Creativity is the essence of discovery: Overwatch 2 Beta Statistical Analysis

Compare Zen’s winrate to Ana’s and try that argument again. She’s not even close to his 54% winrate EVEN WITH nade and sleep. Obviously, they are not the same.

A lot of abilities in the game are obnoxious but it doesn’t make the ability unfair or the hero OP. Nobody likes getting slept, nobody likes getting one-shot, nobody likes getting hacked, nobody likes getting spamzo’d, nobody likes getting hooked. And sometimes those things can be avoided and sometimes they can’t. Any hero in this game can work without certain abilities, but just because you don’t like something or just because you can’t adapt your playstyle to avoid being caught by those abilities more often than not does not mean those abilities should be changed or removed.

I will not compare it, I was not talking about their performance. I was talking about one ability and how obnoxious it is and saying a character with similar limitations functions just fine without said ability.

If anything, Zen’s higher winrate just proves the point more!

My winrate on Lucio was high, easily in the 60% bracket. This will have distorted the console statistics. :joy:

To me these stats show that even though Ana may not be the best pick (looking at her winrate), she might be the most fun support to play as, due to her pickrate numbers.

What a mess. Good luck in October.

Anyone that thinks Junker Queen ain’t broken are in denial. If the enemy team has her and your team doesn’t there’s a high chance that you’re going to lose. She’s almost essential unless you have an amazing Rein player.

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With the removal of CC Ball is a lot harder to deal with. A lot of his normal counterplay has been removed.

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Laughing at how Mercy’s winrate nosedived after her GA “buffs” went through.

lol @ everyone on here saying it made her better


i love these details, and i agree with the post that zen needed not to lose his kick. but could you please give it a short internal cooldown? i feel it’s weird to be booped three times in a row off a cliff. like the first kick i was not near enough to boop off, so he just rapid fire kicked me again and again till i was off the cliff, with no chance to get away because i can’t run while in the air (and the boosters were off cooldown due to diving).

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That’s theory.

Not quite working out. Turns out, paradoxically, the solo-ist tanks from OW1 don’t work too well in 5v5.

Yeah the stats from the first beta showed that while popular, Ana wasn’t the boogie man of supports that people where saying she was as her unmirrored win rate was terrible. Now we have some stats from the 2nd beta and look at that, Ana in an unmirrored match ups is STILL pretty terrible stat wise.

and at the bottom of the list… It just shows why they don’t balance around pick rate…

These numbers are not be taken serious.

  1. You had bronze players in same game with diamond players.
  2. Heros vs map selection is a7n important factor.
  3. Win rate broken down by mmr is vital because some heros are just better at low levels and since the average players tends to play around high silver to mid gold. Well your mei, torbs, junks, syms are more viable.
  4. Look at Rein. He isnt good in 5v5 but hid win% is because his playstyle essentially doesn’t change and everyone know hoe to play around him.

Unmirrored match based on that said hero in a particular role, not other roles, but could affect other heroes in the said role.

An unmirrored match from Sigma could have 2 reapers and don’t affect the reaper metric, but could affect Orisa metric if that player at some point played as Orisa during the match and the opposite team tank played the entire match by example. That would count as a win for sigma and orisa, while at same time count as loss to

The limit should lean towards 50% but at same time some players swap heroes during the match putting a bit of noise on the system. Were matches with no exactly rulings or without any additional noise.

Win rate = wins of a player who used that tank in a match without having the opposite team having the same tank. An player could pick 3 tanks in the said match and lost, would account 3 loss on tanks.

That’s why they tried to track Junker Queen with: E/D, pickrate and wins.

Well, those heroes aren’t weak, never were. Just too niche or only adequate for certain situations. Folks tend to pick them on favorable conditions which would reflect on those values tbh.

Reaper, Mei and Winston aren’t heroes too reliant on aim and they are often really forgiving on mistakes, which can suit well on certain kinds of crowds. While Mei and Reaper have their own niches and mains. All three often are used as “means” to deal with widows by example which has almost inverse value of their winrates. 49% against 51.3-51.6%, the only “outlier” would be mei which can be used on rush compositions and JQ/brig/lucio combos. Genji, Mei, Pharah were really popular on JOKES, reinforcing their overall win rates being similar to each other.

Keep in mind that Win rates doesn’t exactly reflect on the overall pickrate, just heroes being used in situations that favors them. Also because is unmirrored means that the other team wasn’t using those, which can be a hint of stomping new players or non “META” related ones.

Data without context doesn’t generate much useful information, that’s why they done their approach on JQ checking other patterns and stats.

I would like to see a public source of that metric, to help folks analyze better that kind of data. But I sincerely doubt they will do that, because that kind of data is golden for certain stuff.

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I wish we had access to information like this. I’d love to see my stats for each map, my stats for playing with and against each hero. It would give us real feedback as to what maps we need to rethink, and what hero’s we need to play better around.


Yep. You would expect a 50% unmirrored win rate if the hero was balanced.

Below and the hero loses more than they win.

Above 50% and the hero wins more than they lose.

Well, given the fights have the same number of tanks on each side. If one tank had a CRAZY high unmirrored win rate, it would push the others down.

By nerfing JQ, the other tanks would go up.


which one are you talking about the beta start or the buffs after the beta

I think I may have bumped up D.Va and Orisa’s winrate for console a little bit

D.Va was mid and Orisa was terrible on the winrate chart, so my heroes still have a chance of getting buffed

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Yes, going from 49% → 48.5% to 48% after the drop, then the following day going right back to around 48% → 48.5%. More like to me people adjusting to a new style, then realizing it doesn’t take that long to adapt to it.

A real nose dive is JQ’s 58% → 54%. That’s a nose dive. The more direct result of the SJ changes is that pretty much with each iteration they managed to keep Mercy ‘balanced’ by neither dropping nor incredibly buffing the character. The perception of mercy getting ‘worse’ is largely up to people whining at this point to me.

Mercy might get more stuff in future, but for the time being I’d say she’s quite fine over all. Seems more like Hog, Orisa, Dva, and Baptiste are in more need of changes which fits the general perception of these heroes to most players.

“death rates of other heroes when tank is played”

orisa isnt there

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You can say that all you want, Niandra talked to the Devs and they said they are testing the directional GA with no meter at all :hugs: Keep on trying to keep the hero weak though ig!

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