Crossplay problem is a matchmaking one

I’m getting worse players in my console games than I expected.

I’m guessing they will take time to calibrate the matchmaking but I’ve had a lot of players playing like they are new to the game so far.

And I play exclusively console.


Is it live now?..………


I was open minded for this but I see console has the same instalock Widows as it did in 2016 and they were as good as they were in 2016 lol

Are these the curious Switch onetrick widows ? Which, as a general playerbase, would be the youngest since release by far.

It’s going to take awhile for the match maker to adjust

I used to play on PS4 between 2016 and end of 2018, having a Widow was basically like having an AFK on your team. From playing today I can see nothing has changed lol. Easier to just play Zen and go for kills yourself.

I still play on PS4 (lol) but I’m fairly certain that is how you get a ban speedrun because people cry you’re not healing them.

The one thing I am curious about is how good matches between Nintendo Switch (30 FPS) and Xbox X (120 FPS) players will go down.

Zen can still heal though

They just say that you’re playing an off healer and so want more heals, so…please play moira/mercy :pleading_face: . Never mind that essentially no healer combo can in fact heal stupidity.

Those are console facts.

I’ve told tanks before that it is mathematically impossible for them to get more healing than they are currently getting but they persist.