CTI: Winston Talent Tree

As part of my pre-season campaign of reminding the Overwatch community what they’re missing out on, I’m taking the liberty of giving each hero a complete talent tree. The first one I’m doing is for everybody’s favorite :gorilla:, Winton Overwat. The devs mentioned how difficult it was to make a talent tree for each of the heroes, saying that it took longer than it took to make a hero.

So. I don’t think any of the talent trees we saw previously had more than 55 talents. The one I made here for Winston has 63. 63 unique, hopefully creative talents, all named, organized in their own mini-skill trees, that get progressively more valuable the deeper you get into them. I did this in the span of about 2 hours. Now… I get you’d have to code and implement these, but is it really that difficult to get these ideas through? I’ll see soon enough. :grimacing:

I mentioned this yesterday, but when making these talents I decided to group them into 3 different playstyles, represented by the 3 separate skill trees. 2 of these playstyles are normal ones you’d probably use in PVP, such as a set focusing on Dive or one focusing on peeling for your team. 1 playstyle breaks all of the rules. It can do whatever it wants with the character they have, and the player gets to have fun with it. I will describe each skill tree and their intended playstyle. Though I’m sure y’all are smart enough to figure them out. :slight_smile: Assume all of these talents could be leveled up in some capacity.

Another thing I decided to do was give each separate skill tree a bonus perk. In this hypothetical, while you can simultaneously upgrade each skill tree at the same time, you can select one to focus on. It gives you a bonus buff as well as additional skill points to use for that tree specifically. You might not be able to equip the last talent otherwise.

If you were to look at the skill trees they showed off in 2021, you’d notice that they were separated into different rows. I used that to organize the talents further. The greater the row, the more valuable the talent is. Give or take.

And with that, here is CurvedMedusa’s talent tree for Winston.*

Actually… one more thing. For the sake of PVE, I’d like to introduce electrical damage. Electrical damage is simple continuous damage during the time of exposure. However, it does additional damage to mechanical enemies, which would include Null Sector, anybody using a mech, et cetera. Anyways, back to the talent tree!

Astronaut - This skill tree focuses on dive. Using your jumps to get into the enemies’ faces and then get the hell outta there once you’re done and making sure you don’t die whilst doing so. It encourages the player to jump around like a monkey often.

Perk: Maximum distance and damage of Jump Pack has been greatly increased.

Row 1

  • Thick Hide - Increases maximum health.
  • One Small Step - Increases the damage while in midair.
  • Re-Entry - Can cancel Jump Pack and increase gravity. Does a small amount of additional damage and slows enemies when landing.
  • Static Electricity - Electric damage slows enemies temporarily.

Row 2

  • Armored Ape - Takes less damage from behind.
  • Applied Science - Alternate fire pierces enemies
  • Paralysis - Alternate fire can now temporarily paralyze opponents if fully charged. Stun is more effective for mechanical enemies.
  • Deep Breaths - Can now cancel Primal Rage and refund some ult charge.

Row 3

  • Anti-Gravity Field - Area where a shield is placed will give temporary anti-gravity effects.
  • Rocket Climb - Can jump off of walls and steep surfaces after using Jump Pack for an additional, but smaller jump.
  • Fiery Rage - Primal Rage sends enemies flying back and ignites them.
  • In Orbit - Barrier Projector moves with Winston. Can be placed normally if ability is held down.

Row 4

  • The World is Your Jungle! - Gives Jump Pack two charges and decreases time between usage.
  • Thunderbolt - Increases the size of alternate fire.
  • High Voltage - Increases damage of weapon to barriers and other structures.

Row 5

  • Spherical Sanctuary - Heals allies while within Barrier Projector.
  • Moon Crater - Landing on enemies after a jump lodges them in the ground and does additional damage.

Row 6

  • Thermal Energy - Enough electric damage over time ignites enemies. Ignited enemies take additional damage.
  • Liftoff - The start of a jump does a significant amount of increased damage and lights enemies on fire.
  • The Flying Ape - Hold the jump button or Jump Pack to boost yourself through the air.

Row 7

  • One Giant Leap - Primal Rage duration slows down significantly while in midair.

Scientist - This talent tree focuses on protecting the team, specifically revolving around his shield. It turns him into even more of a team player and it gives him and his team additional control over the map.

Perk: Barrier Projector lasts for an additional 2 seconds.

