I agree entirely.
There should totally be a fire hero at some point :D.
Either DPS or tank, either could be really cool!
2000000000% yes there should be lol
Yes. Please. And thank you.
Ion was legit. I think that’s another cool option. Scorch was my main
Now that I think about it. Adding a wall slam the shockwave of it could be really cool too.
I wonder if they have seen this. I hope so! So many great ideas!
That sounds like Rukus from Paladins. “Bring it on the big guns!”
Lol I just checked it seems pretty cool
It’s a good game, cool characters.
I heard they are really quick on releasing characters. I wish that was a trait blizzard had
Is it worth it to buy if I have overwatch though in your opinion?
Paladins is free to play, you can download it from steam or Xbox/play store. I own both and like it. If you like class based FPS, you should try Paladins.
Thank you! I guess I’ll give it a shot
Add me to XboxOne: ChivaUK
She sits in a display area on busan and does nothing.
I’m sorry I lost track of what comment that was referring to. What was it about? The reply is bugged
I don’t usually add people on Xbox but I will later
Ignore my reputation, kids reported me for one trick Mercy.
You have avoid me? Dang lol that’s fine xD what were you doing?
A hero that steals ultimate charge is unique and would really add to the depth of gameplay. This is a super cool idea!!!