D.mon’s ultimate?

Like I said, false reporting for be a good mercy.

Guys I would love to see all of the Meka heroes in the game but I have to ask this question
Don’t they use mostly identical mechs minus colour? If that’s thecase then not even talking about abilities we run into a very real problem about the Siohette being too similar to D’va

We’re trying to design examples kits to figure out how viable they all are :slight_smile: at least trying to stick as closely as possible to what we genuinely know.
I’m only really happy with D.Mon at this point, especially lore-wise & I feel there’s a ton of conditions to meet to even release one of them correctly & satisfactorily.
Overlord has tons of crazy potential but will be a nightmare to balance or make work xD.
King is possibly a bruiser & Casino a dive-tank but that’s about it beyond speculation ha.

The silhouette thing could be a very real problem, which may be why they’ve gone for strong colour-coding? I mean, if they’re going to do it; which I doubt! xD

I am baffled by the amount of love D’mon is getting. She got like 2 seconds of screen time in the short and we know she’s D’va former Esports partner that’s it. It’s certainly interesting to watch her blow up like this

Silloheates are really important because remember how many different colour schemes heroes have to account for, also remember that in OWL games heroes need to have certain colour schemes so there it is physically impossible to use colour as a differentiating factor.

Now then again I don’t think we’ve seen her mech so for all we know it’s something entirely different and I could get behind that, I mean heck not long ago I was creating and drafting idea’s for a. Hero who was part of the MEKA. Program as a kind of Medic/mechanic who was in something more akin to an iron man suit then a full on mech.
You know now that I think about it if blizzard gave us all the MEKA squad what are the odds one of them would be a kind of support and it turns out they have a standard 2/2/2 or a classic healer, tank and 3 dps from MMo’s?

Edit: apologies for the wall of text, it happens when something gets the gears in my head spinning.

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Some people have taken it way too far xD (shipping her with D.Va, plain making stuff up) but there’s quite a lot of intrigue there from the little we do have.
I wrote this a while back & I think it covers all the potential for her lore. I repeat, potential. :slight_smile:

We have seen all the mechs as well :slight_smile: both in Shooting Star & on the Busan MEKA base map. You are very right about colour not being good enough in that context for differentiation actually…hmmmm.

I think (for various reasons) they all have to be tanks of different forms (Anchor, Bruiser, Dive & Support Hybrid) if they are to be of any worth / make any sense, but they shouldn’t all come together etc.

I do walls of text too, don’t sweat :smiley:

I’m hoping they add some sort of rail gun to the game. It was one of my favorite weapon in halo. Plus I just like delayed fires weapons like sleep dart or icicle.

I mean I don’t play PTR, I wait until a map is live to go exploring with PHarah in a custom game but if we’ve seen their mechs and they’re tooo similar to D’va’s then maybe we won’t be seeing them in the game sadly.

Of Course when I saw that short I immediately jumped at the idea of what’s his face being the next hero (D’va’s friend.) but I kinda jumped on that for the sole purpose of the fact that his role as a mechanic and support basically led me to think he’d fit perfeectly into the kit I was trying to design for a MEKA support (the original story was a lot different though being a seasoned war character and Liason between Korean Army and the MEKA units. But it could still work)

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I think king might actually have two rail guns. The patch is live. Check him out and tell me what you think his arms are

I am pretty sure we will never see D.Mon in game, or at least I hope so

Is king the yellow one?

I’m thinking those are melee weapons. Like they turn into energy swords or something.

Yeah he is. If you look at them closely though they have barrels and look to be guns to me

I think it would definitely still work. They are all very diffrent and can see in in thier design :slight_smile: