D.va is below 50% win rate in ladder

If their balance team is anything like hearthstones they’re aiming for you to have a 50% wr

Perfectly balanced, as all winrates should be

(Overall hero winrates, not an individual player’s winrate)

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Only 7 heroes reach that minimum and a 3 of them are considered underpowered charactera 2 of them balanced characters and the rest questionable I dont think 52% is the standard

D.va wouldnt be the first character the devs have started destroying they already destroyed my main favorite gal Tracer

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So having a healthy winrate is bad?

She’s definitely F-tier /s

<balanced hero

You realize she was more picked and winning more than mercy in moth meta?
You realize she has been a staple character in almost every single meta since the game started?
She has been needing impactful nerfs since season THREE.

She has been the strongest character in the game besides release brig, reworked mercy, s4 bastion, and tracer in dive.

She is not a D tier character or F tier, now shes actually balanced.

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They where like this for 3 months now the last nerf literlly didn’t change her winrate in anyway tho.

Depends on the rank. The higher the rank the higher what ends up being average as you have to win more often than not to stay at that rank. Compare the bottom win rate for Bronze and GM to see the more extreme examples of this.

I don’t play Dva so I’ve no horse in this race. I’m just bored and having difficulty falling asleep.

When sombra is 40’s…she’s OP…when dva is low 50’s…she’s UP

FORUM LOGIC 101…when I feel character X is OP/UP ANY number proves my point


How is winning more than she loses trash D-tier?

Her pickrate is above average at 3.62% with a balanced 49.8% winrate.

If she falls below a 48% winrate and a 3.28% pickrate she’ll be in C tier territory, currently she’s B tier.

Stop blowing things out of proportion. Statistucslly she’s perfectly fine.

That’s just not true.
Ana, Rein, Moira, Mercy, D.Va, Genji, McCree, Zarya, Hanzo, Hammond, Widow, Winston, Reaper, Soldier, Junkrat, Baptiste, Pharah, Sombra, Tracer and Bastion all have a win rate of 50% or less in competitive.

Many of which are considered strong picks.

Hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm :thinking::thinking:

at least tracer didn’t get 6 back to back nerfs.

but she’s about even with genji in comp play in terms of pickrate and winrate, and people like you want genji nerfed :thinking:

50% winrate across all ranks is literally the pinnacle of balance. No, it’s not 52% as someone else suggested. It’s exactly 50%.

Maybe D.Va will continue dropping and we’ll see that she needs help, but right now the stats suggest that she’s balanced.


I never said anything about nerfing genji.
Also why compare a DPS to a tank?

Isn’t the #1 player NA currently a D.va onetrick? She still has a healthy pickrate and winrate in GM.

Can I ask how?
She’s had a 48 - 49% winrate in GM for like 2 months now with a 1.7% pickrate.
I know pickrates don’t mean everything when it comes to balance, but you completely ignored the fact that she has a bad win rate as well, funny thing is, some people still think she’s OP. Now d.va has a balanced win rate people are acting like she’s F tier? Double standards.

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Because her kit is not butchered and is still strong and dictating metas far more than any other offtank. Zarya is one of those characters that I feel people just drops off even when she is strong for no real reason. She is still a very very good partner to Winston and Rein but I think she see alot of weird drops off in activity from time to time that don’t make sense to me. I think it might be fatigue or something of that nature as she is the one hero that consistently comes back the most with no changes to her or her competition. So her issues I think are mostly due to how people view her in comparison to D.va’s fundemental problems with being able to contribute.

But the one thing that I can see making a bit of sense to me is the rise of Orissa also being a factor in the decline of Zarya. Zarya even likes double offtank combos like Zarya/Hog and Zarya/D.va more than she likes Orissa. I still think the combo of Zarya and orissa is strong and probably better than it gets credit for but I also know that the Zarya side of things is happier with other tanks more.

And no its not a double standard. Zarya stats are in no shape or form an indication of how bad D.va is when again there is more going on than just gameplay and picking a charcter with no context. And me thinking D.va is in a bad spot also doesn’t mean I think Zarya is in a good spot I can think both are in rough shape. I just don’t feel like Zarya needs as much of an argument for because she always seems to get help when she needs it which isn’t the case for D.va imo.

As an aside pickrate and winrate go hand in hand in being flawed. Because winrate is also highly symbiotic on pickrate. I don’t think either stat really reflects reality especially by themselves.

Edit: Gravition surge is also a huge part of how people view her. Alot of people think its grav or bust with her so how people see grav at the given moment also is a huge factor in Zarya seeing play. I personally think this isn’t true and is a huge diservice to the charcter that she is viewed that way but it is what it is