*crying post* Why is comp a dice roll?

I rest my case.

Dafran is a former McD employee and most OWL players aren’t even college educated. Very little relevance to be honest.

Thats asking me to make friends, lol. I think its weird to ask random people if they would like to climb. I have also tried that before group finder. Have a good game, send someone a friend request who you think is just as good as you and you know you can climb together, then get into that new game and take an L or 2. So I’d rather just solo it out

So you lost a few stacked games and decided to stop “working together” instead of analyzing how to win as a duo? Where did all that “teamwork is key” mindset go?

I’m done here honestly. Seems like you just want other people to justify your complains rather than actual help to get better.

yes very little, but they are smart enough to understand. You or whoever I replied to tried saying I wouldnt understand a simple strategy in a game. Like, its not rocket science. So I gave a little of my backgorund

Me saying you cant carry as a tank means im unintelligent? Just because you disagree with someones opinion does not mean they are “unintelligent” lol. “I dont like what this guy is saying. Hes stupid”

This was like very early OW. Season 5 maybe, or even 10, I know it was early 2018 when I tried.

“crying post” It was just a post, with a question at the end. “Am I getting gate kept?”. It was you who decided to reply to what was in the body of the text. lol

I mean you brag how educated you are but yet you misunderstood what I said… I didnt say you dont understand a simple strategy.


Its not like that. If you disagree with me that 2+2=4 then you are stupid, there is no point for you to tell me about your education if you think 2+2!=4. Tanks have huge impact in the game. Dont you even remember few months ago? There was 0 dps played because tanks and healers have such huge impact. People actually played 3 tanks 3 heals.

Im pretty good at accessing problems and solving them and learning by watching and hands on. So If I wanted help to get better at tank, I just watch OGE, or AceOfSPades or Harbleu, or Emongg, or another pro/top500/GM tank and apply what I see them do to my games. If I wanted help from here at how to get bteer I’d ask you “Hey, how do I get better” rather than watch those guys… you know?

Yeah I guess guys like harbleu are just lucky getting to t500 because tanks have no impact :frowning:

whats there to misunderstand here?

This is the case only if you are smurfing, normal player will not have mmr higher from sr like 500 points, not even smurf to be honest.

??? What are you even talking about at this point? If you are referring to when I said tanks can not solo carry, thats miles off from saying “tanks have no impact” which I never said?

You said I dont understand! Thats the premise here! And I argued that I do. Now you say I misunderstood…? What, your “monkey see monkey do” part? So I guess you didnt read what I said about me being able to learn by watching and hands on because you just want to rebut my intelligence.

Do you understand that if you say that you cant carry as a tank it means tanks doesent have impact. You said you have this “education” right? If you carry a game it literally means that you are having a bigger impact on the game than others.

“You need more than trying to replicate, you need to understand why they do the things” If you are so stupid that you think this is unrelated then your parents must have bribed some teachers for you to pass. What part of that you dont understand? Like ofc anyone can think they are playing like a GM/t500 by looking how they play and replicate it, but if you dont understand the whole picture, the small adjustments etc. then you are what you are, a gold tank who thinks he plays like GM/t500 just by looking a streamer. Holy F. Also if you dont think you play like them, then what is even the point? If you arent better than your rank you wont climb, and one thing as a tank is to understand that you can carry and if you want to climb you need to carry or you need to buy a boost. This goes for every role. Even uneducated people like Dafran who used to work in McDonalds knows this. How you manage not to grasp such simple thing being so smart?

You can carry with off tanks


Take 2 reins. Other is passive on choke, other is pressing W making space and swinging hammer when possible getting 5 times more shatters, killing people in fights and winning some fights purely with a good shatter. Who you think would climb and who would stay in low ranks telling others that you cant carry as a tank?

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yeah. I agree. but this has to be 20 characters long so here

anyway, you have a point there, but that rein would need to be healed because if the enemy team has good dps they are doing to take shots when reins shield is down. Or a Mei, who just going to walk up on him, and if rein is smart will respect the mei so he can really press W. But you are right in that sense. Ive won many games because the enemy rein was too passive, and he never kept track of my Shatter, just swing wildly (as one should kind of) and I would shatter him. I still think it takes a good team to allow rein to do what he needs (or any tank rather) so they can carry.

Also, I saw OGE “carry” before he ended his stream. He was Rein his partner was Zarya, the enemy had Orissa and Sigma. Not to mention his team had a Mei. By holding W and shielding when needed he allowed his team to push up. There were times where his HP got low and wasnt healed and died. And he said “heal me heal me”. However his DPS were landing shots and Zarya was putting in work to which allowed him to get more aggro.

So in the end you are right, tanks can carry but they cant carry without their team doing their parts as well. its a 6v6 game. rein cant 1v6 and rein zarya cant 2v6. Again you are right

Incorrect. Tanks are the frontline of defense / offense, of course they have impact you pepega. Saying a tank cant solo carry (many times Ive said SOLO carry I guess you read over them) does not mean im saying they have no impact.

Again, tanks can not SOLO carry.

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because for some reason Blizzard thinks having the 50/50 system in comp is a good thing and claim that your p[placement is solely based on your own performance which it is not and they like to lie to us.

The best ways to fix comp is make assists count for actual assists remove the 50/50 and actually make your own performance be what puts you up or down not off people deciding whether they wanna throw/leave/or not know how to play the character.

Some will say that 50/50 does not exist but it does its extremely apparent when someone like say me who is above lvl 500 is paired up with 3-4 people who are under lvl 50 the only reason this matters is solely off experience playing the game. I will literally have days where i win just one game and randomly start loosing straight for no apparent reason other than someone leaving ppl throwing or inexperienced players not knowing their characters in and outs thats not how comp should be and im sure we can all agree who actually care about it that comp should soley be based on skill not what a team picks(within the confines of a class shooter i mean) or if ppl wanna throw or not but they dont care and i highly doubt they will change comp ever even with OW2 release.

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It’s both. Some games are actually unwinnable, but it’s mostly on you. Improve and git gud and the amount of unwinnable games will go down.


15, and 16, and now. I about to at about 700 hours (short of a silver frame) and have been watching OW each season ive played, just as much as I play. (2 monitors) and even when Im not playing. If you cant use your head and go “ok, this guy might understand whats going on” But for some reason you think I dont. Hell give someone the benefit of the doubt. Maybe even ask, “well you say you try to do what they do and you understand GM strats, do you really understand why theyre doing whatever?” But no, youre so caught up on this intelligence thing.

This is more of a matter you not agreeing with what I originally said now you need to be right so youre nit picking at one thing. ANd yes I must admit, a lot of what you said I chose to omit because my main point was that TANKS CANT SOLO CARRY

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Tanks can solo carry, you’re just bad. I’m sorry but even a decent Orisa or SIgma would be Masters minimum, most likely GM. These heroes are not even hard to play. GM and t500 is a shizzle fest because of all the players boosted do to these two heroes being so easy to play last season.

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