CurvedMedusa's Cassidy Talent Tree

It’s that time again. Even if y’all never cared for what might have been, I did, and I still do. Here’s a 75-talent skill tree for Cole McCassidy, organized by different playstyles. Two playstyles are relatively familiar, while one takes the hero in a new direction. You can choose to focus on a smaller skill tree for an additional perk and bonus points to use to your hearts content on that specific tree.

Kudos to u/cal-nomen-official for inspiring some ideas.

  • Gunslinger - Focuses on poke and long range action - Slightly decreases falloff
    • Tier 1
      • Quick Draw - Increases damage if an enemy is not in Cassidy’s field of vision for a small period of time. Leveling this up increases damage, but tightens the period of time.
      • Rolling In - Cassidy has increased movement speed after using Combat Roll
      • Momentous Roll - Cassidy does increased melee damage after he rolls.
      • Compensation - Fan the Hammer does more damage as remaining ammo decreases.
    • Tier 2
      • Wild Roll - Cassidy can shoot while in Combat Roll at an increased fire rate.
      • Cliffhanger - Cassidy can hang onto and kick off ledges. You can only use primary fire while hanging.
      • Steady Hand - Increases Fan the Hammer accuracy. Fanning the Hammer can do critical hits.
      • Homing Grenade - Magnetic Grenade will target whatever is pinged. Increases maximum travel time of Magnetic Grenade after it has locked on.
    • Tier 3
      • Train Hopper - Cassidy can do a long jump to close gaps and kick enemies down. He has a greater chance of staggering enemies while in midair. This can be combined with Combat Roll into a wall to increase your launch.
      • Electromagnetic Grenade - Cassidy can shoot his magnetic grenade to cause an EMP blast. Leveling this up increases the radius.
      • Easy Hand - Cassidy has a small boost in passive ult charge if he fires rhythmically.
      • Standstill - If Cassidy pings an enemy while standing still, you and they’ll remain still until you’re shot or somebody shoots them.
    • Tier 4
      • Constant Combat - Combat Roll has a gauge that allows Cassidy to use it many times in succession.
      • Smoking Gun - Peacekeeper smokes after fully Fanning the Hammer. Peacekeeper will do a greater amount of damage while the it’s smoking.
      • Bullet Bomb - Cassidy can load his Peacekeeper with an explosive that can be triggered at any time. The explosive can remain in an enemy.
      • Finger Gun - Cassidy can hold a few extra bullets in his arm. These reload as the Peacekeeper reloads.
    • Tier 5
      • Broken Clock - Extends the uptime for Deadeye
      • Didn’t See It Coming - Critical hit kills partially reload your Peacekeeper
      • How The West Was Won - The first shot from Peacekeeper can immediately knock out an enemy’s weapon.
      • Keeping The Peace - Increases Peacekeeper falloff range
    • Tier 6
      • Shootout - Getting shot during Deadeye targets the assailant regardless if they’re visible and quickens the killing blow.
      • Clock Keeps Ticking - Increases defense during Deadeye
      • Bullet Magnet - Once Magnetic Grenade locks onto an enemy, it also attracts projectiles, both allies and enemies, though with several exceptions.
      • Crack Shot - Damage increases for every consecutive shot you hit. Resets after reload.
    • Tier 7
      • Showdown - Deadeye does more damage the less enemies are locked on. Some ult charge will be refunded based on how few targets you have.

  • Cowboy - Focuses on crowd control and upfront action and gives Cassidy a slew of additional toys. - Slightly increases Magnetic Grenade damage.
    • Tier 1
      • Somersault - Increases maximum Combat Roll travel time
      • Good Arm - Increases range of Magnetic Grenade
      • Ruthless - Cassidy does more damage to stunned enemies.
      • Flashbang - Magnetic Grenade can be canceled at close range to activate a flash grenade.
    • Tier 2
      • Iron Lung - Cassidy smokes his cigar, poisoning nearby enemies.
      • Light ‘Em Up - Enemies stagger after taking enough hits from Fanning the Hammer
      • Proximity Grenade - Magnetic Grenade can be thrown at a wall and will stick onto an enemy once they come nearby.
      • Cactus Bomb - Cassidy can throw a grenade that fires spikes upon explosion. The spikes can headshot.
    • Tier 3
      • Firework Rocket - Cassidy sets up a Firework Rocket that can be angled before launched. Enemies caught in the explosion are blinded.
      • Tumble - Combat Roll knocks down enemies
      • Mighty Hand - Staggered enemies fall back, doing minimal damage to any enemy behind them.
      • Reverse Polarity - Cassidy can recall his magnetic grenade from a distance if it hasn’t locked on to anything. It pulses, pushing enemies away from its center.
    • Tier 4
      • Playing Dirty - Cassidy keeps a bag of knick-knacks and can randomly grab one and smash them in an enemy’s face. Some of them do more damage, some of them cause effects, some of them are duds.
      • Lucky Horseshoe - Cassidy throws a horseshoe at an enemy that knocks them back slightly and makes them easier to stagger.
      • Sidestep - Cassidy can sidestep, dodging projectiles and briefly confusing enemies. This has next to no movement, but has a negligible cooldown.
      • Dust Roll - Cassidy kicks up dust whenever he rolls, blinding enemies.
    • Tier 5
      • Light Negation Field - Cassidy deploys a device that creates a space of total darkness. Nobody cn see, but you can light up the area with shots from your revolver as well as other abilities. Enemies panic after every shot. Panicked enemies either run around frantically or shoot with no purpose, often shooting their own allies.
      • Tossed Out Weapon - Cassidy can toss a grenade belt that explodes when fired at.
      • Branding Iron - Cassidy can jab a branding iron onto an enemy, branding them with the Overwatch logo. Branded enemies will be mistaken as allies by other enemies and will be shot at.
      • Iron Fist - Cassidy does increased damage and stuns enemies when punching the head.
    • Tier 6
      • Platinum - Cassidy calls in a robotic horse that he can ride, which can leap incredible heights and trample enemies.
      • Magnetic Warhead - Hurdle a giant magnetic grenade that draws enemies towards its explosion.
      • Extra Sashes - Increases the number of magnetic grenades you can carry.
      • Strike of 12 - Increases minimum damage of Deadeye.
    • Tier 7
      • For Whom The Bell Tolls - If Cassidy has direct eye contact with an enemy for a period of time during Deadeye, they can no longer move.

