Crusader OFFLINE! (The story of how Reinhardt's Shield was chipped away)

They made a character solely to make him get picked less…

It sucks that more clean play is being replaced by spam spam spam.

A McCree with a Rein, a Soldier and an Ana that have to go in carefully with a plan in mind to win the fight against the enemy is now an Orisa Junkrat Roadhog SPAM SPAM SPAM as soon as you see the enemy and when their shields break someone will eventually die…

In my opinion this is really boring and it’s gonna make solo queue hell because you will see your teammates die out of nowhere often and you can’t do anything about it. Not to mention we are converting a more skilled play by a completely easy one.

We might even reach a point of no return or need huge changes to the game like amp the hp of all 200 hp heroes to 250 because there’s more and more damage/spam as the game evolves and gets changed.

I agree that Rein needs some buffs! I used to play him and I had a lot of fun, but now I can only play Orisa. And when I see a Rein in my team trying to push against an orisa I shake my head cuz there’s no way that’s gonna work 90% of the times.


I honestly dont think that will happen. That is too major even for the dev team.

This is the kind of stuff you’d see in Overwatch 2.0 or whatever the next massive update of the game will be when we see many changes to the system as a whole, lol. We definitely won’t see anything like this in our current iteration of the game though. That’s for sure.

I think he needs something at this point


Oh, for sure. I don’t think a whole rework is necessary, but certainly some buffs to his shield health OR a damage reduction passive on his shield(about 50% perhaps?) so that spam builds would struggle more to destroy that shield. Another thing, I feel like the way charge performs is due to it’s power. It’s a high-risk, high-reward ability that when pulled off correctly, can devastate a low-health hero.
Those are my two thoughts on this, either a health buff or damage reduction passive on his shield and that perhaps charge should stay the way it is. Naturally, I don’t have as many hours as many players, I simply don’t have the time. But I do love playing Rein(and most tanks, still working on Zarya and Hog) when I can and if his charge changed in the suggested manner, I certainly wouldn’t complain :wink:


The sad thing is that the majority of the community believes he is “the most balanced hero in the game”. Maybe at one point that was true, but that hasn’t been the case for a long long time.


I think there’s some residual hatred from Triple Tank when most people accused the meta of turning into Barrierwatch. Even more so when Orisa was introduced and later when her shield was buffed.

Heck, recently I’ve suggested Symmetra be allowed to heal barriers but comments kept coming up about Barrierwatch and not wanting to “slow down” the game as if that’s inherently a bad thing.

I don’t know, I hope Rein gets looked at. He’s a fun character to have on my team, I miss the Lucio/Rein days to be honest.


I’m amazed that they had the audacity to give Brigitte a shield bash and not Rein, never mind that she can stun him with it even when he’s charging.

Just disrespectful.


he is. so is zarya. orisa is not, dva is not.

orisa should never get an 8sec cd for shield. she also should never be slower while shooting. blizzard already did this mistake for dva and it was utterly bad. they did that again and orisa was trash so they gave her a broken shield. i remember “shield buster” soldier but i never felt like this before. with dva and orisa against you, your shield is down in seconds. the only thing that save the day is that dropping the shield, taking dmg yourself, doesn’t charge high impact ultimates. but here comes hog… try dropping your shield against hog+orisa. nop, not a good idea.


I feel you. I know what it feels like to be useless. Hopefully they buff both our mains at the same time.

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I feel ya pain.
I found some love with Reinhardt too, i just love his Voicelines and playstyle and he was my goto tank in the last time if we needed one.

Always felt like that his Barrier melts way too fast and even with my, compared to your experience, low playtime on him i managed to have lots of charge and earthshatter problems.
I even took 2 or 3 Scatters through my barrier!

Never realy played him much though, started 2 months ago maybe to even consider choosing him if we needed a tank.
(Usually played with a friend before that, he picked Zarya/Rein so we always had a tank)
So i can´t say much about his play before all the changes hit live, but i am a Luciomain, who suffers from pretty much exactly the same thing Rein does. Maybe a bit different but in the core they both stay the same and the enviroment changes.

So i feel your pain, I hope something will be done for Rein or every other hero with this kind of Problem.

I would say “Don´t give up on him” but i know you won´t =)


Well said brother.

In addition, I have been preaching for him to get a shield bash for awhile, and as much as I like briggy, I have been a bit disappointed to see she had been granted the shield bash I wanted for Reinhardt…


44 total minutes on Reinhardt. People like you are the ones who are ruining him. People who think they know, but don’t know.


100hr would be more accurate. some of us have alt accounts

Lately I’ve started treating my Reinhardt play as an ‘off-DPS’ role. Yeah, he’s got a shield - but he’s also got a hammer; and there’s not a lot of things more satisfying that cleaving through three enemies who all got that bit too close. (Except maybe clobbering dragonblade Genjis.)

Like yeah, his barrier shield can help prevent my team from taking headshots, and that’s nice. But that shield’s gonna break and if I haven’t got Silver/Bronze damage from rampaging to charge my ulti, then I’m doing this wrong. :-p

suggestion: post on your main instead.


banned. flagging system is bad.

Insulting the majority of your audience is a good way to get people to agree with you.

too bad we all still agree with him.