Current throw picks

I took a 7 month break from this game, only to come back to a new hero and reworks. I’m currently back into the place I left off and have somewhat gotten a handle on Brigitte, Hammond, and the reworks- but with so much change I’m genuinely curious- what is a “throw pick” these days?

Sym got a rework, but I’ve seen very mixed feelings about it, and hanzo is “meta” apparently, so what is considered a throw pick right now?


Hanzo is now the best dps in the game, other then that, I dont think too much would of changed, the ususeal suspects, mei, reaper, bastion, torb are all still pretty much as garbage as when you left.

The new sym rework has left her somehow weaker then before, so add her to that too I guess.


Double sniper is META and so is tripple tank with tripple support.

ah, gotcha. Its a shame mei is still a throw pick, I’d assume with the damage fall-off being removed she’d be in a better spot haha. (At least that’s what I heard)
Thanks for letting me know!

Nah, aside from that stalling on the final point or abusing wall at a certain few chokes niche shes always had, shes still just as bad.

Bastion 154%.

He hasn’t even been acknowledged in 18 months and every time the meta changes people say “oh now Bastion will be fine!” but of course he always remains garbage because there is almost no point at which a completely immobile, tank sized turret is more useful than another DPS


That hasn’t hit live yet. She’ll be a solid pick once it does.


Mei can also freeze multiple people with her gun at once now. In a meta that’s very brawl-centric, this isn’t a bad thing.

But, sadly, Mei is still outshined by other DPS, and is very situational. :confused: Which is sad, because she’s one of the few DPS I enjoy playing.



Feels great (And says a LOT) When nearly the Entire 99% Of the community agree that your main is a literal “Throw Pick”

And yet, Zero acknowledgement from the devs, who would rather talk about Torbjorn, before considering to put the last hero on the List.


Alright Chibi give Torb his due though he and Sym were the only heroes who ever compared to Bastion in levels of weakness


Lucio, he is even worse than Ana.

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also reaper is pretty much “i want to lose” hero

Bastion, and Torb are the worst of the worst right now. After Torb rework I hope they try to help the poor robot.


I pick Mei and I don’t consider her a throw pick. It is your ability with a hero that shapes the game, not the hero’s ability… A good Mei player can still be a considerable help for a team, just saying. I don’t want people jump at my throat now :sweat_smile:


Her new rework sucks though I don’t mind her Mega Man gameplay. Overall execution is worst than Symmetra 2.0. Nevertheless players will be opted to report ya. Don’t do it.

ONLY if he can aim. if he cant (which most are just very lucky) … then hes as much of a troll pick as any other …

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If the other team has Mercy you better have Mercy. That’s just the way it is. She’s still way too good

Throwing has nothing to do with the character picked.

It has to do with one’s actions (or inactions) during the match.

There are therefore no “throw” picks


reaper is definitely a throw pick