  • Outlaw - Cassidy uses his charm and his notoriety to control the battle. - Slightly increases Deadeye defense.
    • Tier 1
      • Impatient Hand - Increases movement speed during Deadeye
      • Face Worth Saving - Allies do increased damage to enemies that are behind Cassidy.
      • Ranger - Enemies are guaranteed to stagger if shot from a long distance.
      • Unflinching - Increases Cassidy’s defense after standing still for a period of time.
    • Tier 2
      • Magnetic Pulse - Cassidy can cause his prosthetic arm to pulse, doing increased damage while sending both him and his enemy backwards.
      • Death Denial - Enemies will flinch if Cassidy doesn’t use all of his remaining ammo when Fanning the Hammer
      • Too Hot to Handle - If Cassidy is low, most enemies will hesitate to kill him.
      • Hot Feet - If Cassidy shoots at an enemy’s feet, they’ll jump and flinch.
    • Tier 3
      • Wanted! - Cassidy gains a bounty if he causes enough damage. The bounty increases as he causes more chaos. The greater your bounty, the faster your ult charges. However, enemies are more likely to target you… and less likely to miss.
      • Steel Hand - Cassidy’s left arm cannot take damage and can bring up his arm and use it as protection.
      • Bounty Hunter - Cassidy’s critical hits do extra damage to elite enemies and bosses.
      • Notorious - Cassidy can taunt enemies, playing an epic western guitar riff and drawing their attention towards him.
    • Tier 4
      • Hitlist - A certain enemy will be marked by Cassidy, and if he kills said enemy, his health increases. Starts increasing at very small increments after 5 kills.
      • It’s High Noon Somewhere in The World - Deadeye immediately charges if your real-life clock reaches a certain time. (Level 1, every hour, Level 2, every half hour, Level 3, every 15 minutes) Your current charging ultimate remains at its current charge.
      • Opening - Increases the duration any sort of stagger from Cassidy. If Cassidy melees an enemy that is staggered, hindered, panicked or confused he brings them to the ground.
      • Half Past 12 - Deadeye lasts the entire duration even after you’ve first shot, though some of the duration is lost every time you fire.
    • Tier 5
      • Posse - Allies can now also have bounties. The hero with the highest bounty when an objective is complete gets a nice boost in damage for the rest of the mission.
      • Sweet Talker - Whenever Cassidy greets or compliments an ally, they have increased attack speed and reload speed for at least one whole clip of ammo.
      • Smoke Break - If Cassidy stands idle, he’ll start smoking. If any enemy interrupts him, he’ll hit a critical shot that does increased damage.
      • Trick Shot - Cassidy can start doing gun tricks. Everytime he shoots while doing gun tricks guarantees a stagger, though it decreases your fire rate drastically.
    • Tier 6
      • Western Prince - Cassidy can charm allies, hastening their cooldowns or enemies, taking control of them for a small period of time.
      • Dead or Alive - Allies can take down Cassidy or any of their own allies with bounties for a large amount of ult charge
      • Hopper Train - Cassidy can establish a station where a teleporting train car can appear. The train car provides several resources such as health, armor and just plain cover. It also displays your team’s bounty posters just for show. Leveling this up adds additional stations which you can warp to.
      • This Town Ain’t Big Enough - If an enemy dies staggered, they’ll shoot frantically in every direction, damaging their allies and causing the panic to spread.
    • Tier 7
      • The World Knows His Name - Deadeye ignores all damage mitigation. Enemies will stagger for a small period of time when Deadeye is activated.

Thoughts? Anyone else I should do?


Do it for Tracer! I just wanna see what you come up with tbh

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EDIT: These look so fun! Would actually love to see them in game, especially the new ult!

I’m flattered. Was obviously one of my favorite things I did for that.


a skill tree would be a nightmare for blizz to balance, its probably not going to happen

Who cares? It’d be awesome. And whaddya mean balance?

You lack conviction, my dear forum-goer.

Don’t go dismissing this just because it’s “not gonna happen”. >:( Not very considerate.


I’d just like Deadeye removed for a new ultimate I can aim during ngl lol. Almost like a support beat/ nano to myself.

I’ll have to give this a read! Love these kinds of threads. Made some of my own years ago for Hunters in WoW.

I love it I really do but
Only one thing is wrong with it…

It isn’t in the game,
That’s the only problem
It’s dang near perfect
Brings a tear to my eye

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thank you pieceojunk77, very cool

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I am interested, can you do one for Sombra?

Ooh, I’m saving Sombra for around the end actually, though I’ve got ideas.

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Can I suggest a few names
Here goes
Big Iron on His Hip
The Six and a Half Million Dollar Man
Sure as He-- Ain’t Ugly
I think that the names you got are really good and honestly these don’t come close but I did want to throw them out there :grin:

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