Creativity is the essence of discovery: Overwatch 2 Beta Statistical Analysis

I responded to your direct comment, I am not wasting my morning talking about “whats a video game”, it’s just silly.

The entire post is about creativity in the general sense with character design and feedback. Not hard to grasp.

Yeah Blizzard is trying to be cool and hip. Stuck to making the game better guys…

It’s a Moira quote to theme their stats roundup. Take at least two chill pills and come back later. :pill: :pill:

I know what the quote is from lmao. I swear, the reading comprehension around here is abysmal.

If you had written something comprehensible, I would have read it and comprehended it. Alas, I have read the leaves in your salad and could not understand how you decided to claim the game isn’t “creative” because they only added three new heroes for the 2.0 patch.


the F?!
ana has to use her key abilities to survive a flank, which puts them on cooldown for the fight, plus her damage is relatively low and she has to stop healing to deal withna flanker
zen doesnt need to give up anything and in ow2 he has lucio boop without cooldown

Zen can’t effectively heal himself in a fight, has a huge hitbox, and a boop that only works at melee range because it’s his melee. If they don’t get in melee range then the kick is a moot point. You either shoot and kill them as Zen or you die, he doesn’t have any fancy tricks.

So if Zen can work, Ana can work without a stun

No monkey business.

yeah, i get it, you just hate ana and can’t think rationally
their kits are completely different, ana doesnt have zen’s damage and has pretty long cooldowns, on top of having to stop healing tonprotect herself.

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ana is less diveable than zen. and that’s fine. zen does stand a better chance in 1v1s, but is still less diveable due to tiny hitbox and sustain. ana doesn’t need nerfs though

Below 50% means youre gonna lose SR overall, but that is “”“fine”“” (wink wink, nudge nudge), got it

The fact theyre saying “fine” in every sentence should be treated like a dog whistle at this point, it should tell you their real motives, one of those imposters that are here to subvert people from the real facts so the hero stays stagnant, boring, and unimpactful.

So how about you go ahead and list ALL of those stats for every role/hero, like final blows.

In the context of hero balancing it might relate more to “user gameplay styles” than anything to do with winning however in terms of understanding the result of a single match in context they paint the whole picture.

What with you all claiming to be fighting the good fight against toxicity you would think that SOMEONE over there would have realized that only seeing partial stats
(even in the OW1 implementation of only seeing your own stats)
leads to people misinterpreting their and others’ value which results in arguments that rarely if ever reach a satisfactory conclusion.

Rather it is usually a prelude to:

  • a team breaking down in a heated argument,
  • soft throwing(just mentally “checking out” for the rest of the match),
  • hard throwing(refusing to do your expected job for 1 or more of your teammates)
  • Spending their time furiously typing in a bid to get others to report someone with them.
  • Other non constructive endings.

E.g: Tanks nor supports can see the stat Final Blows in OW1 and a common complaint among those roles vs dps is:
“Why do I have gold elims”, or “I have gold damage muh dps not doing anything”

And from there it just disolves into the exact toxicity y’all claim to want to avoid.

It would be a lot harder to make yourself or others believe “You’re the carry, everyone else bad” if they could see that of those “gold elims” other people were responsible for confirming half or 2/3ds of them.

The answer is more information, not less.

Less leads to ambiguity, trouble identifying what’s actually happened and more easily being able to misrepresent a situation for the one who wants to be toxic.

As you have proven over 7 years and with a pay2play rather than a f2p game where you actually have some leverage on players:
You can’t moderate it well at all.
In fact, toxicity is one of the things OW is known for!

So, if I have to face toxicity anyway, then I’d rather face it because of things that actually happened, with the option to plead my case to others or shut down the toxic person using facts and statistics that are then easily verifiable by both sides.

Now “do something, bob”

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Their kits are different, but their limitations are similar. I am rationally thinking, you are not.

If Ana has used all her cooldowns, she’s in the same boat as Zen but with less damage and a harder to shoot frame. If she hasn’t used all her cooldowns, then she either has 300 effective health with a potential 60 damage bonus(or 60 damage with a potential 100 healing bonus) or she has a stun that can guarentee an escape or kill. She can even have all of the above.

Don’t forget that she can panic nano someone as she’s dying and get value from the grave…

That is good news. I hope they both get buffed. I don’t think Lucio will get any buffs however. Thankfully he isn’t quite as strong as Zen tho. Crazy how just adding the boop kick changed things.

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but that’s often a waste, especially in 5v5. if your ana dies the fight is already close to being lost

True but irrelevant to the topic

it’s outright insane to think ana without cooldowns is as strong as base zen

I didn’t say she was, read it again and tell me where I said that

what do you think this means?
the way you word it is like “yeah without cooldowns ana is like zen, she has less damage but as a tradeoff she’s harder to hit”