Create your own hero!

I’m very bored and curious right now.
If Overwatch were to let YOU create a hero, what would you create?
Name, gender, age, abilities, concept, image/the look, etc.
You don’t have to go into detail but if you do, I will read every bit because I am INTRIGUED


I’ve had an idea for a tank for a while with a barrier setup like you see in Destiny. Deployable, but only provides lower body cover unless you crouch behind it, except at the center which is tall enough to provide space for the tanks.

Primary fire shoots projectiles. Slow fire rate, but good damage and high speed.
Ability 1 is a chargeable piercing projectile, damage increases the longer its charged. Bounces off surfaces up to 3 times.
Ability 2 is a temporary front-facing barrier. Damage absorbed is converted into healing for self and nearby allies.
Ability 3, when activated, enters targeting mode. Press again to quickly travel in that direction. Intangibility during dash. Basically omni-directional fade with an extra step.
Ultimate is a general movement buff. Increased speed and jump height. Also grants unlimited ammo.

I just want support hero with guitar. We have lucio we need now another but working for talon.

It seems like you want a whole band of heroes.
Starting with “Guitar Hero”
Then moving to “Rock Band”

I have a few, hope you’ll enjoy :innocent:
Chinese hero, age is from 37 to 52
I thought about mama Hong concept. And I thought, that she could work at laundry. In some kind of gang. I even made backstory for her.

She saw one of chinese environmental disasters made by energy company, because she is radiation specialist. Owners of the station started to kill people to remove any evidence of failure. While mama Hong picked up some radiation stuff and killed every bastard in a room. Then she hid her identity and became mama Hong, protector of China ecology safety.

and no, it isn’t similar to Mei. Mei is more kind and polite and uses ice to freeze all conflicts in the name of ecology. While mama Hong knows for what does she fighting for and have real weapons/radiation stuff. She knows why environmental disasters happen and who gains profit from it, just like from ecology politics.
I also thought about Indian female dwarf hero concept. She is 52-66 year old. She is expert in quantum physics and even got a few nobel prises for her discoveries. She believes in so called “circle of life”, and her gameplay is based on that. She is kind-hearted but her actions got controversial, after she stood up to protect people from “Utopia” corporations w her quantum weapon. She was detected in amount of illegal activities, but no one can detect her, because she can be in several places at once.

she got one w the universe, and she likes to help people, although she can act cold. she is misunderstood genius that sees smaller pictures.

yeah, I’m kinda lore nerd :nerd_face:

Werewolf-based character.

Technically a dps role. Melee based. Runs on all fours, very slightly faster than normal speed. Fast claw attacks. Regenerates his own health but only after not taking damage for a few seconds, like Mercy but at a slower rate. Shift ability is a leap, not quite like Genji but more upward like Baptiste. E ability is a bite that deals a lot of damage and inhibits/slows healing effects on the target for a few seconds.

Ult is a shift into a massive tank form, gaining a bunch of HP but moving more slowly. Self-regen speeds up and happens even when taking damage. Maybe he can do his shift-leap in this form, maybe not (would need testing). If he makes an E bite attack in this form, his target is “cursed” and is capable of damaging allies with attacks – basically friendly fire gets turned on for that hero for a few seconds.

Going with OW’s SF genre, this guy would probably be some kind of Weird Science Experiment Gone Wrong rather than some mystical curse.

A healer that looks at Genji and insta kills him

jk we have Moira for that :smiling_imp:

but srsly, There was a concept for Moira before her release where she had 600 health or w.e and she used her own health to heal people, I’d like to see how something like that would work in the game for a new hero.


I wrote a whole thread because of this… so here ya go. haha

The actual thread is gone, since it was “Too hard to read”

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I would like to see something created around Talon Heavy assault

I’ve already made a hero Suggestion… Maybe you want to check it out? :heart: