Creativity is the essence of discovery: Overwatch 2 Beta Statistical Analysis

Seems they accidentally swapped the % numbers for Roadhog and Sigma…

| Hero         | Damage    |
| Roadhog      | 33.10%    |
| Sigma        | -3.20%    |

Also, for everyone discussing Ana, the reason these stats don’t paint a complete picture is because she is difficult to balance around your team composition.

Individually, she may seem balanced with her lack of escape and the required aimskill as fair trade-offs. However, if the rest of the team provides a strong frontline presence, then her kit provides so much utility and healing that it can seem unfair or unbalanced.

Obviously, the answer is to change character and counter. But, as these conversations usually overlook, that’s a lot to ask of randos. And while I really enjoy that aspect of Overwatch, many players dislike the feeling of being forced to change character.

Personally, I just find the Sleep Dart as the most un-fun ability to play against. I’ve had situations where I have been hit, slept, and then hit again without ever waking up. At that point you know your death is certain because, even when woken up, you will die before you start moving. I would much rather be OHKO’d by a Widowmaker.

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Im appalled at how many of you are finding out just now that sigma is really good…

why do you people only compare one part of the kit without realizing there’s a whole lot different?
zen has no cooldowns
zen has higher dps
zen doesn’t have to sacrifice dps to heal
discord might just be the best debuff in the game, the only requirement for it is LoS

they are radically dofferent heroes. What i’d do is to make sleep dart minimum and maximum diration shorter (you wake up faster on hit) and only the heal negation of nade lasts 2s imstead of 3.
maybe for this ana could go back to 80 damage shots

My guess is having Roadhog on your team puts you more in a mindset of having to solo frag and focusing on personal positioning whereas Winston and Ball will give you something to try and follow up on which will leave you vulnerable if the dive fails while the Ball/Winston grapple/jump away, it is interesting

D.Va 43.80%

Watch them doing nothing about this for at least a year - just like they left her in the trash bin after the DM nerfs :joy:

Time to switch to DPS - after all that’s what the devs are telling us to play if we want to have fun :woman_shrugging:


I would have preferred the same thing to have been done with Shield Bash, in all honesty.

They aren’t radically different when facing down a flanker in a one on one situation which is what we’re talking about

Great line to use as the post title, considering OW2 is maybe the least “creative” AAA game release I’ve ever seen.

We went from a game with 21 wild and unique heroes, to one with three. Imagine having the balls to use the word “creativity” in relation to your game while doing that.

Can’t wait to “discover” the one new hero per role waiting for me in this new AAA game. Imagine having pride in this game as someone who worked on it, a downgrade in every way from the original from a creative standpoint.

Still going to have to fix Moira though, she’s done too well both betas.

No, you actually will still have 35 at launch, with two more coming in the first six months already confirmed, for 37. You cannot logically expect they would add 21 new heroes or some silliness along those lines, no game would do this that is an iteration of an FPS Hero Shooter.

They didn’t make those old heroes this time. They did it already.

That’s not what being creative is, you absolute shill. Take a day off, dang.

Again, it’s utterly unrealistic to think any iteration of an FPS is going to suddenly throw out 21new heroes, preposterous to suggest, no game would do this.

Enjoy the flag btw.

Which game is more creative, OW1 or OW2?

Be honest, shill. I want to see you malfunction like a robot being told a logical paradox.

Please continue - enjoying this.

LMAO you literally can’t answer. Incredible.

It’s not about “creative” as that doesn’t qualify as a reasonable change to the game. From the PVE perspective, as this is only Early Access, the unquestionably OW 2 in full form will be more creative, way more.

You just choose to arbitrarily draw the line on literally only the PVP portion, which is deceitful.

Anyone thinking an iteration of hero shooter each round gives you 20+ new characters is just off the curve for realistic expectations.

IM REFERRING TO THE TITLE OF THE POST. Hence the focus on “creativity”.

Why do you never read my posts before replying? Are you just an AI trained to attack anyone you detect criticizing Blizzard?

They didn’t apply in the sense you did, they are looking at creative differences in kit designs. I read your posts, they are just poorly contrived often.

To suggest that OW2 lacks creativity is patently false if we include the full game. OTOH, for just PVP, it’s also silly to suggest it would ever launch with something like 21 new characters… there is no level of “creativity” that would meet your arbitrary judgement here when considering a reasonable number of new characters and reworks.

Golly, you mean this post isn’t literally bragging about the creativity of OW2 in relation to OW1???

My goodness, I had no idea! Thanks for clearing that up for me. You are the smartest and most amazing poster I’ve ever seen!

It’s talking about creativity resulting in changes and then stemming from the statistical analysis fed back into design.

Keep explaining this to me, it’s definitely relevant and definitely something I don’t understand yet.

Wait, I’m still confused about something before you continue. What’s a video game?