Ctf should be in comp

Well that is definitely the the worst piece of news i ever seen you guys post. If i may give you a reasonable argument why you are wrong.

I’ve played many FPS games then I can ever possibly recall, well over 50 if not close to a 100, and CTF is a mode people want to play but it’s often made poorly. For three reasons.

  1. poor maps
  2. gun vs gun gets stale
  3. No variety in team matchups

The best CTF i’ve played up until Overwatch was probably halo where their vehicle selections & maps offered many diverse fun ways to play.

Overwatch does not suffer from those three problems either. The maps you made offer many ways to battle and its not a game where sniper beats all. You have multiple heroes that can struggle in the current comp modes but have a huge impact in modes like CTF.

CTF offers a very diverse fun way to play the game. Currently your ENTIRE comp mode consist of “group up, spam ult, win or die” it’s very bland and offers little to the lone wolf style players where in CTF you have multiple roles.

  • Flag carriers/escorts
  • Flag defenders
  • Middle ground battlers.

Alot of the CTF requires a different kind of teamwork that applies very well to Overwatch’s cast of characters. Few examples:

Sombra can go to the enemies flag and tell the team how their defenders are set up

Wrecking ball can pick the side she tells them is weakest.

Soldier and ana can push the middle ground.

Torbjorn can guard the team’s flag while the attackers make an attempt.

Dva can cover wrecking ball with defense matrix after he grabs the flag with soldier and ana.

So wrecking ball goes in, soldier and dva push up the middle, sombra pop out of stealth and gets focus off wrecking ball/kills defenders who ignore her, while ana snipes heals at the team and then wrecking ball pushes out with the flag.

This is a style of play thats very fun a diverse and give alot of heroes like Torb a higher value, who has little value in the current comp.

You guys are holding onto a crown jewel for Comp you only put on display a couple time a week. It’s really a shame you guys dont see the value of the CTF mode you have at your disposal. I especially think it would be good in OWL for viewers if that even makes a difference cause this whole “team wipe or lose” gameplay gets very stale and is the whole reasons why I quit comp in the first place. Your team has on “pick” happen on your side and it’s reset to spawn and try again with 6 people. Where CTF is more about teamplay throughout the entire map not just one specific spot.

Why does noone like this mode? I love it.
Yes people are a bit more toxic than usual with standing there and dancing, but that mode seems quite fun beside that. At least to me.

Hell fricking no to that.

And when Street Fighter 5 was missing lots of content, like single player material. What happened to it?

The modes really boring. The maps are small. It favors certain heroes. Some heroes have to camp. Sometimes once a team gets a flag, you can’t recover. People freaking stall the game, till you have to quit.

I don’t play CPU modes. For me, single player content in a fighting game is the silliest thing ever. The people complain about it but if they have it, they beat the CPU/arcade mode then move on to the next game, they’re simply not into the versus modes (the core game mode). But you know what, at least they add stuff to the game because its pretty good now. I was hyped for GG Xrd and bought it but when they came out with the DLC versions it was like SF4 all over again, so disappointing.

Although I believe 1-2 more game modes are needed I’m sure if CTF would be good.
Too easy to get steamrolled for sure. Neutral Flag may help this but it’s just going to boil down to who can get the team wipe first .

I’m not sure how it’d be implemented but I always loved good ol fashion COD Domination. It’d take a lot of teamwork to hold 2 out of 3 points to secure the win in overwatch
Some sort of demolition would be cool too.
Attackers have to secure 2 objectives while defenders - defend of course
Then switch rounds.

Right now there is always a single objective open at a time. I’d like to see more honestly.

I would love this actually. There a few bugs needing to be fixed though but other than that, it’d be perfectly fun to do and gives you a break from real Comp.

CTF is very popular and even now people want it back in Arcade mode so I think it’d be a very fun idea.

Edit: Nevermind, just saw Jeff’s post. That’s a shame.

I vastly prefer to play CTF over 2CP any day of the week. It’s a superior mode.

Do Capture the flag in Arcadia on an ongoing basis, as well as the Quick game.
I want to play it constantly! Please.

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True. CTF is too hectic.

A mode similar to Tower Control in Splatoon please. I don’t know why you guys haven’t figured out a simple two-way payload tug-o-war or talked about it with the community.

Any explanation of this? I love CTF in this game and would kill to see it added to the regular map rotation outside of Arcade.

If CTF ever came to Comp I would never play Comp. Even if it was in Quick Play rotation I would immediately leave the match every time it appeared on my screen regardless of consequences. I hate CTF with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

“Deploy the Flag” could potentially work though. Teams first work to capture a Neutral Flag and then Deploy it on the enemy’s base to earn a point. The first team to earn 3 points wins the match, or the team with the highest score at the end of match duration wins. It’d end up playing like a hybrid of Control/KotH and 2CP.

The only problem with ^ would be the potential for the Flag Bearer to be a complete troll and just wander off with the flag and not actually do the objective.

How about competitive 1 v 1 ???

How about 5cp? Its like 2cp except both teams are attacking and defending. They push eachother forward and backward to eventually take the other team’s last point.

ononononononnonononoonono. CTF is probably the worst permanent game mode ever.

You talk about adding new modes but won’t deliver?
It’s been over 2 years already and we still haven’t received any new game modes for the QP and Competitive. :skull:

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… How about complaining tomorrow? We’ve got a gamescon show to go.