Counters to Dive please

I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thanks

In Masters/GM only was dive actually played. I cant tell you how many plat/diamond teams went “Let’s go dive” and played the chokepoint with Dva/Winston/Tracer/Genji.

This isnt the same game. A Brig will still provide enough armor to make dive plenty harder, and a Sigma/Zarya/Sombra/Sym/Brig/Baptiste team can probably counter any dive assault.

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How about making Brig usable especially now that her kit is more fair? Make it so dive doesnt counter her anymore please…

Rip s5, ill miss you.

Dive is dead as Disco.

The counter is to be at a rank below Master.

I’m sure you can do it. I have confidence in you.

Do you have any data to back that? Because a lot of people love to make claims like these without anything to back it up. Percentages based off you pulling numbers out of the air is not factual nor valid.

They’re not.


…Is OP.
Zenyatta was literally a dive staple, even moreso than Lucio.

Wow that’s basically more than right now!
Tank balance is such disgusting garbage right now.

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They keep saying they don’t force metas. Those patch notes are a complete coincidence.

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Dive most definitely does not counter Brig lol. Brig is still great against dive.

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lol dive is based tho

Pretty sure that is statistically incorrect. People still played Rein quite a bit, because Dive was pretty difficult. Reinhardt was an easier option.

What we have now is far worse. Bunker/Double barrier is imo, the easiest thing ever and the most effective.

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I’m not the guy you replied to, but Jeff posted on the forums during dive saying that it wasn’t played below Masters. And there was a separate post giving the competitive tier distribution. GM was 1% of the player base and Masters was 3%. So, they said 97% never played dive. The actual number is 96%. Very close though.

And I don’t have the historical pick rates, but dive was the most diverse meta. I will back them up on that. I don’t remember specific numbers, but the pick rates at lower ranks were really well balanced. And even higher up there was more counterplay than with bunker, double shield, or Goats.

Do you know where I can find this post?

No, you just couldn’t play Rein on specific maps, but on KR he was good yeah.

So, here are a few links that I was able to. These are old because they were from the old days.

That’s all I could find.

Or perhaps theyre just trying to balance the game so theres more than just a few viable heroes to choose from.

I 100% agree. Maybe Blizzard should consider making a hero against dive. Maybe the hero could have a shield, stun, and gives shield. Maybe we can call her Torbette or Brigi…oh wait.

It was diverse only thanks to Moth Mercy, if it wasn’t her Dive would have been stale af (and prior to her rework it was stale). Other than that, what diversity it had? Tracer-Genji as DPS? as tanks? Yeah, so diverse.