacking mobility to do so,
And Mei can freeze dva and launch and it won’t get eaten


Again very niche situations to try and use an ult

It’s usually common practice for hanzos to launch without being seen to make it easier to do damage ?


I mean, it’s not like the competition holds up.

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If dva counters your ult you should be playing like that.
I don’t use any ult that can get eaten with her still in Meka, or I watch how often she’s using dm to see if she’s out on it.

Like how I don’t launch my Meka into a Reinhardt, he likely has shield.


Exactly but blizzard don’t want to buff any off tank rather than hog so why is d.va able to do zarya’s job but so much better

Because all tank ultimates are CC/area denial? Or are we honestly going to complain about SD when Graviton exists?

More often than not this is detrimental more than it is beneficial.

You don’t seem to understand that offtanks are mostly dictated by what they have to deal with. Zarya and Roadhog does not deal with Ana, Widow, Hanzo, or Pharah. D.va does to varying degrees depending on the hero.

Last time I checked DM had an internal cooldown when you toggle it, even if you have resources left over. Good players will use that window.

In conclusion:
D.va is not overtuned or oppressive. She’s not “too versatile”. She’s just an offtank with mobility that allows her to deal with threats where other offtanks would have to just say “welp good luck supports”


Glad to know I’m not the only on who noticed, Dva is the bes tank in the game by a far margin, and while she is a character who is quite healthy for the game with her personality and kit, its too good to pass up.

Some power need to be take away from her ability to have two lives essentially.

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Console player here. Pharah seems to only be OP in the high ranks on PS4. I’m on Xbox now she’s never been a problem for me.

Here’s the thing. You start this argument with pick rates. If you look at ranked, Reinhardt has a pick rate nearly double D.Va with a better win rate too.

Zarya’s pick rate is just slightly below D.Va, 0.28% points and Zarya has the better win rate.

The outlier in the off tanks is Roadhog. He’s way down. And Hammond too.

Pro play and ranked aren’t the same.


You forget. D.Va was balanced. She was complained about because people didn’t want to work around her defensive ability even though it’s the easiest to get around. Nobody asked for Micro Missiles. D.Va has a massive critbox. Take it from someone with over 700 hours on D.Va, she’s more underpowered than over. She’s one of the easiest tanks to kill and can’t absorb enough damage to be called a tank. She can’t even do anything to you if you’re not right in front of her, and even when you are in front of her her spread is so bad you won’t take that much damage. adada shift spam is enough to take very little damage from her


Doesn’t Reinhardt have a higher win rate and pick rate on ranked though.


Off tanks either create space or protect key targets

Zarya: protects targets with bubble

Hog: create space with hook

Hammond: create space with grapple plus pile driver

D.Va: create space with booster and missiles, protect targets with DM.

D.Va does both roles as good as the other off tanks if not better. She has to much utility to pass up and this makes her the best of the off tanks.

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Right ok so that chart is gospel truth so everyone should shut the hell up about Doomfist because he’s actually trash? They should also stop complaining about Hanzo because Widow has double his pickrate?