Row 1

  • The Bubble - Barrier Projector can be thrown as projectile if the ability button is held down. The projectile can do damage. Leveling up this talent allows the barrier to be picked up and thrown multiple times.
  • Reinforced Bubble - Increases health of Barrier Projector

Row 2

  • Lightning Strikes Twice - Increases the range of Tesla Cannon Primary Fire.
  • Perfected Design - Increases duration of Barrier Projector.

Row 3

  • This Will Protect Us! - Gives Barrier Projector additional layers.

  • Semi-Permeable Barrier - The top of Barrier Projector can be used as a platform.

  • Silverback - Increases character size.

  • Closed Circuit - Electric attacks can chain between enemies. Increases damage to mechanical enemies.

Row 4

  • Lightning Strike - Secondary Fire can now hit critical shots.

  • Projection Failure - Once the barrier is destroyed, it explodes dealing significant damage to enemies and even Winston himself.

  • Off To The Great Unknown - Outermost layer of Barrier increases size and changes shape and can now be walked up like a ramp.

Row 5

  • Electrobarrier - Enemies in Barrier Projector will be paralyzed and be dealt electric damage. Barrier projectile damage increased.
  • Short Circuit - Prolonged continuous damage hacks enemies.
  • Bouncy Bubble - Barrier Projector will bounce a few times as a smaller bubble before landing. Can be canceled at any time.

Row 6

  • Sentimental Value - Increases ultimate charge if barrier is destroyed. Charge increase based on initial health and duration of the barrier.
  • Field Test - Allies can now throw Barrier Projector. Barrier Projector throws increased.
  • Power Transfer - Damage blocked by Barrier Projector will boost the next clip of Winston’s Tesla Cannon.

Row 7

  • Sympathy Gains - Allies increase damage significantly if Winston is knocked down or if Primal Rage is active.

Powerhouse - This talent tree focuses on Primal Rage. In better terms, it makes him go ape[dookie]. It gives him incredible contol over his ultimate and encourages Winston to get in the face of even some of his bigger threats instead of hopping around or hiding in his bubble. This talent tree will make Null Sector rue the day they gave Winston lemons.


Primal Rage does an additional 20 damage per swing.

Row 1

  • Don’t Make Me Angry! - Increases health during Primal Rage
  • Electric Personality - Attacking or even standing next to an enemy during does a small amount of damage over time. Increased during Primal Rage.
  • Extra Charge - Decreases ammo usage whilst boosted in any form.

Row 2

  • Anger Management - New passive. Ult charge increases when Winston is damaged, witnesses damage or witnesses the objective being contested.
  • Fight or Flight - Revive time will be faster the longer you’re down. Being revived gives decent amount of ult charge.
  • Thunderous Roar - Is constantly roaring during Primal Rage, which deals electric damage to surrounding enemies and stuns them briefly.

Row 3

  • Mad Dash - Greatly increase speed, health and defense. Run violently as you damage enemies on impact at the cost of ult charge. You can use a total of 15% ult charge to dash. You’ll have to accumulate another 15% ult charge at max to dash again.
  • Primal Punch! - Increases melee damage. Allows Winston to charge up his melee in both normal and enraged form for additional damage and knockback.
  • King of the Moon - Primal Rage can send knocked back enemies into walls where they’ll remain stuck. Wall slam damage increased.
  • Stored Energy - Dropping bubble releases an EMP that deals damage to enemies and hacks them. Effectiveness increased based on how long it has been since the Barrier has been used.

Row 4

  • My Glasses! - Passive Ultimate charge greatly increases whilst knocked down.
  • Peanut Butter - Partake in peanut butter while idle and increases passive ultimate charge whilst doing so.
  • Gone Bananas! - Landing on large enemies causes Winston to do powerful punches blinds them temporarily.

Row 5

  • Controlled Anger - Converts some additional health into armor while enraged.
  • Gorilla Warfare - Every kill during Primal Rage extends cooldown.
  • Sharing Is Caring - After finishing your peanut butter snack, throw it for a long stun and a confused enemy.

Row 6

  • Raring to Go - Increases ult charge speed.
  • How Embarrassing! - Increases damage significantly for a period after the use of Primal Rage.
  • Who Put This In My Peanut Butter? - Winston eats peanut butter after using Primal Rage and increases the minimum health he’ll revert to.

Row 7

  • I’m Always Angry! - Decreases the minimum amount of ult charge required for Primal Rage.

That’s all of 'em. And with that, any thoughts? Any ideas of your own for some funky monkey talents? Would be overjoyed to hear some. Otherwise, this is CurvedMedusa, see ya soon!


*A couple of talents were inspired by Heat Street PVE as well as u/cal-nomen-official on Reddit. (He’s got some good ones, kudos to him.)