Before the range nerf, she was good. So obviously range is a factor.
If it was so bad why did nobody ever complain about it then? That’s like nerfing Soldier 76s sprint, noticing he dropped in effectiveness, then saying, “See? It had to be nerfed.”
You know what you could do with her? Turn her into an assault mech.
1A: Defense matrix stays, but gives her a temporary boost to damage. Yes, akin to Sigma, but focusing on attack rather than defense.
1B: Determine a max threshold for this damage boost - if D.Va achieves it, her mech spits out a ring of fire for 5m around her, lighting all enemies on fire for DOT.
2: Move her critbox to the back of her mech. Sci-fi mechs often move the least-protected zone to the back, so go with it.
3: Remove movement speed penalties when firing. Replace with a heat bar, with the BOG standard “if you reach max heat, it shuts down until it fully cools off” thing. Or if you want to keep it simple and easy, just go with an actual ammo clip.
4: Up her armor from 200 to 400.
Pick three of those, and see how well it plays out in practice.
I just want her playable. I want all heroes playable. Being part of the “meta” is actually a bad thing. It means you’re overtooned 90% of the time. Everyone should be equally viable across the board. But that requires balance. Something blizz isn’t good at, in any of their games.
This has been my issue with her rework from the start. As with most of the reworks they did it for people that don’t play the hero and created a bigger mess for themselves. MM was never an ability she needed and they made these changes RIGHT after claiming she didn’t need any work as well as the claim that she was intended to be a defensive tank.
LOL I like your assumption that dva mains are only one tricks who need to be hopelessly loyal to this one hero and not allowed to play anything else.
Why would anybody in their right mind play this horrifically nerfed character anymore? We adapted and moved on and those 1700 hour dva mains that used to be in GM that didn’t adapt and stayed loyal have now dropped down to diamond. The people who grinded their way to top 10 with dva are seldom playing dva now and swapped to sigma to keep their top position.
Dva mains stopped fighting on the forums because the echo quarters of biased anti-dva corps won every single time when it came down to balance patches and blizz proceeded to gut dva down to the ground needlessly and then stomp on her carcass for a good measure, irreparably destroying her viability with the last nerfs that won’t ever get fixed. It was to put it bluntly, a waste of time and energy when blizzard never listened and now we’re here with the trash dva. Dva is so bad even I, ex.Dva main, don’t want her in my casual games.
Man who could have foreseen this coming?
I rather have fun playing this game and win rather than stay loyal to a character pick and keep losing.
What is extra frustrating is that the D.Va mains tried to keep to the one mega thread to prevent spamming the forums, which ultimately just made it easier for the devs to ignore. Pointing out how she got nerfed so hard that she was weaker than before her buffs just fell on deaf ears.
I think dev silence to the D.Va main issues then Mercy issues combined with the few responses they did give being towards the more hostile posts had a huge hand in shaping the forum culture into what it is today. should have 500 armor and 100 health. The mech should be immune to sleep dart & cc effects.
First they came for the dive meta, and I spoke out—
Because I was a dive tank.
Then they came for the goats, and I spoke out—
Because I was a goats tank.
Then they came for the shields, but I did not speak out—
Because I was not a shield tank.
So when they came for me—there was no one left to speak for me, for everyone else had adapted to the shield meta, and there were no longer any mains left. They call me an ult battery, left with nothing in my kit but to eat the occasional ult—and that’s all that is left of who I once was.
Not just that. She also take too much of healing and then proceed to complain that they aren’t getting heals. She is starting to better thx to armor buffs. Atleast when i play now i barely lose my mech than before.
I definitely agree, but any buffs are just adding more dmg in the game. We get more buffs than nerfs. OW is already known as a game with “all the heroes are op so it works out”. I think we should look at the damage increase from dps, and orisas halt, and the way sigma is replacing dva. I though with this new more brawly meta, she’d be my main again, but she’s still just an ult battery. I don’t think we need more dmg, but more tankiness, like the removal of crit box like people have mentioned
I am having Moira Orbs floating straight through my Matrix as if it doesn’t exist every day.
So yes, she is messy
What the actual f? I’ve been keeping an eye on mains and they weren’t asking for buffs to dm. They were asking for things like give her knockback resistence or reduce her critical hitbox, but sure. Lets keep buffing DM while the rest of her kit is a mess.
Her kit feels like a cluster****. It went through many buffs and nerfs and even got a mini rework. Eventually she just settled for being a peel bot (again) with ok-ish dueling capability. She was still viable and fun to use. I was ok with that personally and nobody seemed to be having an issue with her.
Not until the cursed world cup stats were revealed and apparently she was popular with the pros. Suddenly many people decided that they do have an issue with her and started complaining. Apparently pro meta = wood tier ladder metas. Blizzard chasing that pro scene money of course ended up nerfing her some more.
The one thing she was always good at, and last thing she was still good at was finally taken away. She can’t really peel anymore. Not very well anyway. In addition to that she’s now more vulnerable to CC in a CC overloaded game. This plus Sigma getting added sent her straight to unplayable throw pick-tier.
Her kit feels like it lack focus and feels a bit clunky to use at times (though the last buff made it better, or should I call it partial revert). She can still do a bit of everything like she could in the past, but the problem is that she’s not particularly good at any of it anymore.
Either revert the dm nerfs to make her good at peeling again, or give buffs to other parts of her kit to make her better at brawling if you don’t want her to peel as much.
These devs need to make up their mind about what they want her to be actually good at. Right now she’s outclassed at everything.
And please, nerf CC into the dirt where it belongs. Or give her back the boop resistance. Or at the very least revert the CC interactions with boosters ffs. It’s actually insane how overloaded this game is with CC. A first person game where you can actually get stun locked or knocked around for an extended duration. Fun. Not.
Don’t hate on me but this is trying to go viral
Well, excuse me, Chris Brown… but I got tired of being an useless punching bag. Time to move on to something more savage
The mech change is nice, but I’d honestly be happy enough with the DM range restored…like a lot of us wanted last time, and instead got a buff nobody asked or cared for.
D.Va is far off from needing a buff. Her kit is perfectly fine with her high mobility and her ult is the most powerful in the game. Giving her anymore buffs would start to make her OP, and give her playstyle more reward for less skill.
My list of changes
- Defense matrix uptime increased to 3 seconds from 2 seconds
- Fusion Cannons movement speed penalty reduced to -25% penalty from -50% penalty
- Fusion Cannons weapon damage per pellet increased to 1-3 from 0.6-2
- Boosters cooldown reduced to 4 seconds from 5 seconds
- Boosters duration increased to 3 seconds from 2 seconds
- Mech health changed to 300 health 300 armor from 400 health 200 armor
I think with all these she would be viable again but not a must pick or meta. She would be more mobile and regain some of her tanking ability with a very slight damage boost.
um this is pretty much every nerf hit to dva.
you are asking for a 2017-18 revert.