Creativity is the essence of discovery: Overwatch 2 Beta Statistical Analysis

Nobody gave that defense to people who called Doomfist op, so you can’t give it to people who call Ana op.

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And why can’t I? What are you gonna do to stop me? And Doomfist got changed, Ana remained the same


If you’re so adamant about this -

Give me a single replacement for sleep dart that lets Ana not be dive fodder that doesn’t make her even worse to deal with than she already is.

And again. People aren’t complaining because she’s “poorly designed”, they’re pulling out playrates and calling her op. People were wrong when they did that with DF, they’re wrong now. If you want to make a point about a hero, be precise about your language.


Make sleep dart less effective over distance, swap it out for some form of mobility akin to Widow or Ashe that’s made with defense/retreat in mind rather than offense/pushing, make sleep into a slow/drowsy status instead of a full on stun

They could do lots of things


This gets shot down on every thread by Ana haters since it would still be the same against heroes like Doom or Winston. That’s a no.

This lets her reposition quickly and get off more effective antis way easier. Anti is also super complained about, again, a no from Ana haters.

She’d be flanker fodder with this change.

It would still be good against dive and flankers, but not good in every situation all the time like it is now

I specifically said to give the mobility defense oriented use as in it shoots her backwards exclusively. Would make it much more dangerous to try and use offensively, especially since she wouldn’t have a way back out and no sleep dart.

She wluld not be fodder because the flankers would be easy to shoot and damage while Ana moves out of their effective range. However, they would still have a chance to fight back instead of their fate being left to chance. If Zen works without a stun, Ana can work without a stun, fullstop.

Un-mirrored win rate drops to 44%. That means that if the enemy team is NOT running a Mercy, they are at an advantage.


Barely a mention regarding symmetra changes lol

Disappointed but not surprised. And her winrate went down after her ‘buffs’?

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Same thing happened to Mei as well (I don’t know about Bastion, though).

There seems to be a pattern here…

I was one of those Mercy-playing beta testers. I played Mercy not because it was fun. I played so I could provide informed feedback, with the hopes it would help make the game better.

I found the clutter on the new maps gets in the way of guardian angel and provides no real cover, since it is all trivially easy for flankers to walk around it, and I found her beam range was insufficient for the new free-for-all, spread-out play style. I found that I repeatedly had to 1v1 DPS with the worst weapon in the game, and in the first beta they ALSO had an additional speed advantage. I found that I spent an inordinate amount of time being chased rather than supporting my team, and although my death rate was still lower than my team, I still died more often than in OW1. And I found that the most important part of my mobility kit (prop bounce) was busted in all iterations, making it hard to do one of the most basic things Mercy does: fly to someone on higher ground.

In short, it was not fun, and I will not play Mercy anymore if this is what OW2 will look like in the final release.


Watch them slap on the orb and buff her damage beam by 30%

don’t get me wrong, I do think mercy 100% needs buffs, I was just saying that it was untrue that mercy was barely played last beta


HD winston

HD winston

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you misread the graph. that was JQ’s line that showed her winrate falling as a result of the balance patch, Sym jumped up in unmirrored winrate to 58% after the balance patch because she only received buffs. their line colours were just very similar.

if you’re talking about Sym being bad, you cannot come at it from a winrate POV, she’s always been insane in that regard. you have to take a look at her low pickrate and how it feels to play her instead.

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Yeah, I saw a lot of Mercy, too.

when will you admit orisa’s rework was a failure?
her kit just doesnt work, it lacks cohesion and she doesn’t really have any actual threat.

please remove the falloff or make her hitscan

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Technically, anything can work if the numbers are high enough. If they just buff up things in her kit, she’ll be even more fun and powerful. Sure, you have to make sure she doesn’t run the game all the sudden, but that’s pretty easy to do.

Some examples could be simple things like removing the falloff from her gun, increasing the spear’s damage, increasing the AoE of the spear spin, etc. Some more crazy things could be making the spear act like Doom punch in which it would hit multiple people, moving faster when in Fortify but only moving forward, things like that.

People reeeeeeally need to be looking at this more. For all the talk about how superbuffed tanks were, things are looking very dicey in this class. Orisa and Doomfist’s reworks are looking incredibly UP, Sigma is STILL dominating, and most of the traditional off-tanks are bordering on useless in 5v5.

tanks are superbuffed, some just need even more buffs

yeah, but that wouldnt really be good design
orisa needs a niche for herself, right now she offers nothing other tanks can do better.

removing faloff and giving back the “start big then shrink” projectile size would be good. That way she’s a threat the enemy has to deal with lest she suppress fires you into oblivion.
i’d also give her back the 144 dps she used to have on launch, because she must not rely on an ability to get anything resembling a kill