D.va is below 50% win rate in ladder

" almost" but sombra has largely below 50% winrate for 1 year so wait for your turn

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That is such an arbitrary number, plus only 7 heroes this month have 52% or more, 8 in weekly. Does that mean only 7-8 heroes are good and the rest are bad?

Also win rate % matters more in comparison to other heroes in the same rank, not just a number in general. 52% is top 2 heroes in bronze, its also bottom 5 in gm.

Nvm, I dont want a reply, I read most of your responses to other people. Either trolling or very very clueless.


Thanks to developers who killed hero which I learn whole year. Thanks for destroying the superbly balanced hero simply because she was very popular in eSports. Thanks for closing OW for me.


She’s not quite Sombra levels of trash though, so it’s all good

I’m glad D.VA’s been toned down, she was getting far too annoying and far too fearless. Now she’ll know what consequences are and I’m glad fear has found her again on the battlefield. Suddenly characters who were “Easy fly in kills” are now a valid threat once again.

Isn’t 50% what u need ?

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I wasn’t aware that having a lower winrate than Bastion in about 6/7 ranks was balanced.

Or having a <50% pickrate in ranks where the average is about 52%.

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If you where an “Easy fly in kill”, your positioning was straight out horrible.

She can only pop you easily if you are alone and not even your Healer or Off-Tank can get to you in time for help.


In my personal and subjetive ladder, my team loses more than 50% when a Dva is present.

I don’t recall saying “I” was an easy fly in kill, I kill and fight off D.VAs with extreme pride. Feels great to make her eject and get her even before she lands.

I love how everyone ignores when heroes like zarya have 48% winrate in GM and 1.9% pickrate in GM, but when d.va has 50% winrate for one week in all ranks with a solid pickrate “oMg shE’S dEaD1!1”


Maybe A tier down from S tier.

You are also in silver, and no offence, but the players there are not good and when they pick a hero that has become significantly harder… I’ve seen the D.Va’s in plat and they’re supposed to be ABOVE AVERAGE.

No offense bro. I was talking of my personal point of view 100% subjective

(And i was bronze until last month)

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its over… this cannot be bros…

Or is it your whole team that has bad positioning? :thinking:

In all seriousness I hate being alone on high ground and having her come up to trade her mech with me while I am McCree.

Probably the first time she hasn’t been A-tier since the game dropped. Get over it.

I’d like to see her less on my team because I tire of red team getting free ult charge off her.

And yet we are still in a meta that incentivises stacking defensive abilities (which hog lacks 100%) btw and we have 2 whole offtanks in the entire game that can defend. Her plummet is nowhere near done and is in a meta that is supposed to favor charcters who are slower to die. And if you are bad in meta that favors you which she is you are not going to have any successes when the game doesnt favor you

Also btw when you are one of three charcters in a role that alone causes you to garner alot of picks. Especially if it is in a needed role and one of your competion doesn’t queit fit (hog). Oh and how long a charcter has been popular is a terrible and irrelevant piece of information to act on and is how you get knee jerk changes that people hate and dont actually fix anything.

You realize that there is more to pickrates than just balance right? Player distribution is never going to be 100% even for reasons that balance cant cover alone. Things like hero design popularity (aka how cool people think heroes are), how well a player meshes with a kit (aka does the hero fit the playstyle of a lot players), what else is popular andwhat role they are in plus many more factors that cant be seen in pickrate play roles. Good numbers vary much depends on who you are looking at.

Zarya is also in a way better spot as far as the health of her kit is concerned and having an identiy.