D.Va is absolutely overnerfed

That would involving nerfing Bliz’s collective ego by admitting they were wrong about something, and that’s the one thing they will never nerf.


Actually, its 5 in a row. But yes, too many.

You’ve got a funny way of saying “one of the most popular tanks in the game”.

Over the past six months she’s only really been behind Reinhardt for popularity, and that’s because Orisa is hot garbage most of the time and has only recently seen a meta arise that favors her over the other anchor tank.


is false. She’s got twice the average DPS pick rate. This week’s stats have her overall pick rate at just over Genji’s. And he’s the overall most popular DPS pick.

It’s not until plat+ this week that she surrenders any position to DPS heroes, and one of them is McCree who just received a substantial, random buff while the other is Genji, the most popular DPS hero in all Overwatch below grandmaster.

Dude I was just giving my opinion on what I thought a good compensation was not looking for a whine about how blizz operates…I’m out good day sir

Mercy DID need a compensation buff in case you forgot.

which was???

Or you are talking how the nerfed her 60 hps to 50 hps… then “give her back” 60 hps ONLY on valkyrie??

Increased ult charge rate which was a net buff to damage boost users.

OP heroes don’t get buffs? wow man, who knew ?!?!

She needs to change her ultimate voice line.

low key agree

i prefer dva single cast cooldown to this version of meter

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They should just give her the damage of Micro Missile and Booping back. This way she can still assassinate in Ranked while the buff would be mostly irrelevant in Pro Play. The problem is that Deference Matrix is just too powerful in highly organized play. So they should nerf that and compensate by making her tankier or more lethal.

What do you mean single cast cooldown?

If defense matrix is going to be this weak, yeah that would be nice.

and then we see DPS mains moaning when their main gets even slightest nerf

am i crazy or does it feel like they also reduced the matrix size? it feels so much smaller aswell.

well Imagine a circle that is 15 m wide, and you cut 5 m from it

is it the same size after it ?

Not nerfed enough. :wink:

I like the proposal that she will shoot marshmallows in the future to deal even less damage. :sweat_smile:

You are way too generous, I imagine they give her water guns and a big sign which says “kill me pls”

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I was going for sweet but I think yours will be the true future. lol!

Yep, I play D.va but seeing how Blizzard can balance things…

Why not just kill her already ?
I mean delete from game

I honestly don’t know what to make of D.Va’s pickrates/winrates lately. First of all, they’re slowly trending downwards over time - so that’s a good place to start.

Her pickrates are still sky-high in Gold and below but her winrate is about average for those ranks (that is, about 49%).

Her pickrate then drops off the face of the earth until you reach GM where she’s neck-and-neck for 3rd-most-picked tank with Wrecking Ball. Her winrate is also about average compared to other tanks in GM (except for Orisa who wipes the floor with everyone).

And then you have OWL where her pickrate is the lowest of all the GOATS tanks.

For the life of me, I can’t see any reason why this nerf was warranted and while D.Va’s ladder pick/win rates seem to have dipped on the day the patch was released, they’re picking back up to where they were indicating that the nerf really had little-to-no effect.

What is the point then? Killing GOATS? D.Va is already proving to be one of the least-essential parts of GOATS - it makes no sense.

EDIT 21/6: D.Va’s GM pickrate has dived to ~2.5% again today, making her the second-lowest picked tank in the the highest rank on ladder. Her pickrate has also dropped pretty dramatically in gold, making her only popular in Silver and Bronze. Looks like the nerf was more oppressive then it first appeared, but we’ll see.